Sunday, December 21, 2014

Day 190: Family Dynamics - the drama continues! (part 3)

Continuing from:

The second move that I watched was very similar - I really got a good dose of American feel good drama. It is called 'The Skeleton Twins (2014)' and focuses around the relationship of a brother and sister, starting with the brother trying to commit suicide over his depression, after which the sister invites him to go stay with her and her partner. From there the story develops around his experiences - but also starts showing that the sisters life is not so perfect because again - here comes in the factor of her having affairs left right and centre and general dissatisfaction with her life, which towards the end of the movie places strain on their sibling-relationship which comes to blows and obviously towards the end in true Hollywood style they 'forgive each other' and all is good again.

Interesting, if these movies were to show 'self forgiveness' and changing Self instead of forgiving 'others' and 'moving on'- then obviously people would be bored out of their skulls and it would not be called 'entertainment' because currently our entertainment as I have indicated shows where we are within our current expression within the mind - because what entertains us shows us about what exist in each one of us. Not a pretty picture.

What stands out a lot about this second move, is how we again simply accept things, don’t question things and take life for granted. How pre-designed rules of conduct pre-determine how each person 'must' live. But what stands out clearly in both movies is that if you simply follow societal acceptable 'norms' - in the end all of these people 'secretly' rebelled against these norms and ended up causing harm to themselves and others, simply because the results of 'following' norms and acceptable behaviour had the result of for example people cheating, lying, stealing. So what came first the chicken or the egg? Meaning what came first the human as irresponsible requiring societal norms and rules, or did we as hand full of people establish rules and norms according to what appeared like normal behaviour and this has simply never been questioned. Which means that all of us are to afraid to question 'norms', are to afraid to simply say 'ok I am not happy within this relationship' or in this job etc - I want to create change for myself...' Instead we end up with things like affairs and depression and suicide - because nobody wants to change?

If we don’t change ourselves as the norms and rules and dishonesty we accept inside of ourselves but keep doing things in secret inside ourselves - then how do we ever expect for things 'out there' to get better? I mean on the surface as this movie again reminded me -we put on our best faces, pretend to be happy in our marriages etc - but behind closed doors there are whole other realities playing out for people. We are to afraid to speak up about what really exist inside of us as our secret desires and wants. Then we really act them out - but pretend we don’t. Society in 'real-time' gets harmed by what we really do to each other and ourselves -and then we claim nobody can be trusted and we continue accepting societal rules and norms! Huh?

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Day 189: Family Dynamics - the drama continues! (part 2)

Continuing from:

Day 188: Family Dynamics - the drama continues! (part 1)

So basically this move starts out with estranged, pissed off, resentful family members coming together because of a dying fathers wish` and then for the 7 days that they 'mourn together' these family members bicker and fight and at times physical climb into each other. So my first question was why sit in a room with people you dislike (they even admit that they do not like each other) all for a man who is dead? Here obviously the belief exists that a dead person is now siting in some afterlife holding you accountable for whether you follow through on his wishes or not. Does this change the fact that while he was alive the family were distant and angry with each other? No of course not - it does not change the circumstances before the man died and certainly did not change the way that the person died (usually from some disease like Cancer). So again a belief directed people instead of us directing ourselves.

Ok so now one would argue that the family were driven to communicate and try and sort out their issues because of the circumstances around the fathers death. Yes but why must we as human beings apparently wait until we emotionally manipulate ourselves into changing - because that is what we are doing if a persons approaching death is the reason for us to do something.

Therefore this story shows us how self absorbed we are as human beings and how we are driven by guilt and fear and resentment and tradition - which shows that this is what we are as the essence of ourselves.

Ok so now the family are together and they are in the room for 10 mins and the fighting starts. Is this how we 'honour' the memory of a dead person - with our emotional turmoil that takes precedence -again showing the layers of self interest that exist as the human. I mean why do we then do these types of ceremonies if all we are there to do is take center stage with our emotion al turmoil?

Now as the story unfolds - you see that each person is trapped in some form of a drama - there is cheating and lying and money grabbing etc etc. Again I sit there and I have to ask myself the question. I know that I don’t participate that much in the system with people, but boy oh boy how much of what is depicted in these movies really happens to and by people and why do we find this entertaining? So 2 questions came up in me - how much of this is based on real life stories? I mean towards the end of the movie every one of the family members was having an affair. I was like WHAT?? Ok so if this is slight dramatization - lets say of even 40 percent of it was true,  - then that is seriously messed up. Yikes. Next question was why do we find this entertaining - the nastiest of human behaviour? I mean for me as someone who studies and wants to understand the human mind and human behaviour it was, as this blog indicates a lesson about human behaviour and also about the human mind and entertainment. I did not enjoy the movie in the least because as I have now summarized it was about decrepit human behaviour, which is encapsulated in the family system into acceptable dramatic behaviour - which sorry to say is not only Hollywood 'dramatization'. This is what happens in many family environments - an outlet for emotional and reactive mind patterns, in an environment where you get away with it because of a belief that family must take each others 'stuff' and allow each other an acceptable platform for being 'who they are'. Ouchy.

Day 188: Family Dynamics - the drama continues! (part 1)

A few weeks ago I did a vlog about family dynamics and the how through using the Desteni tools I have changed myself within my family dynamics or 'design': Day 177: Transforming Family Dynamics: Sibling Relationships. This morning I watched 2 movies - both them focussed around family dynamics and the usual 'feel good American Drama'. You know the kind of movie where for an hour and a half all you see is chaos, fighting, lying, betrayal and emotional conflict and yet in the last 10 mins of the move they manage to leave the viewer 'feeling' like 'everything will be 'alright' and like everyone in the movie despite their despicable behaviours will be 'ok'. So - these 2 movies were exactly like that, jam packed with intense emotional baggage and the usual family bickering and drama and yet towards the end of both movies the directors after all of that attempted to make me experience warm fuzzy feelings - because together with the 'negative emotions' this is the full package of human emotions  -of what we experience on a day to day basis.

Let me give a basic summary of what each movie was about. The first one was called 'This is where I
leave you (2014).' Basically it is about a family who come together at the dying wishes of the father. The father wants all of the children after his death to stay together for a week and celebrate his death through some Jewish ceremony where from what I understood everyone sits around in a room for a week, eating and sharing stories about the father (don’t quote me I am simply drawing from what I saw lol).  From the beginning as all of the children arrive - you notice one thing. That everyone hates each others guts, have long standing issues with each other over past mistakes and are in conflict with the mother because she is controlling and walks around half the time with her silicone boobs popping out - which obviously the children find 'unsuitable behaviour'. Each of the family members are stuck in their own life drama, which intertwines with the conflict and drama that exist within the family system. So you have layers of information around people's personal lives and the drama that ensures as soon as these family members are in the same room.

So my first question is 'why?'. This was something that I spoke about in the vlog on family dynamics, to discuss and bring to the fore the purpose of why family members come together in the first place. It becomes a 'cesspool' for emotional-mind drama, where obviously very little is resolved and throughout the entire movie most of what happens is that people fight and contribute to each others emotional issues. Obviously towards the end of the move Hollywood uses hope and 'positive' feelings to draw the movie to a conclusion - where as per holywood style the family members find resolution within the problems they are facing - not all of them good. Most of the points that come across are about yet again 'accepting ones life'.

In the vlog as I mentioned I spoke about the cesspool of human behaviour which becomes the family unit. Where we automatically assume and believe that because we were born from the same parents we should al be together and 'do stuff together'. This shows us that belief systems are really not of much value in this physical reality, because by holding onto belief systems we will act in ways and accept behaviours from ourselves and others, which as the movie shows is obviously not 'what is best' for us - and continue to make decisions that flow from the original starting point  - which in this case is the belief that family must spend time together, do things together and 'want to be with each other'.

From my experience this usually results in people venting their emotional reactions towards each other, especially when people's personality-mind designs are similar or specifically in conflict with each other - but through the belief of 'we must want to be together' people stay and are constantly drawn to each other, when clearly it is not a good match.

For example in the vlog I spoke about how we would not walk up to a stranger on the street and say ok 'I must want to be with you in your life and you must be with me' and thereafter that no mater what, you and this stranger will be in each others lives, seeing each other often, getting in each others faces, whether it is actually productive or not. Generally, we don’t do that - because if we do not 'like' or 'get along' with a stranger we simply ignore them and walk away. We become friends and partners with those people whom we have specific connections with and whom we believe we are 'enjoying'. Obviously friendship and relationships also have their own design, which I will not go into in this blog - and as such will focus on 'family dynamics'...

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Day 187: The Paranormal Series part 42: The difference between Energy and Breath 3

Previous Blogs:

"Waiting for invisible gods and energies to sort out this reality - It is like giving little children permission to decide the fate of millions of beings - where they can decide that invisible little fairies living in some cosmic realm - either likes you and will send you food or they don’t. Crude analogy but that is basically what it comes down to. Even your most level headed person, that I have come across will have a religious mind set when it comes to things like suffering, starvation etc. Even if the person does not claim to belong to a religion, there still exist a construct of religion in their mind (the realm of invisible things) - where invisible forces are responsible for those dam poor sods that cant feed themselves. You will always hear the excuse of 'well shame they should just find jobs - really what jobs - invisible jobs? Or 'well they are just not trying' oh ok so the millions of people who end up in low wage shitty jobs for their entire lives because there are obviously not enough decent income jobs for millions of people in one city - you are saying… they are just not trying enough? Is that invisible fuzzy logic you are using - where you get to make things up and that makes the situation of the world 'ok'? So again invisible fuzzy logic bubbles in the sky - where basically any reason made up by the capitalist mind as to why suffering and abuse in our current capitalistic system is ok, 'because 'we said so'. This again also comes down to the 'I think therefore I am 'crap. Where because we as humans believe we are at the top of the food chain due to our apparent 'superior intellect' anything that comes up in our minds is absolutely proof of its 'rightness'. Again I suggest that we get off our high horses and realise that the only reason why we believe ourselves superior to other life forms is that we use physical force against other life forms if they don’t let us have our 'superiority' Therefore we have categorised and forced animals and nature into roles that we want them in, and if they don’t go into those roles, we shoot, kill, enslave and maim them. "

Ok so to get back onto the topic of energy versus breath. Am I able to stop my heart from beating -no. Then the question is would I want to stop my heart beating or my lungs breathing - no because then I would die. So what we know is that the physical is self sustaining separate from our intervention and if we were to interrupt the physical and it dies or is damaged then we no longer exist or are no longer able to function as we would like to. Energy on the other hand - one is able to stop and energy does run out. For example have you ever realised that you were getting angry with someone but that your anger was misplaced? And in that moment of realisation due to your awareness of what you were doing - you stopped the energy of anger? Therefore what does this show - that energy is not constant and eternal - it can be directed by us - by our beingness. One more example before I 'explain' beingness. Right now you are able to create an energy experience for yourself - such as thinking about a holiday you always wanted and from within your body as you go through all the imaginary images of what it will be like and you start feeling the excitement etc - now an energy build up in you - but a moment later the energy runs out. Same as with consumerism, which functions according to 'energy' - you will go into an energy high when you start thinking about buying something and the whole day you are exited, going to the shops -you heart might be beating faster, there is a lump in your stomach, it is all you think about - you feel a buzzing in your body. You purchase the item and you feel 'high' and exited, and you get home and you play with your new toy for days you are on it and happy and content…. And then a few days/weeks go by and the energy runs out and the item is just another 'thing' in your house and then one start looking for the next 'item' or experience to make us feel something inside. This is the nature of energy. And this is why - if you use common sense - spirituality and religion was created -so that we will always have a point we are able to turn to, access in any given moment that will raise/increase our energies and give us that 'special feeling' - which is an energy. So does this mean all of humanity is already addicted to drugs - and when the physical cannot handle the high energy that constantly is mined from the body and it starts to fail then we have to go on drugs and then we are again addicted to drugs. So if we point fingers at 'drug' addiction who are we really pointing at? We are all already drug addicts.

Depending on ones specific personality design, you will either turn to consumerism and main stream experiences for your 'energy' such as partying, clubbing, specialising, etc or one would turn to things like health, sport, fitness or spirituality etc -where one will 'become better' at what you do and 'follow the practice' because the original energy one experiences ran out and now one has to proceed along to have more energy experiences - as that which is 'new' to the mind generates energy.

So in this interview Mykey places emphasis on our beingness which is that part of ourselves through which we question what we do - that part of ourselves through which we are able to observe what it is that we are doing - not the reactive personality that is 'doing' - but that calm common-sensical 'consistent' 'stable' part of self that sometimes comes up and allows one to clearly see without 'energy movement' what it is that one is doing. Ever experienced that? Well that is our beingness - and no it does not come from some spiritual energy body. Remember we have now already discussed that the energy body only sees energy systems. The 'seeing that comes with awareness comes from….. the physical body - that part of ourselves that is consistent, here as the life force which is 'Substance'. If one is 'seeing' with awareness what one is doing, creating, participating in - and a shit occurs when one goes out of seeing here 'direct' to an energy experience where one links specific values and beliefs and ideas again to what one is seeing then what do we know - we have gone into the mind back into the energy systems.

So this for us who have been working with 'self awareness' through the tools of writing, self honesty and self forgiveness - takes practice. It takes discipline and diligence - and sometimes one 'thinks' you are seeing within awareness what one is doing and then maybe a month later you look back and you realise that instead of sticking to the basic practical physical points of what is here as the actuality of each point - one might have shifted into an energy system. This takes practice and one simply allows oneself to reflect back on ones life and day through writing or self introspection - to see where was I in my day to day decisions.

Day 186: The Paranormal Series part 41: The difference between Energy and Breath 2

Previous Blog:

"Therefore what I am referring to here - is one of the points that Mykey also mentions in the interview - where human awareness always actually does know what we are doing to ourselves - but we don’t use awareness to change what we are doing. This in itself obviously indicates the addictive nature to what exist within us as our energy systems - which we do not want to change…"

Now to get to the main point of the interview - Mykey was referring to Energy versus the breath. I drew a line showing how energy systems have developed into a beliefs system that no matter what energy is real and energy is 'who we are' and that if one were to address energy systems and patterns within a human that is not what is best for all - you will be crucified for your blasphemy because you are indirectly spitting in the eye of god. Therefore we do not question the invisible guy in the sky and we also don’t question the invisible energy reactions in the human.

Therefore while on the topic of the difference between energy systems, which as I have now covered is considered 'who we are' and breathing - lets walk an example of both to see what is it that we really are. Ok - energy -as I have explained above - most will describe all forms of energy currently in our human understanding as 'godly' or cosmic'. But - is energy really who we are - this is always the debate between spiritualists and myself - where I have on many occasions had light workers and spiritualists getting quite angry with my blogs or vlogs because from my perspective light workers and people who 'follow energy' of the mind are Elitists - people who have their basic needs seen to and now have the time and privilege to dabble in energy systems - while making it sounds as if the ones out there trying to merely survive are 'doing something wrong' from some cosmic perspective that they too are not 'taken care of' my some god or cosmic intervention. Talk about turning the tables - to actually not consider that our money system is at any given time only able to provide jobs and money and opportunities for so many people, and therefore many other factors come into play for a large group of people to live on the bread line or in poverty and therefore to diminish the actual reality of how we allow people to starve to death - because we justify their fate in some invisible energy/cosmic sense - is to me the true evil in this world. Therefore I indicate that if you really want to 'change the world' or call yourself a 'light worker' or humanitarian', surely one must considered how this reality really functions and not the illusion of energy through which obviously we are not able to feed people and stop the current behaviour of the human and systems of the world such as your economics systems. If this were so- with millions of light workers focusing 'daily' on changing reality through invisible forces - would there not be change already?

Waiting for invisible gods and energies to sort out this reality - It is like giving little children permission to decide the fate of millions of beings - where they can decide that invisible little fairies living in some cosmic realm - either likes you and will send you food or they don’t. Crude analogy but that is basically what it comes down to. Even your most level headed person, that I have come across will have a religious mind set when it comes to things like suffering, starvation etc. Even if the person does not claim to belong to a religion, there still exist a construct of religion in their mind (the realm of invisible things) - where invisible forces are responsible for those dam poor sods that cant feed themselves. You will always hear the excuse of 'well shame they should just find jobs - really what jobs - invisible jobs? Or 'well they are just not trying' oh ok so the millions of people who end up in low wage shitty jobs for their entire lives because there are obviously not enough decent income jobs for millions of people in one city - you are saying… they are just not trying enough? Is that invisible fuzzy logic you are using - where you get to make things up and that makes the situation of the world 'ok'? So again invisible logics fuzzy bubbles in the sky - where basically any reason made up by the capitalist mind as to why suffering and abuse in our current capitalistic system is ok, 'because 'we said so'. This again also comes down to the 'I think therefore I am 'crap. Where because we as humans believe we are at the top of the food chain due to our apparent 'superior intellect' anything that comes up in our minds is absolutely proof of its 'rightness'. Again I suggest that we get off our high horses and realise that the only reason why we believe ourselves superior to other life forms is that we use physical force against other life forms if they don’t let us have our 'superiority' Therefore we have categorised and forced animals and nature into roles that we want them in, and if they don’t go into those roles, we shoot, kill, enslave and maim them...

Day 185: The Paranormal series Part 40: The difference between Energy and Breath 1

This blog will discuss the content from the following Eqafe interview:

 Demons in the Afterlife - Part 13

Previous blogs/vlogs in the "Paranormal Series':

In this interview Mykey speaks about Breath versus Energy - which for those who are familiar with the Desteni Principles - breath and energy are 2 terms that most are familiar with. Because in these 'Demon in the Afterlife' interviewss and blogs we (mykey and myself) are referring to terms such as energy, mind possession and breathing - I wanted to open up this point of 'Energy' versus 'Breathing - because it makes up a fundamental part of the Principles from which I am walking these blogs. Also - because my previous 3 vlogs went more into the details of stopping oneself when going down the rabbit hole of a pattern and how to live ones self corrections - I wanted to bring this interview about breath in here specifically as all these support points go together.

It also follows nicely on my previous blog on: Day 184: Self Purification through Writing, Self Forgiveness and Self Application

So basically to recap on what Mykey was speaking about: I have found that for us humans Energy is seen as the pinnacle of human existence from 2 perspectives: (1) For example you will have people who are into religion and spirituality whom see energy as the reason why we exist - the spirit or energy bodies thus being considered as 'who we really are' and that our human physical bodies are merely vessels for these energy bodies. These energy bodies are seen as timeless and cosmic or divine - where they come from many life times, and thus contain as part of their experiences a vast amount of information stored in the energy body - which from the perspective of spirituality - we are to align ourselves to, if we are to draw from the many life times of 'lessons' learnt and wisdom obtained - as we have travelled for many lifetimes through spiritual journeys. This then becomes our ultimate goal as the human to 'better ourselves' in the spiritual sense. Therefore disease, body discomfort, mental anguish, stress, emotional pain etc - is often described in terms of us not really being 'in tune' with our spiritual selves or 'energy selves', or 'energy bodies' and therefore from the perspective of 'new age' therapies and spiritual practises the key of 'therapy' would always be to align ones chakras, energies, etc - therefore the assumption has always been more that that the chakras and other 'energy' systems are more than who we are as the body and the mind.

In religion and spirituality we obviously also place 'more' emphasis on the invisible energy realms because of the belief in the existence of gods and deities - therefore in the mind a connection has been created between our spiritual, invisible bodies and that of the 'invisible god in the sky' theories. Therefore in spirituality and mainstream religions if something is invisible and is connected in terminology to 'god' and 'heaven' then that which is invisible and described as belonging to the same invisible energy systems as that of this god - must be good and wise. And therefore on the one hand you will have one religion sitting in churches every Sunday focussing on invisible beings in heaven, whom they connect to while in his holy temple and receive messages from through the minister/priest - but as long as no other religion does the same lol. And here you have the battle of religious condemning each other for not worshiping the correct invisible god/deity/force.

(2) Anyway so the second example of 'energy worship' comes from the relationship we have created between the power and existence of the invisible gods living in the sky, to the creations of ourselves by these gods/god. Meaning - we as humans believe that a god created us and therefore what exist inside of us as the image and likeness of god - is 'what is meant to be' - and this you will see is the justification and reason that most human beings used to describe the existence of the mind of the human. That what exists inside of me as 'my experiences' are justified because 'god' gave them to me. For example if one questions emotion and feeling systems within the human - one will be meant with anger and discontent - because your average human will chastise you for your blasphemy because emotion and feeling energy systems are 'a apart of us' and are created as part of us by 'god'.

The fact that since the dawn of human thinking we have never taken responsibility for our emotion and feeling energy systems, but instead have created societal and community support systems to make emotion and feeling systems justifiable - obviously means that emotion and feeling energy systems within the human are problematic and no god is taking responsibility for our actions and internal realities - so who is suppose to take responsibility?. We will always protect our emotion and feeling energy bodies, no matter whether we are heading for total human annihilation because each human is addicted to our emotion and feeling systems, to the extent that we will destroy each other, nature and this planet so that each human can live out self interest in the form of 'my emotions and 'my feelings'...

Friday, December 12, 2014

Day 184: Self Purification through Writing, Self Forgiveness and Self Application

In this blog I will be continuing with the 'Principled Living' Series. Here are the previous blogs in this series:

Next Principle:

4. Self Purification through Writing, Self Forgiveness and Self Application – the action of realising I am responsible for my own thoughts, words and deeds, to forgive myself for transgressions and change myself to ensure I take responsibility for who, what and how I am and through this know that I can trust myself to always be honest with me and so others

What I would like to focus on in this blog is talking a bit about my experience with Self-Forgiveness and how that fits into the previous sections or writings that I have done, where I had introduced you to the consideration that to change the world we have to live the change. This I do through applying the tools of Writing and within that Self Honesty to assess step by step where I am with regards to my thoughts, words and deeds. Previously I had also discussed the point of 'self-responsibility' - that in actuality one can look to the skies for answers or 'blame' others - but obviously common sense indicates that what is mine is mine - meaning my thoughts, words and deeds are my own. Therefore if one start observing the problems in the world - one will see how each human's internal realities become at some stage manifested into our external realities.

Therefore we literally do not have to look far to find the solutions to 'world problems' because it all started with the human, with how we think and react and behave. So change human instinctual behaviour and you will eventually change the world. So if one for example sets a proposal to implement a new economic system that will function to support life instead of greed and a person goes into fear and anger and have reaction thoughts protecting ones own self interest over the lives of other - then obviously this shows that internally there are dimensions to the human that are not standing as what is best for all. And yet interestingly we will all fight tooth and nail to protect ourselves in saying that we all really do care. We all really do feel empathy and do feel 'bad' for those who suffer? Really? I say let one's internal truth as who each one really is, be the determining factor that will set the stage for how we as humans are held accountable for how our words, deeds and thoughts have always and will continue to create reality.

So what to do once one has realised that one is completely responsible for what exist inside of Self, plus what manifests as our world. This is where Self-Forgiveness comes in. As the words imply Self Forgiveness is where one has realised Self is responsible towards Self for all ones thoughts, words and Deeds - and within this obviously the power to change Self exist with Self - not some God in the sky. Obviously when I say one is completely self responsible - obviously we take into consideration that there are existent within us specific pre-programmed and genetic traits - which have an impact on how we act and think and behave - however again here we bring the point back to Self. Meaning - once one realises that these designs are within us and therefore are us, then again the responsibility and power exist with Self to work on these designs and programs to change and/or stop them. Therefore some pre designs and programs one will be able to change completely, some take a bit longer depending on how integrated they are into physical systems, and some designs one might not change because they have completely become a physical part and when the physical is damaged or changed beyond a certain point - it from that perspective obviously becomes more difficult for oneself to change the original design as it is now physically manifested. Therefore one is able to delete the original program within self as ones DNA - however the physical consequences might still remain.

With Self-Forgiveness - I want to just backtrack one step and again reiterate that the starting point of self-forgiveness is as mentioned previously, bringing all points back to self - thus this indicates self responsibility. As mentioned previously in self responsibility - one will always be assessing in awareness with using self honesty - look at who self is in every situation. Therefore what are my real thoughts, words and deeds. Then in 'taking self responsibility one is stating that one not only realises that one is self responsibly but is taking it. What does this mean - this means you do what needs to be done inside self and in ones living actions to change or become or move the point to the outcome that you see is best - instead of what it is at the moment one realised the problem in ones 'thoughts, words and deeds'. So here as an example the first step in taking self responsibility for ones designs - is to either in writing pull the design apart - meaning you look at all its aspects, all its creational dimensions - so that within this one is able to take responsibility for all parts of the design so that no part is left sitting one could say in the mind design - to be left - to continue creating. For this one can use writing - which obviously allows one to from within oneself almost 'pour' the information outward onto paper - so that one has all the information 'in front of yourself'. This I have found as many have is already very therapeutic one could say - in the taking from within and placing in front of oneself - it has a release point to a certain extent - from 'keeping things bottled' or supressing things or merely not even seeing anything but having the design 'run' in the background. So a lot of clarity is reached by writing things out - especially in a way that allows one to see the design point - or as I like to call them 'puzzle pieces' that make up the point one is working wit.

Now after writing or simply looking at information inside oneself - as one becomes more adapt at pulling information inside oneself (where writing initially trains one) - this is where one takes responsibility and changes oneself in relation to what one is working with through self forgiveness statements. In forgiving self one is not only reading and writing blank statements. In each statement one is really forgiving Self. See how forgiving Self is completely different then just 'writing self forgiveness'. This many people get stuck with - but for each as for myself has been a point of self realisation - where you realize it like an 'aha' moment -oh I am really forgiving myself. As one applies self forgiveness you will experience many shifts and releases in the mind body connections. But realise that in forgiving self one must be willing to a) as discussed take responsibility for ones role within the point you are facing and b) let the point go - this for many is difficult on 2 levels - one is that self has become addicted to the outcome of the problem - for example being angry with self - one does not want to let go of anger because if I am angry I don’t have to experience intimacy with others and then if I don’t face intimacy I don’t have to face my actual fear of rejection etc …

Secondly one holds onto points because of its placement in the design of ones mind and therefore the mind has specific placeholders for each and every part of ones experiences - therefore applying self forgiveness at times one really will be challenged by ones own mind - proof if you look at it that we have always been quite separated from our own minds even - when we described how difficult it can make things for us. Interesting isn't it -shows us that we have never actually been the directive principle of ourselves - because in most cases we will describe an aspect of our mind (for example anger, jealousy, addiction etc) as being to powerful to overcome.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Day 180: The Paranormal Series part 36 - How Demon Possession works part 2

"In relation to how the demons would utilise these fear programs - is obviously back to the original point I made above about why demons grunted and groaned and screamed and flopped about and bulged their eyes etc etc. The demon is accessing the exact sounds and pictures the baby/infant programmed into themselves and therefore by the demon 'accessing' these exact 'trigger points' they would push the being into their fear - which would result in a massive charge of energy - which is the pure raw energy that the demon would then feed off of. That is why in so many demon possession movies, we have to scratch out heads at how the demon carried on - perceiving that it is the demon that is crazy, tormented, lost - but in fact the demon itself is quite fine and aware of what it is accessing (triggering within the human)."

*Firstly please note that when I refer to 'demon possession movies' I am not saying that what happens in Demon Possession style movies is factual - most of what happens in demon possession movies is Hollywood over exaggeration- however some of what appears in these films are based on historical facts. Obviously for those interested in demonology - you can Google historical events of demon possession - to stick 'to the facts'. 

Therefore you will notice in demon possessed cases that the demon will a) make specific sounds b) contort the body c) speak in weird languages or d) swear and cuss and insult people.

Also they did not only, as we all know trigger the fear of the person they were possessing - they were also triggering the subconscious fears of the people in the room. So here the demon would for example pick up on morality issues around sex and society and religion etc. Thus by observing the subjects belief systems - the demon would know how to best trigger their fears - by bringing to the surface all the hidden dimensions of how this individual has been programmed.

That is why the demon will trigger for example fears, suppressed anxiety or anger about sexuality -which is why one would see so many religious people being triggered by demons. Here of course various religions would argue that the reason why demons attack them is because of their true faith in God, and therefore the demon is trying to spite god etc etc. No, the demons were merely accessing the individuals fear systems, which come through strongly in the religious. Consider the following: The split that happens inside a young person when they are taught about religion - is where the person creates a mental connection to some higher being and thus in the mind splits themselves (to explain this loosely) where 'who they are' as 'Self' does not exist - because they are taught to exist as part of a connection to a higher being or force. Therefore instead of remaining as one complete being (which is what we are) the mind of the being places parts of itself separate into and towards this 'cosmic/godly' belief system - therefore in essence we separate ourselves from ourselves with regards to many parts of ourselves.

This is all created by the parent or religious institution teaching the young person to fear large parts of themselves, life and 'the world' - and therefore to place their trust and love, self direction and self decision making into the 'god' part of their mind - which obviously is perceived as an actual 'god/cosmic force' in the sky, but it is really just a construct placement in the mind. The parent/religious institution then teaches the child all the words and pictures and feelings through which to create this separate construct in the mind -which again is perceived as being something separate, out there, in the sky type of thing - but if you slow down the mind you will notice even though it feels like it is going out a bit and searching or reaching 'outward' towards some force, it is still inside itself - obviously or else one would actually experience yourself leaving your body and moving away from your body - which would not happen as the being/body would then die as the mind extracts itself from the body. There are people that would then claim they are in fact able to astral travel or move from their body - I suggest listen to the following interviews for more contextual info:

Seeing Dark Shapes/Figures (Part 1)

Seeing Dark Shapes/Figures (Part 2)

So, back to the point I was referring to above about the Fear that resonates in one from childhood. This was an interesting point, because I can definitely relate to this. Have you ever noticed yourself walking into a room and seeing an object in the room, or a colour, and you start feeling an anxiety or uncomfortability slowly coming up from your solar plexus? Have you ever met someone and as they start speaking, or you see a specific facial expression or behaviour or a change of tonality and you start feeling a slight anxiety around the person? We would come to a conclusion - which is again the mind protecting itself - where we would 'decide' as a 'thought' that comes up that there is something about that person, or room that is off, or that you felt uncomfortable around the person or uncomfortable going to that friends house or to that party etc. From here we make conclusions that it is the house or the venue or the place or the person that is 'off' - and one will even find reasons to say this by pulling on things that happened that one could use as justification.

Ghost hunters are especially good at this - where the specific personality design of a ghost hunter' will pick the hobby of ghost hunting to go and experience their hidden fears - by 'feeling for ghosts' and feeling for 'energies'.

Day 179: The Paranormal Series part 36 - How Demon Possession works part 1

The following blog is based on the following interview: 

Interesting interview, where Mykey explains more about how demons use to either possess a person in an instant - where they could enter the mind-body and leave at any stage, versus the demons that would for example integrate into a child/young person and stay with the individual into adulthood or an entire life time. In both cases the demon would accentuate the mind, and accentuate the personalities, to speed up how the person would normally fuel specific mind patterns and personalities such as anger, jealousy etc - through which this acceleration would result in more energy being produced by the mind from the physical resources (physical matter).

For example the demon would play on a mind experience or personality design such as getting angry at people - and here the demon would be the one inside the person accentuating experiencing, pushing the person further and deeper into these experiences. Again Mykey reiterates (as I discussed in a previous blog) that the demons did not have to create new experiences, meaning they did not from scratch have to come into a being and create a personality or mind experience, it would already be existent within the human - therefore as he says 'they used what was already there' - which was the emphasis that I placed on the previous blog in which I discussed the point - to share the understanding for those who research and have an interest in demonology - to realise that the demons (interdimensional) that use to exist, would merely piggy back on what existed within the mind-  therefore they would obviously pre-select the person whom they would possess either temporarily or for a life time - based on the specific mind experiences they saw were necessary for the creation of energy for the demon.

The next point in the interview that I wanted to share here, in relation to my own experience as I am sure we are all able to relate, is when he speak about how demons could tap into subconscious pre-existent thoughts, fears, pictures and sounds to express through the mind. Let me explain: remember when you watched a movie about demon possession, how the demon would scream and babble weird sounds and words and speak strange symbolic phrases - which would usually leave the people in the room perplexed at the sinister metaphysical nature of the demon? Well all of these sounds and words and 'dramatic points' that the demon would utilise  - again were all already existent within the mind of the being and usually came from words and experiences  that the child programmed into themselves as a baby.

He explained for example that babies hear sound frequencies and don’t have the ability at that age to interpret the sound - and therefore here the sound purely as it exist - which is very scary. For example the child would hear a sound as a high pitched, grinding sound - which would be more intensive with each 'intensive experience'. Anger for example as expressed by parents would be an example of these high pitches, very unsettling sounds which the baby programs into the subconscious. This generates fear within the baby as it would anyone and then later in life the individual will grow up with this underlying fear resonating in them to subtle and not so subtle emotional expressions that they experience around other people. So a child would grow up in a house hold where the parents shout and fight and will imprint this fear reaction within themselves to the sounds together with the sounds themselves. When the person grows up they would either then go into inferiority towards their fear, which they experience whenever they are around 'angry people' or they themselves will become an angry or even abusive personality - to not have to face the real fear experience within them.

In relation to how the demons would utilise these fear programs - is obviously back to the original point I made above about why demons grunted and groaned and screamed and flopped about and bulged their eyes etc etc. The demon is accessing the exact sounds and pictures the baby/infant programmed into themselves and therefore by the demon 'accessing' these exact 'trigger points' they would push the being into their fear - which would result in a massive charge of energy - which is the pure raw energy that the demon would then feed off of. That is why in so many demon possession movies, we have to scratch out heads at how the demon carried on - perceiving that it is the demon that is crazy, tormented, lost - but in fact the demon itself is quite fine and aware of what it is accessing (triggering within the human)...

Day 178: Crime - Asking the Hard Questions

Day 177: Transforming Family Dynamics: Sibling Relationships

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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Day 176: Living by the principle of self honesty Part 2

The rest of the 'Principled Living' series:

Continuing from:

"Therefore, using self honesty allows oneself to set yourself back to zero so to speak where you give yourself the opportunity to see ones mis-takes, to align them to how you see you would like to speak/live/act, and this allows one next time to speak/live the correction. For example sticking to 'I spoke and then realized I did so out of fear'. Once I use self honesty to initially see that this was my starting point, then I either use writings (will explore more later) to open up the design of how I got to 'speaking out of fear' and all of its various dimensions - which if un-cleared/undirected will keep the point existent in the mind, which will simply mutate itself into new patterns/behaviours. Therefore self honesty does not merely stop at the point where one goes 'oh I spoke there out of fear' - it allows one as I mentioned to look deeper into all the 'puzzle pieces' so to speak of this one design. For example 'speaking out of fear' - if I use writing or immediate investigation within myself (method 2) I will find the design aspects such as childhood memories/experiences, emotions, people involved, reasons, excuses, justifications, wants, desires etc…"

As an example - lets say with 'talking from fear', I realized that this habit came from a childhood memory where I was in class and the teacher started yelling at me accusing me of cheating on my homework and that I wrote down the answers from a piece of paper on her table etc etc. In that moment I knew that I did not cheat and did not write the answers down and experience bewilderment, embarrassment because all the kids now believed I am a chat, I experience anger and mistrust that a teacher would do this and so forth. All of these experiences as 'puzzle pieces' imprinted into my mind as a fear of communication , -where in the mind this experience was now used as a reference point as I started growing up. Therefore in similar situations where someone would ask me about the validity of what I have done, I immediately go into fear and access all of those points of anger and resentment, which throughout my life cause secondary consequences.

For example lets say further in my life I created conflict situations because now I from fear and resentment at being questions, attack people verbally or try and cut them short without explanation etc. This in itself as time goes by, as I am sure we are all able to relate - will compound into secondary patterns, where the conflict now grows further into fear around communicating with people. Eventually the mind builds coping mechanisms such as lying when confronted or avoiding jobs with greater responsibility because of the fear behind being held accountable or fear of confrontation. This furthermore creates consequences where to avoid having to communicate about certain points to people I see as authority, I will lie and then if I get caught in the lie, I will blame my actions on another person, which then leads to an authoritative personality to avoid people questioning why I think I can blame others. Therefore my personalities get louder and more abrasive and I find myself becoming a 'harder person' who others will 'fear' confronting or questioning. So here fr example the mind will build a fear creating personality to not have to face the fear within self….

So you see how one childhood experience can expand in the mind over the years into adult patterns/behaviours. And as time goes by we contribute new layers to the original pattern - all because of the minds inherent nature to protect itself - and therefore it adapts. So if one did not pick up on this behaviour - then think how differently conversations would turn out - the outcome would be a very different story then the truth behind what is really going on. And this is why we as humanity are habitually acting constantly out of self interest in the way we speak, act and think - because we have never really been taught the ability to be self honest about who we are and are never effectively taught methods of how to direct experiences, this mostly being due to the fact that nobody has actually assessed whether these experiences we call 'being human' or normal human behaviours is actually what is best. Therefore, in our child-programming platforms such as classrooms, childhood social setups, home environments, the effects of media, television, music on the development of children etc - all of these experience shaping platforms are all seen as 'normal' and 'acceptable' where we don’t trace the problems to these institutions.

Self honesty though, is also a choice and not a choice lol let me explain. Self honesty always exists - you are always what you are. I would say that 2 forms of self-honesty exist. If I have nasty thoughts about myself then I can tell you 'I have ugly thoughts about myself' - this is me being self honest. But then there is being honest about who self really is - the best self can be - and therefore by saying 'I have ugly thoughts about myself is not self honest - it is in fact self dishonesty - I am not honouring myself. So initially - when one starts to walk the process of 'self honesty - what I have found is that one goes through the initial phase of revealing to self everything that exist inside of self, ones true thoughts, feelings, emotions, behaviours, feelings, possessions etc. Then one starts looking at what is it that I would like to live as 'my utmost potential', as that which is best for me, which is what is best for all - and this is where one becomes 'self honest'.

I could continue to live blissfully unaware of my words, thoughts and deeds and create a life for myself where I seek out in every moment to be the best, feel the best, live my utmost potential - in the world system, where the emphasis is on personal self-interest, or in self honesty I know that I cannot say the world is 'messed up' if I don’t start addressing me in the global soup of messed upness lol...

Check out our new Video series: Self & Living
