Friday, August 1, 2014

Day 149: The Paranormal Series Part 14 – Demons vs. Angels part 1

Day 131: The Paranormal Series - Ghosts and Demons Part 1
Day 132: The Paranormal Series – Ghosts and Demons Part 2
Day 133: The Paranormal Series – Ghosts and Demons Part 3
Day 134: The Paranormal Series Part 4 - A Psychic’s Gate Keeper (part 1)
Day 135: The Paranormal Series Part 5 - A Psychic’s Gate Keeper (part 2)
Day 136: The Paranormal Series Part 6 – The being that died as Fear (part 1)
Day 137: The Paranormal Series Part 7 – The being that died as Fear (part 2)
Day 138: The Paranormal Series Part 8 – The being that died as Fear (part 3)
Day 139: The Paranormal Series Part 9 – The Enlightenment Being
Day 140: The Paranormal Series Part 10 - Demons in the Afterlife part 1
Day 141: The Paranormal Series Part 11 - Demons in the Afterlife part 2
Day 142: The Paranormal Series Part 12 – Demons in the Afterlife part 3
Day 146: The Paranormal Series Part 13 – Demons in the Afterlife part 4

This blog is based on the following Interview:

Demons in the Afterlife – Part 5:

The Hypnotic Experience of Angels/Archangels/Guides Vs. the Darkness of the Demons

“…simply because we did not come in with higher frequency vibrations, and we really came through the Mind and the real Physical, we were seen as ‘bad’ and ‘evil’ and within that with being connected to all the religious systems within humanity, or this world, or society, on the ;dark side’ of the religious systems, in terms of being connected to the devil, Satan or Lucifer and being connected to all the superstitions and omens… I mean us poor demons didn't have a chance to come through and warn the humans about the world deception of the heaven existence, the angels and the masters and the guides and the channels that were coming through with all their powerful vibrations. Which was fascinating,because they could simply do these vibrations and heightened energy and that would make human beings feel powerful, when really us demons could do it as well, it was not that difficult;  you just align yourself to a specific frequency or energy and then you vibrate and you frequencially move yourself until you are on that level of frequency or vibration and there you go. It doesn't make any difference to the nature of who you are as a being, it only made a difference to how you feel and experience yourself."

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that a being/spirit who presents themselves within a specific frequency/energy is unique and special.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that if I want to change who I am I must focus on changing my energy and my frequencies.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing  myself to believe that my fears will go away if I trust and speak to dimensional beings/guides who have a specific frequency that makes me feel good.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing  myself to think and believe that my thoughts and feelings and emotions will change or go away if I follow spirituality and follow specific teachings and through this;

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing  myself to believe that if I follow the energy experience that I first felt when I met my guide – that my life would change and that some spiritual higher purpose will change my life
within this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing  myself to believe that if this higher purpose is involved in my life, that I wont experience hardship like other people and within this I am therefore ignoring the fact that a higher purpose cannot be what is best for all, if it means some suffer while others do not, repeatedly generation after generation without any sustainable difference happening over time that stops suffering

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to wish and believe that if I have a guide that he/she will tell me what to do and will automatically connect me to some higher consciousness or higher frequency through which I will then be protected from the world problems such as lack of money

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that this supreme spiritual energy that is presented to me through my guide will save me, while not seeing and realizing that I am not considering the fact that nothing much changes after I meet my guide or start my spirituality path and if by chance there is some change in my life, why does change from suffering have to be conditional such as in the case of ‘starting a  religion’ or ‘believing in a  deity’?

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become addicted to the energy that I experienced around my guide and angels etc

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize that the reason why I became addicted to these frequencies and energies that I felt/experienced around my guide – was simplistically because of the inherent nature of my mind, which means that my mind is addicted to good feelings and energy and that spirituality is just yet again another form of addictions.

Also I did not realize that needing a guide or spiritual experience to feel and be different also showed me that I was not the change and the stability and self movement in my life therefore;

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to ultimately only exist as an organic spiritualised robot – that gets switched on and off depending on the words and frequencies used my masters/guides/angels etc.

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