Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day 110: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: The Socio-Economic causes of Drug use (Part 14)

This blog is a follow up on:

Day 109: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: The Socio-Economic causes of Drug use (Part 13)

As discussed in my previous blog - when faced with a 'problem' within our society such as drug use - the 'solution' would be to really take a look behind the veil of what is presented as the current solutions - which as we have seen do not really solve anything - to get to the sustainable solutions that will end the problems instead of actually intensifying the exiting problems, into compounded consequences that will drag us head first into an Abyss of human deprivation, suffering and self abuse.

Firstly when addressing the emotion and though aspect of the individuals desire or apparent need to utilise a drug - here one would look at really addressing the 'how' and 'why' of the individuals Personality and Mental make-up. If one look at current Psychology is is designed in line with the survival of the therapist within Capitalism, and therefore therapies are firstly not designed to assist humanity to no longer be dependent on anything - it in fact and this is my second point - profits off of the humans programmed belief that we are emotional, thinking bodies that are in fact dependent on thought processes and that without generating and participating in thoughts, emotions and feelings we would not be 'alive'. So for example if one is facing drug addiction on the basis of being overwhelmed within ones emotional patterns, then Psychology would teach one better ways of balancing and coping with these polarity systems we call emotions and feelings - thus never assisting the individual to release conflicts as we have to generate new feelings to balance out exiting emotions. Where with thought patterns - we have to develop and design new thought patterns to cope with old thought patterns. In discussing how to direct oneself within stopping thoughts and learning to direct ones mind practically to no longer exist in systems of the Mind that function according to attempts at alleviating harmful thoughts - the reaction that one gets when discussing how to stop thoughts - is that of 'oh my god you want me to become a zombie'. No - what is meant by learning to stop the Mind - we are not saying you will no longer live and express yourself - we are in fact saying that the Mind as it exist now as consciousness exists only as energy systems that are dependent on polarities between positives and negatives - which move the being into action - only when and as we are faced with the energy of good and bad attached to things and people. Therefore in essence, the child is taught to become robotic as we give life, people and objects certain values, attach emotions and feelings to those objects/people and only react then for the rest of our lives in certain ways to these objects people and things. For example ironically we are taught to 'Love'. Then we are taught and teach ourselves as we grow up to love certain things and people only. Then we are taught to dislike other things and people - to the extent that we will create belief systems around these people and things - to the extend of harmful thought towards these people and things. For example we will love a partner or child or family member and have these feelings of compassion and love towards them - but feeling nothing or even discontent towards a child halfway across the world who is starving. The fact that the corporations have claimed the resourced of that country and because this child has no way of obtaining a piece of paper called money - which contain the value set by capitalism - that child cannot afford food and will thus die, slowly, painfully, in fear and constant concern for its safety, is irrelevant -because the love feeling does not 'think outside the box' so to speak and does not allow for considerations outside of the basic black and white reasoning we have come to accept as Life and 'Human Value Systems'.

This we call acceptable because nobody loves that child - because it is not my child. So love in this world is conditional to those I want to Love because it makes me feel good. Therefore emotions and feelings if one also look at others examples of how we accept and allow suffering and abuse is a systematised design around the survival of the individual and has no or little regard for life. Again referring back to my previous blog - if Jesus arrived (for real) and asked why we do not love our neighbour or do to others as we want done for ourselves - what would we say 'sorry Jesus I dont like them enough' or 'they are not my family or friends'.

themselves from an energy-reaction based system which keeps all locked in internal

So we have also seen from personal introspection that emotion and feeling systems are taught and conditioned according to self-reward or punishment systems. To learn to direct these energy systems within oneself to a direct living here in the physical - is for most a huge challenge - because since childhood we have been brainwashed to believe that we are our emotions and feelings and thought patterns and to learn to change or direct them and understand them for what they are as systems taught to us from childhood - is for most unfathomable and 'blasphemous'. The energy drops within the individual who considers learning to stop these pre-programmed systems and to live in the physical, constant, free to express self as life. The being goes into anxiety and the Mind will bring up defence systems that generate thoughts which result in the being accepting the thoughts around why to direct or stop these patterns of the mind - is unacceptable.

So within society we see most people addicted to some substance or object or action which allows us to cope with life - be it drugs, sex, entertainment, sport or a life style that allows one to cope with ones internal demons - but most will not face this and wont even admit that this is what we are really doing. We have come to accept our lives as 'screwed' basically and that there is nothing we can do about it and when solutions are presented we will fight to keep things the same, because of the very subtle protection mechanism of consciousness existent within each as excuses, justifications and reasons.

Obviously if one is 'clear-headed' you are able to stand and observe how we live, who we are, what exists within each and what we really look like inside our minds. To do this takes self-honesty and dedication to realize that who remains is me as Life, free to express and live and direct myself as what is best for all. If one fears letting go of fear - then you protect all that is broken about the human and human society - because to step over and beyond the Fear itself has thus far been to much for humanity. So, we even have people who are so fearful of living free from Fear - that they will create Hate Groups and support corporate funded hate groups, consisting of 'trolls' who will go after any person who speaks up about Human-Fear and all its Dimensions and how this is currently the driving force of human existence...

More on Trolls: 

Day 328: Noam Chomsky Quote Experiment on Quora with Anonymous

Day 332: The Ku-Klux Klan on Quora

More on Basic Human Rights and Crime:

Day 363: Basic Human Rights and Crime (Part One)

Day 364: Basic Human Rights and Crime (Part Two)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Day 109: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: The Socio-Economic causes of Drug use (Part 13)

This blog is a follow up on:

Day 108: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: The Socio-Economic caused of Drug use (Part 12) In the previous blog I discussed the background from which I wrote the entire 'drug' series - which was based firstly on the Character Dimensions of one type of drug user - and I specifically walked self-forgiveness examples on the 'social-drug user'. In my previous blog I showed that the various reasons for drug use could be emotional/mental character flaws and deficits which cause a person to want to use a chemical to enhance or suppress certain characteristic and memories/experiences - to socio-economic causes such as poverty, abusive life situations, work/career/study pressures etc.

So if one look at the problem we are facing economically, you will notice that most people are being pushed further and further into debt and fear with regards to survival within the current monetary system. Drugs, have therefore become a way to cope with the fear, stress and anxiety - around economic and debt concerns - as it allows the user to suppress emotion and thought reactions to the fears faced. As indicated in my previous blog - this 'free market' principle of our current economy, is the reason why we will 'solve' a problem with more problems/traps - meaning in capitalism the focal point is around making profit, earning 'a living' and of course greed.

Therefore, the problem we are facing behind why people are using drugs is being solved within the current Capitalistic System, not with actual sustainable solutions, but to inject the individual further into a set of rules and life choices, which support someone else's pocket and does not solve the drug users underlying fears, hopes and thought patterns/characteristics, which gave rise to the apparent 'need' to use drugs in the first place. So, as an example we take drug users who use either for pleasure, to avoid pain/fear/anxiety or to cope with Life challenges by giving them 'an edge' and we slot them into either therapy which again focusses on keeping the person in a position to provide an income for a therapist - or we place the person on prescription drugs which are designed and sold as part of a multi billion dollar industry that has nothing to do with helping people- and instead has to do with making profit.

So, how does one solve a drug problem? Obviously, firstly one looks at the reason behind why the person uses drugs - here as indicated early on in this series, I discussed the principle of looking behind the veil of what is the person presenting as being the reason and what is the real reason. For example the individual might say 'I use drugs so that I feel more open and sociable' - leaving one thinking 'ah that doesn't sound so bad'- however by exploring the time line of the person's life and personality design, which is made up of memories and experiences - one will get to the real cause of drug use which is for example that the person believes they need to look and speak a certain way to be acceptable to others because they do not accept themselves. Therefore if the truth were to be told - we will find that our society has been trained and brainwashed to exist as organic robots that are dependent on emotional reactions to our environment and each other and that we cannot simply live in our bodies and accept ourselves - we have to find acceptance through others. This opens the door to a multi-dimensional mind system which from young takes each human through a process of designing personalities, thought constructs and emotion/feelings behavioural patterns that rely on 'who I am in the eyes of the world'. This by direct implication means that no human is every 'complete' - we are always looking for validations from others, validation for what we do, how we look, and our intellectual and monetary accomplishments. This is by design how we from childhood are taught by our parents to create a split within the mind - where the child is taught to not simply live in its physical body, equal and one to the physical reality - but to separate ourselves within our mind to beliefs, ideas, opinions, fear of others, need for approval etc.

This trend has been designed through many generations and comes down to the fuelling of the monetary system and the Ego of the individual. Imagine if all humans were 'complete' meaning if we accepted ourselves and did not seek any validation of experience outside ourselves to determine to ourselves who we are - we would then not have a Capitalistic System because no profit can be made and no greed can be sustained if people are buying products based on what supports us to live and express instead of this frenzy we see in the world, in most humans - within what we see in Consumerism with the values attached to self in relations to 'buying stuff/owning stuff'. Where Self has become one and equal to the value you 'obtain' from that which you own, drive, live in and wear. So the human in essence is a walking talking value system - a piece of paper that has value and if you do not look, talk and act the part then you are seen as worthless - we are money.

So - for example most humans are completely blindly obsessed and intrigued by prophets, masters and guru's like Jesus. However, has anybody stopped to compare how we live now with the lives lived by the prophets, guru's and masters like Jesus? If we all became Jesus look a-likes - Capitalism would not continue to function as it does now because Jesus would not fall for the old consumerism traps, by selling himself into the belief system that to be happy and to be complete you have to fit into the pictures presented to us through the media. Jesus would question the brainwashing coming his way from every direction. Jesus would not feel himself to be completely uncool if he could not buy the newest Levi-Jeans. So - now we sit with a planet full of humans who are addicted to varying forms of drugs to minimise or control the thoughts around the fears and worries we have come to accept as relevant.

So as mentioned before the drug user could be somebody who wants to be better, more acceptable, more enjoying of themselves socially or the drug user could be somebody who has had to face all kinds of pressures within the economic system, and now they again at a monetary cost - rather turn to a chemical suppressant or stimulant to make life seem ok. The numbers speak for themselves - one can simply do a search on the internet on the numer of people who are addicted yearly to drugs - therefore to say 'drugs are not a problem' or 'I am making more out of this then what it is' - you have to realize that you are ignoring facts to protect the current system the way it is. Countless beings are already to numb, their mind to damages on drugs, with most trapped in mind-delusions due to brain/neurological damage that they themselves are not able to even firstly comprehend the 'real' reasons behind their choices for drug use - let alone participate in discussions about the problems we are facing within this world and the candy coating techniques we use to continually avoid the reality we have create for ourselves...

Investigate the current Capitalistic System and Solutions:

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Day 108: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: The Socio-Economic causes of Drug use (Part 12)

This blog is a continuation from:

Day 96: International Crime Research: Drug use Part 1

Day 97: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 2

Day 99: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 3

Day 100: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 4

Day 101: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 5

Day 102: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 6

Day 103: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 7

Day 104: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 8 

Day 105: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 9

Day 106: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 10

Day 107: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 11

The following article and similar research documents on te internet discuss the relationships between poverty, social deprivation/pressure and drug use.

In the previous blogs I did, I walked the Character Dimensions of one type of drug user - the social drug user who makes use of a chemical bridge to assist or suppress certain characteristics and behaviours in social situations. Using the basic formats walked within the process of self-forgiveness and introspection, you are able to see that one can take any type of drug user to identify the dimensions that exist 'behind' why the person uses/relies on drugs, to be able to support oneself through the dimensions, step by steps through the process of introspection, writing, self honesty and self forgiveness.

In this blog, I would like to discuss the economic stressors that cause drug use in people as well as an overview of how we as society are stuck on the problem where more often than not further method of drug addiction and medical/psychological dependencies are relied upon, to alleviate the underlying problems within the individual, instead of looking at what solutions would change any form of 'dependency'.

Within the current capitalistic system, we have become dependent and accepting of the 'solution' to drugs being anything that is presented which will allow another individual/company to make profit. Therefore solutions are not always really solving anything - it simply allows for a market as a product/company or individual presenting a service to present their solution at a price - therefore the problems to drug addiction for example exist as part of a cycle which supports the economy and therefore is not about solutions. This cycle is perpetually feeding the underlying stressors that all humans experience - the cause of drug addiction is based on social economic pressures and the solution is to keep the individual under pressure be it to remain trapped but to cope with their emotional behaviour patterns, or to place such an individual in debt where they now have to continue participating in the money system to pay for therapies and medications to continue living a 'drug' or -'trouble free existence'

So what do I mean when I draw this line between this cycle I indicated where we are always loop back into the capitalistic system between stress, debt and apparent solutions to 'problems' to finding solutions that stop all of these cycles from having to perpetually exist...


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 107: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 11

This blog is a continuation from:

Day 96: International Crime Research: Drug use Part 1

Day 97: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 2

Day 99: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 3

Day 100: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 4

Day 101: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 5

Day 102: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 6

Day 103: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 7

Day 104: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 8 

Day 105: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 9 

Day 106: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 10

Self-Corrective Statements:

I commit myself, to when and as I see myself going into my mind as pictures, fears and internal conversations, which are based on me not living here as my physical  - but accessing some information network/database about myself - then I stop, I delete all this information and I direct myself here, by immediately looking at how to practically move myself in social situations, without information moving, but me as a living expressive physical being, interacting here in self honesty with others.

I commit myself to delete pictures and ideas of what it means to be human, as I have come to realize that in attempting to live the pictures, words and ideas that we have currently given value to, we indeed only abuse ourselves repeatedly in the name of Ego, to support comparison, jealousy, and internal conflicts within ourselves,

therefore I commit myself to identify what my trigger points are meaning where throughout my life have I given value to an identity base on the value systems of society, whereby I would constantly have to try and fit into a specific picture and idea created by others, and by doing so,

I commit myself to, when and as I realize how I have abdicated living in my flesh to pictures and bubbles of information in my mind, to stop and realise that to free myself from these information shackles I have attached an identity to - is the key to living here fully in my body, free from internal conflicts that could or would come up as a result of me wanting to be something else, something more, something special

and that by stopping these internal emotional ideals of competing with others for specialness, I stop the pattern of self abuse within me, which clearly I see and realize did not serve me and was not the best I am able to be - as an addiction to a chemical bridge showed me for so long,


I commit myself to through the tool of writing adress the thoughts, internal conversations and pictures within my imagination, through which I fuelled this personality design between shy/withdrawn/socially-awkward to the personality on drugs which becomes effective/ communicative and stable - to understand how the separation was created by me, why I allowed it - to the self corrective point of standing as effective/ communicative and stable - to no longer be a slave to a idea that I am problematic and defective.

I commit myself to when I am in social situations where I start doubting how to communicate and express myself to realize that here I am in a situation where I could either get drawn back into my mind where I want to exist as the personality that will 'fit in' with the personalities at this social event - or I stop, breathe and realize that I am able to stand here in effective self living, to no longer participate in conversations that would require me to use drugs to enjoy - to no longer use words to please others and to no longer want to adapt my behaviour to fit into these social situations, if it is not me in self honest practical living, enjoying me here as my physical, moving myself in a directive principle that is best for all.

Therefore I commit myself that when and as I realize I will not become a personality through the use of drugs to fit into how society interact on the levels of the go and energy addictions - to stop the fears that come up around the point of 'what If I no longer belong' and to immediately stand equal and one to myself as life, to support only directive living that is best for all, and to realize that to exist in social situations that support only the mind as the ego - is not me as life, therefore if any fears come up;

I stop I breathe, I stand physically stable and I either continue to participate in effective self expression without competing and wanting to fit in by acting like others - or I make a decision to leave, and I simply look again at the point of what it is that I would like to participate in, what social situations/interactions woud support me and to then focus in the future on expressing myself where I see I would really enjoy myself, and to not fear letting go of the old personality designs I grew up believing I had to belong to.

Day 106: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 10

This blog is a continuation from:

Day 96: International Crime Research: Drug use Part 1

Day 97: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 2

Day 99: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 3

Day 100: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 4

Day 101: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 5

Day 102: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 6

Day 103: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 7

Day 104: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 8 

Day 105: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 9 

Behavioural Dimension of the drug user within Social-situations:

Behaviour Dimension:Here, to identify the Behaviour Dimension – one have a look at how one’s experience in the Physical Body changed within and during the Possession of the Personality, how was one’s Physical Body BEFORE the Possession and then during, to so identify how this Personality would manipulate one’s Physical Body, and in this Physical Manipulation would further validate/justify one’s decision to fall into the Mind/Personality and give up on self/the responsibility of here as self in the physical and so one’s world/reality.
Thus, what will become clear here is essentially how we utilize the dimensions of the/a Personality to manipulate ourselves into submission to Energy/Mind, over and over and over again – not standing, living, being HERE in fact within/as this world/reality. So, in/during these processes one will thus understand more of what we mean by the difference between Personality-Control through/Energy as the Mind and actual, real Physical Living.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to belief that my behaviour in social situations is dependent on what I have come to think and believe myself to be - such as the belief that I am 'not good enough' or 'not good-looking enough' or 'shy' and therefore

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to then, in social situations adapt my behaviour according to my thought patterns and beliefs, where I will change my behaviour when in social situations to act shy, avoid eye contact, be nervous, behave withdrawn, refuse eye contact with certain people, stutter in my words,


I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accept my role within society according to a self limiting belief system, which then mutates into my physical-unconscious design as behavioural patterns, whereby I automatically become that which I think I am.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to develop and participate in the belief that I require the guidance of an out side source such as drug, to change me, change my behaviour and to temporarily take responsibility for the mess I created within my mind as my internal thought processes, which are the starting point for my behavioural changes in social situations.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to deny fervently that it is possible to stop and change the thoughts that brought me to who I belief I am -

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to then from denying that I am able to change who I am through the steps of self honesty, self forgiveness and self correction - to rather seek change in the form of an alternative personality platform which I develop and accept through a chemical bridge.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing this behavioural change to occur within me through the use of the drug, and to repeatedly return to this dependency, instead of learning as I go - to embrace the self acceptance of me as 'stable, communicative' - etc whereby I could align myself to the changes I see myself becoming with the use of the drug, where I in essence use the drug experience to learn from and to develop effective self trust and communication skills - instead of what drugs are used for as a dependency - indicating the addictive nature of the human, based on fear and abdication,


I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to simply give up and give into a illusionary reality of myself where who I prefer and who I live as me for most of my interactive, waking days is a chemical robot, a being separate from myself as the physical,
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to also design beliefs around why this drug addicted me is the real me, and the only way it is possible for me to be, instead of realising that if I do not take note of how to practically align myself to the changes that I see support me as a more effective me, then I will continue to be a chemical robot, dependent always on others and substances to invade my physical, to design me and exist for me as a chemical reality.

Self Commitment Statements to continue...

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 105: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 9

This blog is a continuation from:

Day 96: International Crime Research: Drug use Part 1

Day 97: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 2

Day 99: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 3

Day 100: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 4

Day 101: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 5

Day 102: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 6

Day 103: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 7

Day 104: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Drug use Part 8

Reaction Dimension of the drug user within Social-situations:

"Reaction Dimension:
Here one will Identify the reactions of emotions and feelings that ‘substantiate / animate’ the Character/Personality; what reactions of emotions and feelings, essentially did one utilize to manipulate oneself with, to fall back into the Mind/Personality instead of standing here with self in stability as Breath. Within this, we’ll use, as Personalities, specific emotions and feelings to activate specific behavioural patterns/habits to in/as this process validate why/how it is that we are a Personality and so in this attempt/try to make a Personality “more real”. Essentially saying “well, I am experiencing this and my behaviour is like that and this is who I am and so I cannot change” – when, all the while, we’re actively, within the Mind participating in creating the experiences and behaviour from the thoughts, to the imagination, to the internal conversations/backchat – sabotaging and compromising ourselves deliberately in the Mind to manifest/validate/materialize our wants, needs and desires, rather than our responsibility to ourselves, our physicals and our lives in this World.
So, to identify the Reaction Dimension is to have a look at what emotions/feelings manifested within one’s Mind in the Physical within and during the Personality Possession."

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist within perpetual cycles of emotion and feeling polarities, where I exist from day to day to live for the positive feeling experience such as joy, and to avoid the negative emotions such as sadness.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to grow up believing in the CONcept that who we are - are our emotions, feelings and thoughts -

within this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see, realising and understanding for myself throughout my life, from observing my experiences, that these cycles of energetic experiences are truly not supportive of me as they by nture are uncomfortable, lead to abusive self practises and contain the being within continual struggles and depression/angst.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize that emotions/feelings - once I for a moment stop participating in them, do not change me as what remains when those 'cycles' end is me consistent here as a living, breathing expressive being -

then I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize and see the common sense that surely it is not a system of the mind that indeed supports me, but only exists as a constant battle, a and is system that requires my understanding and directing, instead of blindly following, where I eventually accept a life around who I am as my thoughts, feelings and emotions, instead of living self responsibility in self honesty as what is best for me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to develop my personality from childhood into adulthood, around my emotions and feelings, whereby I live in an attempt to alleviate the discomfort I experience from allowing my own emotional patterns such as jealousy, anger, conflicted and the 'polarities' between which these points swing - which we call the seeking of the pleasures of life - which would exist as the polarity struggles between feelings and emotions such as: joy/sadness, hope/hopelessness, fear/brave, have/have not, beauty/ugly, joyful/depressed etc.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to develop my personalities in life according to winning people over with my more positive, pleasant feelings and representations of thoughts around me being a good, pleasant, fun person, instead of realising that I am not really living, I am merely learning how to manipulate my environment and those around me, to appear more pleasant and to fit into social groups - which again only exist so that I do not have to face my fear of being rejected and the fear of fear itself.


when I realised that I am unable to maintain or avoid these emotional and feeling reactive patterns, I then attempt to avoid or accentuate these traits by using drugs, which allow me to step away from my usual personally traits - which are the 'real me' as y mind, my 'consciousness', into different characters and personalities which I have already imagined within my mind would be 'cool', 'special' and unique' and which would allow me to be accepted by the peer groups I wish to belong to.


I realise and forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to participate in this program I have given permission to on my behalf, where I insert commands that are feelings, emotions and personality designs that act in accordance with my fear of being rejected by others,

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to blindly follow my personality designs which automatically have now used internal conversations of 'not being good enough' to direct me to the apparent 'choice' to use drugs as a solution to the conflicts I experience while in the presence of others - not realising that there is obviously a problem with either myself and the fake reality in my mind that I give more power to over the real physical reality - or that there is a problem with the social reality I participate in - either way the fact that I choose to use a drug to stand in for me as I fear these 'realities' - which are all externalisation's of me as my mind - indicates that I will abuse my physical body and he outcome my decisions have on the physical reality - to supersede 'fakeness' over what is real for my apparent 'experiences' of 'joy', 'happiness' and pleasure'. In this I have not seen and realised that these concepts of joy and happiness and specific to each person - as you will find that each human has created their own mental picture of what it would mean for us to be 'fulfilled' and 'happy' where we will manipulate the physical reality to achieve this experience of internal happiness. Using drugs is an example of where we will manipulate the physical body into a fake chemical experience of 'joy', 'happiness' and 'fulfilment'. Therefore it brings one back to the understanding that we have separated ourselves from our physical bodies as a parasite of the mind and from our physical reality - just to have 'experiences' within the mind. The physical pays the dearest price for the humans to exist in happiness bubbles in the mind...

Behavioural Dimension to continue...

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