Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 53: Education Fraud Part 14 – Medicalization of the Education System Part 2 - Ritalin and the Pharmaceutical Companies

This blog is a continuation from:

If you are not already familiar with the uses of Ritalin, please read the following:

Ritalin A Drug For Era That Tries To Medicalize All Difficulties

Sociology of Medicine - What is the impact of Medicalization? A Summary with Examples

This blog will focus on the Medicalization of Children Behavior, to the point where Ritalin Abuse happens, due to Ritalin being prescribed to children as a quick fix for teachers and parents, when faced with particular chid behaviors. The motivation behind the over-prescription of Ritalin and similar drugs, is Profit linked to the Medicalization of the Education system, as discussed in part 1 of 'Medicalization of the Education System.'

Ritalin Part 1: Pharmaceutical companies:

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be driven my greed and profit before taking care of what is best for humanity, first.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the Capitalistic system to be my driving force, even though I am able to see how my actions towards life, within the secrecy and behind the lies within which I do it - are obviously to the detriment to life on this planet.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use money and capitalism as excuse, as to why I am playing the game, making up lies and ways to sell products and not just make money but to become stinking rich, beyond my wildest dreams.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to hold onto a dream, a picture of what it will mean to me and my family to have such wealth, where regardless of the consequences and harm caused in the name of my lies, I continue to do so - as this picture I hold within my mind of the life and security that I will obtain, is apparently within who I am and how I value life - much greater than any suffering I am causing the human race.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use my mind as reasoning machine as to why it is acceptable to profit from other people's difficulties, in such a way that I will deliberately play my hand and twist the truth, witholding any and all relevant truths from people about what I am doing.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to develop such substantial lies within myself, that in the end as the researcher, owner, manager of such a pharmaceutical company/research facility - I even believe myself, and convince the rest of humanity that money and survival makes it alright for us to push Ritalin/drugs onto children and adults at the rate that it has been done - as a capitalistic maneuver.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as researcher/scientist - to be ok with how I have justified selling a product without consideration of consequences, and to use my abilities as researcher to only advance the rich and to work at new ways of manipulating people into believing they require these products, instead of using my abilities to develop and understand how the human becomes who and what we are and to direct effective, common sense solutions from within the principle of doing what is best for the human race.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to place myself as researcher/scientist and corporation worker - above the general public whom I am deceiving, as in my mind I believe that due to the fact that I know things about people, that they dont know - and that I can change people behavior with drugs and information - that this makes me superior to the general public, and according to the lie that spirituality and religion has instilled in me since childhood to make me the perfect abuser of life - I place myself in a hierarchy, like a god-like-figure to other working class humans due to my ability to deceive through knowledge and information.

I commit myself to show how money directs all decision, currently made within society and the corporations, and that even those who are claiming to present solutions in the form of medicines and therapies, must be regarded as only following the rules of money and survival and are not placing the best interest of life first.

I commit myself to show that health care, does not mean the 'care of health', but instead means the care of someone's business and this in itself indicates that we have things back to front within ourselves, as the true evil - where we will develop and in most cases enforce health care upon people's lives, simply as a means for income, where the true care of health of the physical is daily in countless ways compromised for countless beings, all for profit - while the subdued human, who is to afraid to question out of fear of 'no health/death' - will convince ourselves daily that there is nothing we can do about that which we see and understand about how the system works currently.

I commit myself to show that there is a solution possible - where we honor life, not money and where we develop systems of management that distribute health care according to everyones needs equally.

I commit myself to show how if one stop your mind, before it starts up by saying in response to the above commitment statement 'but..why should people get things free if I work hard for it' - that one is able to see the human potential within oneself to live an share and create a future that is dignified - before one screws it up with ones dysfunctional mind as it reveals itself for all to see - and that it is only within the mind - where we have al learned to survive, where we will 'bring forth' all kinds of nasty thoughts towards other humans, where we will do them in, in order to protect what little money we have and get from the system.

Further Reading:

Friday, September 28, 2012

Day 52: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 13 – Medicalization of the Education System Part 1

I suggest read the following document:

The Authors discus the Medicalization of the Education System. Medicalization means 'to make medical', where one defines a problem in medical terms, using medical language to describe a problem, adopting a medical framework to understand a problem, or using medical intervention to treat it (medicalization and social control, 2011). The argument exists around the medicalization of (often thought of inappropriately) medicalization of previously non-medical problems.

Medicalization has happened in all forms of human/societal problems and is due to the starting point of profit and for people to be able to capitalise on the human experience. Therefore due to the Medical institutions carrying allot of weight in our society, whereby doctors and scientists are seen as 'gods' - it is understandable that due to the human greed problem, one of the first areas to be manipulated into profitable concepts will be the sciences, because firstly, people do not question scientists and see those practicing in fields of science as previously mentioned, as 'above reproach and godsend' within their role of 'caretakers' and 'life savers.'

So hand in hand with the need for the Capitalists to find new ways of making excessive amounts of money at the expense of society - we see the medicalization of all areas of human problems - where a link was created between science as god and money as god. Therefore we tend to trust the scientists to be doing what they do within and according to the best interest of mankind - and leave our fates and health up to them - however it is our responsibility to now start looking inside what the Sciences are saying about what is best for us - to see and understand that firstly scientists have to make money, therefore they direct their research into and according to the problems faced within humanity and to find solutions not according to what is best, but according to what would make profit for those that are funding the research and in the positions of authority. Therefore if for example within the education/governmental institutions, we have the leaders directing the outcome of research projects into profitable outcomes, then the downline and consequence is that our societies well being and problems will always find solutions in businesses' which exist for profit. Therefore - medicalization of for example the Education and Learning Modalities, basically means using the humans fear of death/fear of loss (dependency on the medical) to give a medical condition to a non-medical issue/problem to be able to develop a business that will profit in the billions.

In this blog series I will start with Ritalin - in exploring and expanding my understanding of the history and reason behind how Ritalin became so popular, despite the fact that the diagnosis of the children who are put on Ritalin are scientifically filtered through pre-set standards which according to the business-profit model linking education-system to the medical-system - leads to one answer - which is as seen in the statistics, to a vast amount of children since the 1980's being placed on Ritalin for various problems, most of which are not understood effectively within the context of how the Human Mind Develops, as the reason why children experience 'behavioral issues' - but instead the child is placed on a drug, according to which the corporations profit immensely. The research that went into the 'how to' of medicalization, could have been used in common sense to understand why we have developed a generation of 'behavioral problems' and what this says about who we have become as the human race. Instead the why is covered up to find the profitable 'quick-fix' answers that leave the corporations rich and the parents content within the abdication of our responsibility towards our children and understanding the human towards the betterment the human

Further Reading:

Even the Scientists dont know:

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 51: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 13 – Creating Debt Slaves Part 2

This blog is a continuation from:

 Day 39: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 1 – Denying Children a Practical Education 

 Day 40: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 2 – Creating Debt for an Education. 

 Day 41: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 3 – the Textbook Deception 

 Day 42: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 4 – the Recession  

 Day 43: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 5 – the Recession and the Consumer Part 1 

 Day 44: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 6 – the Recession and the Consumer Part 2 

 Day 45: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 7 – the Recession and the Consumer Part 3 

 Day 46: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 8 – the Recession and the Consumer Part 4 

 Day 47: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 9 – the Recession and the Consumer Part 5 

 Day 48: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 10 – the Recession and Markets 

Day 49: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 11 – The recession and Supply and Demand

Todays Self Forgiveness will focus on the content of:

Day 50: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 12 – Creating Debt Slaves Part 1

as well as


I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the disintegration of education within the world, where the focus of education has been handed over to capitalists, where it has become about business and making profit and not the development of humans within the information that will serve all life on this planet.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the disintegration of both the human and the education system as I deliberately only encourage children to go to college/university, so that I may make money - and through this creates the consequences of debt slaves, which if you look at it only serve those who make money and in the end creates dumbed-down, rotten children that care about nothing and no-one as they perceive themselves as being deceived by the system

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the deliberate deception of people within the education system as I force children/families into debt for the rest of their lives, creating debt slaves that will feed my pocket for the rest of their working lives, while knowing and realizing that I can get away with this because the worst consequences still serve my pocket which is to create not only debt slaves - but millions of people who now are forced to work in the system to pay back the loans, who now become working class slaves to continue maintaining the money system.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to deliberately manipulate the education system and the future of mankind in this way - as I understand that the consequences of me lying about why children should study - is to trap them as debt slaves, as working class robots for the rest of their lives


I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not pay any attention to the real consequences we will all face in the long run - which is that we will have people that become more agressive and violent against their fellow humans, and that will eventually turn to anarchy against the system.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to regardless of me understanding that we are creating a future of life abusers, to the extent that we will more and more see mind possessed individuals walking into movie houses shooting and killing random people - to still continue sucking the life out of the human robot as all i see the human as is something that I can manipulate to give me money.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the human race to eventually become so hateful and apathetic towards information taught in universities/schools - that they will turn a blind eye to the world as they stop caring about how the world functions, how the physical functions and give in more and more to drugs, mind possession and forms of mind entertainment as an escape from the lives they are forced to live where they are either forced to become debt slaves as a slim chance of getting a good job, or they do not get a qualification and end up working in a minimum wage job, or they accept themselves completely in the rat race of money and sell themselves out - simply to live and compete for money.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to see, realize and understand that I can only push the current and generations to be, so far within this point, until obviously at some stage more and more humans will realize the lie that has become the education system and the functioning's of the deceivers called capitalist - and unfortunately we will see war being waged within countries between individuals and governments, which will mean the lives initially of countless people, before any change is made to the system.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have to be driven to war and revolutions, where blood will be shed, as was done by the previous generations, instead of changing myself within the starting point of the human I have become that has created this system of lies and deception, to create a new system that supports all life based on self honesty.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accept myself as a faulty human, rotten to the core and unable to be the change required to change the system - thereby giving permission fo the next 100 years for those who direct the system to manipulate and control my life and the lives of the future generations.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize that unless I change myself and who I am to that of a being that supports Life for all within what is best for all, the system will not change because I keep giving permission to the same leaders who are leading me according to who I really am and accept within life.

within this - I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize and see that the current method that education is being punted and pushed to the masses from the starting point of greed instead of development of an effective society, indicates that our system is not working and has failed the betterment of mankind.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing to use hope and faith and belief within my mind to justify in the end, always why it is acceptable that our education system has become one of fraud based on greed and that in light of people being trapped as debt slaves - behind the lie of better job opportunities that have been shown to be a deception -I still excuse away the lies.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have gotten so accustomed to Fraud and Deception all around me within the Capitalistic system and within how people treat each other, from the starting point of survival, that I will knowingly continue to support the Lie, even at the expense of myself and my family/fellow humans.

I commit myself to show that as the humans who make up the system, we have it within our ability to change the system, and that it requires from each to stand up for life and to stop accepting survival and the secret desire by all to be rich which exists at the opposite polarity of poor - where it allows one to really 'feel' rich and powerful as an energetic experience for a moment, due to the existence of the tow polarities which through the pictures fed through the media, fuels ones fears, wants and desires.

I commit myself to show that unless we become the voice that stands up and changes the system, nothing will change, because those who advertise themselves as being the representatives of change are in fact only there for the Money and Power and will not change the system - according to what would be best for all - and that is why generation and generation, each new government gets away with deception of the masses.

I commit myself to show that all the excuses that allow humanity to continue with the lies, happens inside each human's mind as our thoughts and that in order for us to change what is here - we have to stop and change (purify) the consciousness as it has developed and moulded as the human mind - which drives each human as the believable voice we have come to see as 'who we are' - not looking back at how the characters of 'who we are' were developed and designed from childhood based on fear of survival and the development of the Psyche of Greed and Self-Interest.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 50: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 12 – Creating Debt Slaves Part 1

This Blog is a Continuation from:
 Day 39: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 1 – Denying Children a Practical Education 

 Day 40: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 2 – Creating Debt for an Education. 

 Day 41: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 3 – the Textbook Deception 

 Day 42: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 4 – the Recession  

 Day 43: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 5 – the Recession and the Consumer Part 1 

 Day 44: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 6 – the Recession and the Consumer Part 2 

 Day 45: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 7 – the Recession and the Consumer Part 3 

 Day 46: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 8 – the Recession and the Consumer Part 4 

 Day 47: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 9 – the Recession and the Consumer Part 5 

 Day 48: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 10 – the Recession and Markets 

Day 49: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 11 – The recession and Supply and Demand

Governments fueling Debt Fraud:

“During an economic downturn when Americans are losing their jobs, their primary instinct is to seek higher education in order to make themselves more attractive to potential employers and better position themselves to receive a job, however how are Americans supposed to spend twenty seven thousand two hundred ninety three dollars per year for college when they have no savings or income to pay for it? The US government with the backing of the federal reserve in the same way they created the real estate bubble by providing mortgages to all Americans, regardless of whether or not they had any capacity to pay the loans back, has been using the exact same easy lending practices to create one of the largest bubbles in US history - the college bubble. College students borrowed one hundred and six billion dollars in total student loans for the 2009 - 2010 school year, up from ninety six billion in two 2008 – 2009, up from ninety four billion in 2007 – 2008. Eighty seven billion in 2006 – 2007 and eighty three billion in 2005 – 2006. Total student loan debt in the US currently stands at eight hundred and thirty billion dollars and now exceeds credit card debt."

The Student Loan Debt Bubble

#1 After adjusting for inflation, U.S. college students are borrowing about twice as much money as they did a decade ago.

#2 According to the College Board, college tuition is absolutely soaring. The following comes from a recent CBS News article....

Average tuition and fees at public colleges rose 8.3 percent this year and, with room and board, now exceed $17,000 a year, according to the College Board.

#3 Average yearly tuition at private universities in the United States is now upto $27,293. That figure has increased by 29% in just the past five years.

#4 In America today, approximately two-thirds of all college students graduate with student loan debt.

#5 In 2010, the average college graduate had accumulated approximately $25,000 in student loan debt by graduation day.

#6 According to the Student Loan Debt Clock, total student loan debt in the United States will surpass the 1 trillion dollar mark in early 2012.

#7 The total amount of student loan debt in the United States now exceedsthe total amount of credit card debt in the United States.

#8 Over the past 25 years, the cost of college tuition has increased at an average rate that is approximately 6% higher than the general rate of inflation.

#9 Back in 1952, a full year of tuition at Harvard was only $600. Today, it is$35,568.

#10 The cost of college textbooks has tripled over the past decade.

#11 One survey found that 23 percent of all college students actually usecredit cards to pay for tuition or fees.

#12 According to recent Pew Research Center polling, 75% of all Americans believe that college is too expensive for most Americans to afford.

#13 College has become so expensive that it is causing many college students to do desperate things in order to pay for it. For example, an increasing number of young college women are actively advertising on the Internet for "sugar daddies" who will help them pay their college bills.

#14 The student loan default rate has nearly doubled since 2005.

#15 Approximately 14 percent of all students that graduate with student loan debt end up defaulting within 3 years of making their first student loan payment.

The Quality Of College Education In America Stinks

#16 The typical U.S. college student spends less than 30 hours a week on academics.

#17 According to very extensive research detailed in a new book entitled "Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses", 45 percent of all U.S. college students exhibit "no significant gains in learning"after two years in college.

#18 Today, college students spend approximately 50% less time studying than U.S. college students did just a few decades ago.

#19 35% of U.S. college students spend 5 hours or less studying per week.

#20 50% of U.S. college students have never taken a class where they had to write more than 20 pages.

#21 32% of U.S. college students have never taken a class where they had to read more than 40 pages in a week.

#22 U.S. college students spend 24% of their time sleeping, 51% of their time socializing and 7% of their time studying.

#23 Federal statistics reveal that only 36 percent of the full-time students who began college in 2001 received a bachelor's degree within four years.

Self-Forgiveness follows in Part 2


“35 Shocking Facts That Prove That College Education Has Become A Giant Money Making Scam.” The American Dream. []. Retrieved on 24 Sep 2012.

“College Conspiracy.” Top Documentary Films. [].  Retrieved on 10 September 2012.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 49: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 11 – The recession and Supply and Demand

This Blog is a Continuation from: 

 Day 39: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 1 – Denying Children a Practical Education 

 Day 40: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 2 – Creating Debt for an Education. 

 Day 41: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 3 – the Textbook Deception 

 Day 42: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 4 – the Recession  

 Day 43: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 5 – the Recession and the Consumer Part 1 

 Day 44: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 6 – the Recession and the Consumer Part 2 

 Day 45: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 7 – the Recession and the Consumer Part 3 

 Day 46: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 8 – the Recession and the Consumer Part 4 

 Day 47: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 9 – the Recession and the Consumer Part 5 

 Day 48: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 10 – the Recession and Markets 

Self-Forgiveness in this blog will focus on the following information: 


Purchasing power: I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the capitalistic system to separate people according to those who have money and those who do not.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to limit people’s abilities to provide for their basic needs according to their purchasing power.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to place the control and management of the planet’s resources in the hands of the minority, who manage the resources for their own greed.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the management of resources to not be about the equal distribution to all who inhabit the planet, but only for those who have sufficient money to be able to have ‘purchasing power;

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to make such a big deal out of the concept of purchasing power – giving it some special value that makes those with purchasing power feel special and good about themselves within the system, when in fact purchasing power means death and discomfort to many, while lining the pockets of the Elite few through the spending of the working class slaves.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to deny the wants and needs of the many, to maintain a crooked system, which is about keeping an equilibrium where we always have to pay to live.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to play my role in the equilibrium of the capitalistic system, where my need for a product determines it’s price and this needs is dependent on my addiction to energy as the products that are bound by images, colors, and concepts within ones mind which you perceive you are experiencing through having this product = therefore we have shows that the entertainment of the human mind exploited by the Elitists to make more money – has more value than Life on this planet.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to provide resources only for those with money, and to leave and justify the abuse of countless beings each day within the Money System.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to experience an energetic rush, as I come across that product – so many users/consumers desire, which costs above what most can afford, which I am able to afford – thus heightening my status in society, in my friendship circles, and within myself as I have placed myself above the rest, monetarily and through my own ego-mind relationship with myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing supply and demand as I respect this economic law, as it allows me to brag and feel proud within myself at the ‘things’ I was able to acquire due to my purchasing power – not realizing I am handing the Elite/those who control money all the tools with which to further fuck humanity into debt slavery and money control – but for now I allow it because all-in-all – my backchat says - it is worth it, as I experience mental masturbation due to my ‘purchasing power’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to play the opposite polarity of the one who cannot afford luxuries, staring through the shop window in envy at that ‘beautiful’ product, and experiencing pangs of regret as I see another with the product I cannot have – creating more and more emotional energy and fear within myself towards not being able to fulfill myself within buying everything I would needs to look good and feel good.

Law of Demand: I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to play the role within the law of demand of the needy, hungry, human who directs itself not from what is practically required –but driven from energy systems – making the human believe we serve some ‘god given design’ called individuality – but is actually just s reacting to he highs and lows of Mind energy – as we are not yet the directors of the Mind as we so clearly see in the fundamentals of how consumerism functions.

I commit myself to show that the economy exists to protect money and those with money and therefore has nothing to do with the advancement or protection of Life.

I commit myself to show that the current money system is one of pure evil – because its only function is to protect those with money while profiting from the gap between rich and poor and the emotional states that it places people into as they are forced into fear of survival – and how this influences the consumer to participate in consumption.

I commit myself to the development of a new economic system – which involved the proper research of what is required for all humans to live, how to manage and distribute the resources accordingly and the ongoing management of what is best for all Life on this planet.

More Self-Forgiveness and Self-Corrective Statements on Supply and Demand:



Day 143: Free Stuff! And True Activism


“College Conspiracy.” Top Documentary Films. [].  Retrieved on 10 September 2012.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Day 48: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 10 – the Recession and Markets

Please see the previous Blogs on the Education Fraud, to understand the Context of ‘The Recession and Consumer’ Blogs:

Original Blog containing rite up on ‘The Recession’.

In this blog, Self-Forgiveness on:

“Understanding markets

In the United States rather than being a market economy we are actually a modified market economy. But in either case in both types of economies production and consumption are connected in various markets. And in both cases a market is simply a place where consumers can go to buy things from producers and producers can go to sell things to consumers. In fact in most economies there are two basic kinds of markets, a physical market and an abstract market. But the most interesting thing to note is that in most cases everybody is going to be a producer and a consumer, but to be each of these they are going to be acting in different markets.

A physical market is where producers and consumers can go to buy and sell their goods. A great example of a physical market is a grocery store. The reason for this is that with a grocery store people can go to the store if they are looking to consume food. At the store they can purchase the food from the producers, but in most cases they are purchasing it through a series of middlemen. Two great examples of the abstract market are the labor market and the stock market. With the labor market businesses who want to consume work pay people to produce labor. And with the stock market people and businesses or consumers and producers buy and sell percentages of ownership for various companies.”

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to term the abuse of resources on this planet as viable as it allows us to create markets for consumers and allow capitalists to profit.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to consumer the consumer through developing fake markets for products where I basically create an idea within the mind of the consumer through brainwashing, that they need these items to fulfill themselves and to experience happiness in life

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the idea behind markets to come from the illusion that humanity requires certain goods and that for capitalists to profit, we have to understand how to manipulate the human into believing we require vast amounts og goods, produced at minimal costs, at the expense of resources and the labor markets.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to abuse the resource markets, whereby I claim that the resources of this planet are there for me to utilize in my human drive for profit and excellence

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the development of the idea of human ‘excellence’ and competition, whereby to create markets and to sell that to the human is seen as a positive step in the direction of human evolution and development, instead of realize and seeing the game that is being played behind the abusing of resources for profit through manipulating the human psyche as it currently exists.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to put many small businesses out of business as I participate in ‘market control’ forcing some out of business as they cannot keep up with changing trends and market changes.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to manifest the consumer into a user/abuser of energy as I create a hype around the latest product/gimmick through tapping into the fragile human Mind/Psyche, and through this addiction the consumer has to energy, pictures and the concept of popularity as self value – I have created this fluctuation in user habits where the consumer tires of one product and needs the next best thing – which allows for the capitalist/producer/business person to create markets.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as economist to create concepts to justify the abuse of life on this planet, by using terminology such as ‘market force’ – whereby symbolically through the study of the human mind patterns, I tap into words that humans fear, like and dislike – whereby people resonantly create a respect for this apparent ‘force’ which is like a force of god that is free standing and not really in the control of the economists/capitalists – but merely something that happens as a result of consumer and goods interaction – not self honestly sharing the real actuality of how this force is in fact created and perpetuated.

I commit myself to show that forces do not just happen for no reason and due to anomalous consequences – and that forces are the direct result of either the human manipulating itself through and within energy or through groups of people (economists and capitalists) setting in motion certain events that will trigger further actions between the human and the product market.

I commit myself to show that if we take self responsibility for this planet, as ourselves we will realize that manipulation of others and ourselves is redundant and requires specific self stopping within the realization that one cannot deliberately do harm and then claim you do not know you cause harm

I commit myself within the above statement to adjust my understanding of Life on this planet from the competitive, harmful way of living of that of an organic robot, born and bred to consume and use – to that of a being that considers life on this planet as I consider myself as life – equal and one – where I create a future for myself and all generations that will be worth living and that will remain consistent as a living statement of ourselves.

Cool Quote for the Day:

"I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate morality from politics and economics and law based on the idea that somehow the market forces  have a life of its own that do not follow moral values  although the only participant in relationship to market forces are the human and the greed of the human that use control to protect profit and will allow many to perish in the name of the human laws of politics, economics and religion."

Further Reading on Markets:



Day 10: Relationship Dynamics

Day 18: Dementia – The Rotten Child Syndrome

Day 96: Advertising Success Secrets or Economic Doom?



Mohammed, Mohsin. “Recession in Simple Terms.” [].  Retrieved on: 10 September 2012.

“College Conspiracy.” Top Documentary Films. [].  Retrieved on 10 September 2012.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 47: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 9 – the Recession and the Consumer Part 5

Please see the previous Blogs on the Education Fraud, to understand the Context of ‘The Recession and Consumer’ Blogs:

I forgive myself as consumer for accepting and allowing myself to participate in the Capitalistic System and the system of Materialism according to emotions and feelings.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to grow up believing that everything that is produced and sold in shops is there for my personal enjoyment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to develop a belief system around what I see in front of me on the shelf, in which I believe that ‘it is already here so I might as well buy it.’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that ‘seeing as an industry already exists to produce all these products, I might as well buy them., why should I spite myself by being self responsible while others still get to consume as much as they want?’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to generate an energy within me, from childhood where I became exited as a child waiting to receive my presents, in which I connected that excitement energy into a form of adult addiction, where I accepted myself to seek this energy for the rest of my life- and therefore grew up accepting the Capitalistic System as it exists, because no matter what I wanted to experience that high again.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to see, realize and understand that the excitement-energy I experienced as a child, is not a valid reason for ignoring the facts behind why and how products are created and the global consequences that materialism and capitalism have on the world, nature and the resources.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to hold onto the same excuses I learned to use as a child around ‘wanting my presents’ – where as an adult I develop thoughts within my mind about why it does not concern me what the global consequences are of consumerism – because it makes me extremely exited and happy to have my orgasmic thrills and this is what life is apparently about.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be impulsed by media, religion and societal principles, that the highest form of happiness and human achievement is what human life is about.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to call anybody who questions this extreme human happiness obtained through the principle of money and greed and the consequences it has on the planet, a cult member and a Satanist.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to revert to name calling, simply because I reject any person who directly shows the relationship lines between abuse in the world and how it is created and all the groups/individuals within society who are responsible for the abuse.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to connect pictures within my mind of happiness, sexuality and success to the products in shops.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be brainwashed through the media, to connect pictures of naked people, successful happy people to what is sold in the shop, as the idea behind what that product represents which is deliberately created by the marketing companies and the media – to impulse me through my basic programming design and to trigger me, what makes me tick.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to attach values such as color, class, expensiveness, quality, popularity, shape, brand etc – to the products that I buy, not realizing that these images and ideas were deliberately created to play on my needs for self approval, to get me to buy products so that I ‘feel’ energetically as if I am now that quality I perceive buying the product will give me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that goodness exists in the intentions of those who sell products/goods, not seeing and realizing for myself that they are doing their best to manipulate the user into buying more, so that the corporations can make money.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to proclaim to be the image and likeness of God, and yet claim that I am unable to direct this ‘human nature’, ‘god’ has apparently bestowed upon me, which is the driving force for a majority of people on the planet, that cause all of us to buy impulsively and energetically – directed by characters existent within the psyche, designed through memories from childhood – where the character’s purpose is to try and achieve self completion – which is the lie sold to parents through capitalism – and now the parents believe in the bulshit and train their children to become organic robots subject to the laws of Consumerism.

I commit myself to show that nothing will happen to humanity if we stop living as a system addicted to energy and actually learn to exist in our physical bodies that are equal and one to the physical reality.

I commit myself to show that it is only the needs of the mind, that require specific experiences for one to achieve the ‘feeling’ of happiness and self acceptance and accomplishments, whereby the mind believes that the human experience is about energy and energy experiences which have to be generated through how we participate in this world.

Therefore I commit myself t show that nothing will be ‘lost’ so to speak if we stop, breathe and consider what we are doing to ourselves, each other, nature and the resources by living in the mind of energy addictions – and that if we are to stop the future we are busy creating now – which is the destruction of mankind –we need to consider self responsibility and to forgive ourselves for believing in the energy trap which is fast consuming the planet.

I commit myself to show that nothing will happen to the human as the physical presence/body, if we stop existing as fast consuming energy, because by walking equal to the physical reality in self responsibility, consideration and common sense, we will still all be ale to express and live, however it wont be done from energy which runs in cycles of highs and lows and always has to be replenished – which is how we are slowly destroying ourselves and the resources of the physical.

Cool Quote for the Day

"I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the absolute certainty that the economic system will lead to the total destruction of all non renewable fuel sources and the extinction of many animals and other life forms and that in spite of this happening in a measurable way already, I refuse to stop what I allow and wash my hands like a Pontius Pilate claiming that there is nothing I can do and that it is the will of the people." 

 More Reading: 
