Day 39: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 1 – Denying Children a Practical Education
Day 40: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 2 – Creating Debt for an Education.
Day 41: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 3 – the Textbook Deception
Day 42: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 4 – the Recession
Day 43: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 5 – the Recession and the Consumer Part 1
Day 44: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 6 – the Recession and the Consumer Part 2
Day 45: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 7 – the Recession and the Consumer Part 3
Day 46: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 8 – the Recession and the Consumer Part 4
Day 47: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 9 – the Recession and the Consumer Part 5
Day 48: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 10 – the Recession and Markets
Self-Forgiveness in this blog will focus on the following information:
Purchasing power: I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the capitalistic system to separate people according to those who have money and those who do not.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to limit people’s abilities to provide for their basic needs according to their purchasing power.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the management of resources to not be about the equal distribution to all who inhabit the planet, but only for those who have sufficient money to be able to have ‘purchasing power;
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to make such a big deal out of the concept of purchasing power – giving it some special value that makes those with purchasing power feel special and good about themselves within the system, when in fact purchasing power means death and discomfort to many, while lining the pockets of the Elite few through the spending of the working class slaves.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to deny the wants and needs of the many, to maintain a crooked system, which is about keeping an equilibrium where we always have to pay to live.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to play my role in the equilibrium of the capitalistic system, where my need for a product determines it’s price and this needs is dependent on my addiction to energy as the products that are bound by images, colors, and concepts within ones mind which you perceive you are experiencing through having this product = therefore we have shows that the entertainment of the human mind exploited by the Elitists to make more money – has more value than Life on this planet.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to provide resources only for those with money, and to leave and justify the abuse of countless beings each day within the Money System.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to experience an energetic rush, as I come across that product – so many users/consumers desire, which costs above what most can afford, which I am able to afford – thus heightening my status in society, in my friendship circles, and within myself as I have placed myself above the rest, monetarily and through my own ego-mind relationship with myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing supply and demand as I respect this economic law, as it allows me to brag and feel proud within myself at the ‘things’ I was able to acquire due to my purchasing power – not realizing I am handing the Elite/those who control money all the tools with which to further fuck humanity into debt slavery and money control – but for now I allow it because all-in-all – my backchat says - it is worth it, as I experience mental masturbation due to my ‘purchasing power’
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to play the opposite polarity of the one who cannot afford luxuries, staring through the shop window in envy at that ‘beautiful’ product, and experiencing pangs of regret as I see another with the product I cannot have – creating more and more emotional energy and fear within myself towards not being able to fulfill myself within buying everything I would needs to look good and feel good.
Law of Demand: I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to play the role within the law of demand of the needy, hungry, human who directs itself not from what is practically required –but driven from energy systems – making the human believe we serve some ‘god given design’ called individuality – but is actually just s reacting to he highs and lows of Mind energy – as we are not yet the directors of the Mind as we so clearly see in the fundamentals of how consumerism functions.
I commit myself to show that the economy exists to protect money and those with money and therefore has nothing to do with the advancement or protection of Life.
I commit myself to show that the current money system is one of pure evil – because its only function is to protect those with money while profiting from the gap between rich and poor and the emotional states that it places people into as they are forced into fear of survival – and how this influences the consumer to participate in consumption.
I commit myself to the development of a new economic system – which involved the proper research of what is required for all humans to live, how to manage and distribute the resources accordingly and the ongoing management of what is best for all Life on this planet.
More Self-Forgiveness and Self-Corrective Statements on Supply and Demand:
Day 143: Free Stuff! And True Activism
Conspiracy.” Top Documentary Films. []. Retrieved on 10 September 2012.
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