Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 47: International Crime Research: Education Fraud Part 9 – the Recession and the Consumer Part 5

Please see the previous Blogs on the Education Fraud, to understand the Context of ‘The Recession and Consumer’ Blogs: http://crimesjourneytolife.blogspot.com/2012/09/day-39-international-crime-research.html

I forgive myself as consumer for accepting and allowing myself to participate in the Capitalistic System and the system of Materialism according to emotions and feelings.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to grow up believing that everything that is produced and sold in shops is there for my personal enjoyment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to develop a belief system around what I see in front of me on the shelf, in which I believe that ‘it is already here so I might as well buy it.’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that ‘seeing as an industry already exists to produce all these products, I might as well buy them., why should I spite myself by being self responsible while others still get to consume as much as they want?’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to generate an energy within me, from childhood where I became exited as a child waiting to receive my presents, in which I connected that excitement energy into a form of adult addiction, where I accepted myself to seek this energy for the rest of my life- and therefore grew up accepting the Capitalistic System as it exists, because no matter what I wanted to experience that high again.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to see, realize and understand that the excitement-energy I experienced as a child, is not a valid reason for ignoring the facts behind why and how products are created and the global consequences that materialism and capitalism have on the world, nature and the resources.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to hold onto the same excuses I learned to use as a child around ‘wanting my presents’ – where as an adult I develop thoughts within my mind about why it does not concern me what the global consequences are of consumerism – because it makes me extremely exited and happy to have my orgasmic thrills and this is what life is apparently about.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be impulsed by media, religion and societal principles, that the highest form of happiness and human achievement is what human life is about.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to call anybody who questions this extreme human happiness obtained through the principle of money and greed and the consequences it has on the planet, a cult member and a Satanist.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to revert to name calling, simply because I reject any person who directly shows the relationship lines between abuse in the world and how it is created and all the groups/individuals within society who are responsible for the abuse.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to connect pictures within my mind of happiness, sexuality and success to the products in shops.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be brainwashed through the media, to connect pictures of naked people, successful happy people to what is sold in the shop, as the idea behind what that product represents which is deliberately created by the marketing companies and the media – to impulse me through my basic programming design and to trigger me, what makes me tick.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to attach values such as color, class, expensiveness, quality, popularity, shape, brand etc – to the products that I buy, not realizing that these images and ideas were deliberately created to play on my needs for self approval, to get me to buy products so that I ‘feel’ energetically as if I am now that quality I perceive buying the product will give me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that goodness exists in the intentions of those who sell products/goods, not seeing and realizing for myself that they are doing their best to manipulate the user into buying more, so that the corporations can make money.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to proclaim to be the image and likeness of God, and yet claim that I am unable to direct this ‘human nature’, ‘god’ has apparently bestowed upon me, which is the driving force for a majority of people on the planet, that cause all of us to buy impulsively and energetically – directed by characters existent within the psyche, designed through memories from childhood – where the character’s purpose is to try and achieve self completion – which is the lie sold to parents through capitalism – and now the parents believe in the bulshit and train their children to become organic robots subject to the laws of Consumerism.

I commit myself to show that nothing will happen to humanity if we stop living as a system addicted to energy and actually learn to exist in our physical bodies that are equal and one to the physical reality.

I commit myself to show that it is only the needs of the mind, that require specific experiences for one to achieve the ‘feeling’ of happiness and self acceptance and accomplishments, whereby the mind believes that the human experience is about energy and energy experiences which have to be generated through how we participate in this world.

Therefore I commit myself t show that nothing will be ‘lost’ so to speak if we stop, breathe and consider what we are doing to ourselves, each other, nature and the resources by living in the mind of energy addictions – and that if we are to stop the future we are busy creating now – which is the destruction of mankind –we need to consider self responsibility and to forgive ourselves for believing in the energy trap which is fast consuming the planet.

I commit myself to show that nothing will happen to the human as the physical presence/body, if we stop existing as fast consuming energy, because by walking equal to the physical reality in self responsibility, consideration and common sense, we will still all be ale to express and live, however it wont be done from energy which runs in cycles of highs and lows and always has to be replenished – which is how we are slowly destroying ourselves and the resources of the physical.

Cool Quote for the Day

"I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the absolute certainty that the economic system will lead to the total destruction of all non renewable fuel sources and the extinction of many animals and other life forms and that in spite of this happening in a measurable way already, I refuse to stop what I allow and wash my hands like a Pontius Pilate claiming that there is nothing I can do and that it is the will of the people."

 More Reading: 

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