Thursday, May 29, 2014

Day 142: The Paranormal Series Part 12 – Demons in the Afterlife part 3

Day 131: The Paranormal Series - Ghosts and Demons Part 1
Day 132: The Paranormal Series – Ghosts and Demons Part 2
Day 133: The Paranormal Series – Ghosts and Demons Part 3
Day 134: The Paranormal Series Part 4 - A Psychic’s Gate Keeper (part 1)
Day 135: The Paranormal Series Part 5 - A Psychic’s Gate Keeper (part 2)
Day 136: The Paranormal Series Part 6 – The being that died as Fear (part 1)
Day 137: The Paranormal Series Part 7 – The being that died as Fear (part 2)
Day 138: The Paranormal Series Part 8 – The being that died as Fear (part 3)
Day 139: The Paranormal Series Part 9 – The Enlightenment Being
Day 140: The Paranormal Series Part 10 - Demons in the Afterlife part 1
Day 141: The Paranormal Series Part 11 - Demons in the Afterlife part 2

Full demons in the afterlife part 2

This blog is based on the next video in the ‘Demons in the Afterlife’ series:

Demons in the Afterlife - Part 2:Frequency bands dividing Spiritual Guides and Demons (Free interview Published: November 07, 2012)

“within the context of understanding demons and within this one will find essentially the understanding of human beings. Essentially through understanding demons what will also be understood is human nature. It is fascinating that already with the word demon or word demonic, that even connecting that connecting that to human beings, many would go into a reaction ‘demon me? No. Demonizing human nature blasphemy!’ When it is to first understand what demon and demonic in fact really was from an existential, multi-dimensional, scientific perspective. Meaning, to understand what substantiated the nature and definition of a demon. So let us have a look at this more specifically: You have this physical existence which was a merged relationship between energy and substance, that through the evolution of the Mind’s relationship to the physical body and the existential minds relationship to this existence, had manifested into very specific density. There was a densification process that evolved within existence as the mind, as consciousness, as energy, layered itself into the physical body and the physical existence as a whole. So, there is an entire imprinted history essentially that one can read within the physical body and within this physical existence, in how the mind consciousness of human beings layered itself into the substance of the structures of physicality…”                                                                                             
                                                                - Demon communicating through the Interdimensional Portal

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that energy is the ultimate power and source of existence

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to question energy and how I define myself within having or not having energy.

within this I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize that if energy is not constant and therefore fluctuates and has its own source – it therefore cannot be the ultimate source as substance as Life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define myself as energy and for spiritualising my fluctuations in energy and for not being self honest in realizing that I cannot stand as Life fully as my full potential if I define myself according to energy.

“what happened essentially throughout the history of existence was that the heaven existence was then produced into the existence of pure energy. Within that you had the heaven existence where all the ‘elite’ of the interdimensional/dimensions had positioned themselves, into an entire existence of pure force and source and power. This ‘white light’ purity that resembled and represented power and elitism and control. They had the rest of existence, all the interdimensional/dimensional beings that the elite races deemed as inferior manifested into a physical existence, into an existence where energy would always be produced from substance…”

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing  myself to exist as pure energy as source for the heaven existence

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as elite to separate myself from other beings, utilising them to serve me, to take care of me and to be my slaves.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to generate energy which is resourced from my body each time I have reactions within the mind.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing  myself to then further fuel my reactions in the mind – based on my own reaction to my reactions

4r94kuxI forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fuel my own energy needs of my mind, by being in constant reaction in my mind to myself, to others and to my world – without realizing that the justification to protect myself by following my reactions and trying to out smart others or to survive – is in fact what is keeping not only myself, but the rest of the world as humanity, as each other trapped in the same cycles because what i realize is that if we are all fueling our reactions to protect our reactions from each other – then obviously this is an unending cycle – which simply repeats itself to the extent that we see now within society, where people are possessed into and as the mind – constantly fueling reactions towards ourselves inwardly and reacting to what we see and perceive and believe others are doing ‘to us’.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself within the heavenly existence to be the consumer of energy and within this to not take care that I was drawing energy from humans, who obviously had to go through emotional experiences to generate this energy and within this I was not seeing that as master or guide or any being in heaven drawing from the energy of humans, I was in fact enslaving humans to the mind simply to fuel heaven’s needs – and thus the consequences that we face now as humanity are lost within the mind – is as a direct result of this design.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Day 141: The Paranormal Series Part 11 - Demons in the Afterlife part 2

Day 131: The Paranormal Series - Ghosts and Demons Part 1
Day 132: The Paranormal Series – Ghosts and Demons Part 2
Day 133: The Paranormal Series – Ghosts and Demons Part 3
Day 134: The Paranormal Series Part 4 - A Psychic’s Gate Keeper (part 1)
Day 135: The Paranormal Series Part 5 - A Psychic’s Gate Keeper (part 2)
Day 136: The Paranormal Series Part 6 – The being that died as Fear (part 1)
Day 137: The Paranormal Series Part 7 – The being that died as Fear (part 2)
Day 138: The Paranormal Series Part 8 – The being that died as Fear (part 3)
Day 139: The Paranormal Series Part 9 – The Enlightenment Being
Day 140: The Paranormal Series Part 10 - Demons in the Afterlife part 1

This blog is a continuation from part 1 and is based on the following Interview:

Demons in the Afterlife - Part 1

“ what is fascinating is that if one look at the relationship with ones own mind, there are demons in your own mind. What is interesting is that even within the relationship to ones own mind, there is the same negative, damming, relationship to demons in your own mind in the sense that one keep them on the outskirts of your consciousness, your awareness. One do not even approach them, face them, look at them, understand them. Why do they exist within me? What is their reason, their purpose? How can you assist the demons of your own mind essentially. so within this all it has to be understood and questioned, in why it is why the demons in the heaven existence were never really in fact assisted and supported at all and that is both within the heaven context and within human beings within this world. Why on both sides, I mean the demon dimension were essentially in the middle of it all, that there was no assistance and support for the demons within the demon dimension. The same within the world system, within humanity – why is it really in fact, despite everyone knowing that the world system is the direct root cause and origin of poverty, of famine, of starvation, of violence, of wars within this physical existence – that there is no change to that very system. That there is no effort made in physically, practically having human beings that are facing poverty and starvation and famine and wars and violence and the consequences of that exalted into a physical life equality and oneness on this earth. The answer to all of this exists in how and what was the demons and the demons dimensions relationship to heaven. What was the benefit of them existing and to whom was that benefit afforded? Same within within world system, what benefit are those that are existing in poverty and starvation and famine and war and violence and who is benefiting from that? If we were in any way really genuine about this LOVE, about this absolute benevolence, shouldn't that love supersede or be stronger than the apparent evil or darkness that the demons presented?
                                                                                         - Demon communicating through the Interdimensional Portal

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to cling onto hope that all beings on earth who experience pain and suffering within this world system, will be assisted by some god or someone else or some force.Kept in chains: Mental illness rampant in Somalia (AP)
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use a believe in a god or some supreme being  that they will change the world problems and therefore I do not have to take responsibility for the world system and the problems thereof – because there is something or someone out there and that this something is part of some grand divine plan, which I am not privy of and thus I can sit back in my comfortable life while beings suffer, knowing and using beLIEf so justify me not directly changing the world system, here in actuality.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to continue demonise those who I perceive as being outcasts of life’ while not realising that it is my participation and creation of this world system that directly cause them within their life time line to become who they are and yet I act ignorant to my part and participation, in out casting beings into roles of victimisation and enslavement.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use the world Love, so say that I Love all of humanity or I Love or living beings, however at the end of the day when it comes to putting Love into practical application by actually changing the lives for all of these beings that I love to have dignified lives, when action is required I sink back into apathy and justification.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize that words like Love and Light are useless unless we can actually change this physical reality as the practical change and practical application of actions of Love
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to cling onto the feel good experience of words like Love, while at the same time ignoring that my mind demons still exist within me, and that I have not changed and that the truth of me exist as various demons, which I have not been able to wish away or ignore away through the use of words like love, light, jesus, god etc…

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize that words and ideas like love and light has not changed or made a  difference to the demonic nature of man, due to my own fear of having to admit that the only way I will change me or this world is if I directly change myself and change the fear and emotional polarity systems that cause me to have to say ‘I Love you’ or ‘I send love and light to you.’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that there are angels, guides and masters that apparently come from the heavenly existence to ‘assist’ mankind, when they have not even assisted their own kind which would be the demonic beings.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing something like a ‘lower frequency band’ to influence my perception of another being and influence how I treat this being because he/she exists in and of ‘lower frequency bands’.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not step in and assist the demons, simply because they existed in the lower frequency bands – this limiting myself as a being whom I claim to be standing for what is best and standing in Love and Light.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to send beings that I do not understand or like away to be treated and punished and contained just like the demon exorcists did with demons, where the demons were cast from the body – instead of understanding the demon, communicating with the demon or being, getting to know them and mostly getting to the bottom of or understanding how this being or demon came to be who they are.

Over 60pc Afghans suffer from mental health problems

Kept in chains: Mental illness rampant in Somalia

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Day 140: The Paranormal Series Part 10 - Demons in the Afterlife part 1

Day 131: The Paranormal Series - Ghosts and Demons Part 1
Day 132: The Paranormal Series – Ghosts and Demons Part 2
Day 133: The Paranormal Series – Ghosts and Demons Part 3
Day 134: The Paranormal Series Part 4 - A Psychic’s Gate Keeper (part 1)
Day 135: The Paranormal Series Part 5 - A Psychic’s Gate Keeper (part 2)
Day 136: The Paranormal Series Part 6 – The being that died as Fear (part 1)
Day 137: The Paranormal Series Part 7 – The being that died as Fear (part 2)
Day 138: The Paranormal Series Part 8 – The being that died as Fear (part 3)
Day 139: The Paranormal Series Part 9 – The Enlightenment Being

This blog is based on the following Interview:

Demons in the Afterlife - Part 1

Published: November 04, 2012 (free interview)
Journeys into the Demon dimension -
a part of the Journey into the afterlife series
series explaining the reality of the Demons,
their relationship to Heaven and the change
that came with the opening of the Desteni Portal -
all narrated as seen by the Demons themselves.

“…if you were a demon then that was your eternity, there was no being in the heaven existence that would stretch out a helping hand to any demon whatsoever. I mean there was not even beings in the heaven existence that made any effort to understand demons. Why are they demons, how did they become demons, is there any process to assist and support Demons with that would exalt them into an equality and a oneness within the heaven existence. Instead what existed in the heaven existence was fear and damnation and negativity. There was that absolute elitism of ‘the demons are the demons and that is where they remain, that is their consequence, that is their eternity.’ I mean essentially that same equal and one mentality of where you are having a look at the Elite of this world system and their relationship to money and the demons as humans of tis earth which are on the outskirts of that very world system. That the humans in starvation/poverty/famine, that is their consequence, that is their future. there was no effort or process walked in terms of understanding the dynamics of this entire world system and their direct relationship to it that is the cause, the source and the origin, of creating the consequence/outflows as the demons, as human beings within and of this earth. So in a sense one can within this say that there are humans on this earth, in their relationship to other human beings that are the demons walking the earth – that in their considerations were even more that beings in the heaven existence in terms of giving others a genuine helping hand within what resources are available to them. Whereas in the heaven existence there weren't any resources or even any efforts made in terms of in fact assisting and supporting the demons, in fact there was only fear, damnation, condemnation and a complete resistance to forming any form of relationship with the demons…”

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to separate the human being as our beingness after death into heaven and hell.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to condemn certain beings to a live in torment because I am unable to assist them and because I do not have or understand how to find the resources necessary to assist these beings.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to condemn these beings simply because I don't have the time for them.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to condemn certain beings because I judge their actions, and thus label them as demons, outcasts, wrong-doers and through this labelling others condemn these beings as well, where over time it becomes easy to simply alienate myself from these beings and to separate my existence from them.

within this

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing to demonise humans on earth according to whether they have money or not –and thus labelling people who are poor and starving and without means to protect themselves, as outcasts simply because they look, speak and act differently from me, within this not realizing that this stereotype of strange behaviour such as drunkenness, hunger, stealing, uneducated, drug-usage common etc – these are all consequences of a human being who is forced into a life style of survival not only monetarily but also within the emotional and mental coping mechanisms within our society – where we have come to accept human behaviour to be a certain way –and within this ignore the effects our behaviour has on other members of society where they change or adapt their behaviour to survive.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as an Elite member of society who is able to pick up my wallet and go to the shops to buy what I want and need – for alienating the people who I walk and drive past and in my mind distancing myself from them and even judging them in my mind as being disgusting and even dangerous – not because they were born this way – but merely because my behaviour and the behaviour of the rest of society – where we place value on ‘those who have money’ have further and further demonised these individuals into inferior positions of lacking, wanting and needing – and from there turning some into criminals and addicts and desperate – but through my eyes I don't even see desperate and addicted, I simply see strange, ugly and dirty.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to then use the reaction of fear every time I see or am near a person I have demonised within our society and through media and politics all of us eventually accept the fear response based on what stories we are told as real and acceptable – thus we are all always kept in the same enslavement cycle where I remain in fear of those I distrust and continue trusting those in power – without even questioning how did these demons become ‘demonised’ and why are these beings demonised into positions that create profit and well being fro others?

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to develop a relationship of inferior/superior towards all life forms here on earth by allowing any concepts and practises such as beauty/ugly, having/not having, rich/poor, power/powerless and that even in spirituality I have accepted roles of absolute self enslavement where I justify the decision we have made as society to condemn some into positions of inferiority simply to exist as my slaves and do the hard work for me in society.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to then use these demonised beings in society to justify not sharing the resources of this earth equally with me, because it is easier for example for me to pay minimum wages for a demonised, inferior human, than it would be for me to accept them as my life equal and to give them what they deserve as their life right – such as the case if a basic living income or a decent working income.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Day 139: The Paranormal Series Part 9 – The Enlightenment Being (part1)

Day 131: The Paranormal Series - Ghosts and Demons Part 1
Day 132: The Paranormal Series – Ghosts and Demons Part 2
Day 133: The Paranormal Series – Ghosts and Demons Part 3
Day 134: The Paranormal Series Part 4 - A Psychic’s Gate Keeper (part 1)
Day 135: The Paranormal Series Part 5 - A Psychic’s Gate Keeper (part 2)
Day 136: The Paranormal Series Part 6 – The being that died as Fear (part 1)
Day 137: The Paranormal Series Part 7 – The being that died as Fear (part 2)
Day 138: The Paranormal Series Part 8 – The being that died as Fear (part 3)
This blog is based on the following interview:

Journeys into the Afterlife - The Enlightenment Being

“ we were beings that had been ‘swiped’ within the swiping-containment area manifestation within the heaven existence, where your awareness of your very beingness would be completely supressed where you would simply be looking like this beingness-embodiment that was floating around aimlessly within this containment within the heaven existence. Our primary purpose was to lighten-up beings in the heavenly existence. We were programmed with a Dimensional Mind System with one program which was one word for example ‘Love’ or ‘Light’ or ‘Care’…”
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist as energy vibrations

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist as energy vibrations and for not questioning why I would require a being to support me to in raising these energy frequencies.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be defined according to an energy or a frequency, and thus I realise that my entire life, my existence here on earth or in heaven was simply based on frequencies managed and balanced by counter energies as polarities as I require the opposite polarity to my own experience such as anger, sadness, concern – for me to ‘raise’ my energy and thus change my mood to the opposite polarity

Within this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to therefore design a world that functions according to these polarity infinity symbols, where consumerism functions according to understanding how the human exist as emotions and feeling systems – and thus I am a product of consumerism, because I live to raise/change my energy and experience the positive polarities, where within this world as one that is governed by survival through capital/profit as fake ‘self worth systems, abuses me as a energy system – for paper money.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as a being that enlightens others to never question why beings in in heaven would experience concern, sadness or any experience based on their past history as a human or based on what they as heavenly beings see and observe on earth or even in the heavenly dimensions.

therefore I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to never question why it is necessary to ‘bestow’ them with gifts from god to allow them to experience themselves differently as the opposite polarity energy experience – where I never question why a god would bestow gifts of positivity onto beings after they have already gone through the negative polarity – which shows me that there is a problem – if I follow the time line of human experiences with what humans/animals/nature are enduring on earth.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to share the idea and knowledge that God is with us watching over us, when in fact this physical reality tells a very different story.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the thought to exist in me of ‘I must not give up hope’ as this is the ultimate enslavement statement, where I accept the state of our world, my inner experiences and what we are allowing to happen to each other,the animal kingdom and nature – where in that one statement I am saying that we don't need to change what is happening internally or externally – and that we must accept an apparent ‘god’s plan’ instead of taking responsibility for this world and ourselves as creators within it.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as ‘enlightenment worker;’ to not realise that if I had to be given pockets of grace as energy to exist within me to use on other beings to assist them to experience ‘grace’, then this would imply that grace is separate from myself and from the other being and that as long as I had to exist as a heavenly being consisting of pockets of grace or love or peace to ‘bestow unto others’– that this would imply that our beigness as who we really are, are not consisting of these experiences as living words and would thus again draw my attention back to our design as the mind and the world systems and society – to see where and how have we separated ourselves from these words, where it is not natural for us to be these expressions all the time, due to environmental and life/mind influences.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to look deeper into the human mind and human societal world system experiences, to draw the time lines of how and when we created a world and inner experiences that separate us from living peace and grace and all of these words that these heavenly beings had to stand as, for us.

So -  I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to look at the money system, war, family, relationships, desire, needs, wants, poverty, corruption, conflict, self interest, etc – all of these human experiences that take one down a path of self creation that inevitably cause ourselves, each other and even the other inhabitants of this planet harm, as the human becomes consumed with our own internal battles around these emotions, feelings and thought patterns – which are all again based on the minds energy patterns and thus indicate that our own consequences of sadness, anger, irritation, possessiveness etc are all showing us that how we live and what we value as ‘human life’ is not really supporting us – because down the line, there has to exist heavenly en-light-enment beings that ‘bestow’ us with these experiences that have become separate from us and have been split into polarity designs within the mind, for example if I have money i feel happy, if I don't have money I am sad etc…

Friday, May 9, 2014

Day 138: The Paranormal Series Part 8 – The being that died as Fear (part 3)

Day 131: The Paranormal Series - Ghosts and Demons Part 1
Day 132: The Paranormal Series – Ghosts and Demons Part 2
Day 133: The Paranormal Series – Ghosts and Demons Part 3 
Day 134: The Paranormal Series Part 4 - A Psychic’s Gate Keeper (part 1)
Day 135: The Paranormal Series Part 5 - A Psychic’s Gate Keeper (part 2) 
Day 136: The Paranormal Series Part 6 – The being that died as Fear (part 1) 
Day 137: The Paranormal Series Part 7 – The being that died as Fear (part 2)

This blog is a continuation from ‘The being that died as Fear (part 2)’ and is based on the following Interview:

Journeys into the Afterlife - The Being that died as Fear

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to afraid of everything

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become a demon of fear

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing  myself to fuel my fears, by feeding them through thoughts and by allowing myself to go with the fear, meaning where the fear would come up and the thoughts would tell me to move away from the object/person/environment, I would not question my fear, but just give in and thus move further and further into my fear and way from common sense and from this reality.

I forgive myself for never accepting and allowing myself to overcome my fears by working with them, and instead became the after effects of the product of my fears a mere consequence as a reaction and not life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing  fear to become my soul mate, my reason for moving and my reason for each decision I would make – whether it be to move away from or closer to a being, point or an experience.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feed of the fears of humans as a demon

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing  to focus my entire existence as a demon on consuming the fear energy of humans.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as a demon that consumed the fear energy of humans, to never question why this would be my existence a being needing to live of of fear and in doing so keeping the fear cycle of humans going, together with the fear that exists as this world as all the survival fears that already exist in the lives of humans.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing  myself to be entertained by the fear of others, such as what you see has become the focal point of television, news an media – where people are obsessed by watching other people in life threatening, fearful situations, that are writhe with pain and suffering, where I do not allow myself for a moment to really question why have I become a demon, some one who has de-‘life’ and de-manned myself and ensures that all life on this planet is victimised more and more around creating fear as a consequence of these world systems and what we do to ourselves and each other.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing  myself as a demon to become possessed and to possess others

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as a demon to possess others so that I may feed off of their energy and generate energy within myself based on my participation and experience towards another who is themselves in a state of energy.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Day 137: The Paranormal Series Part 7 – The being that died as Fear (part 2)

Day 131: The Paranormal Series - Ghosts and Demons Part 1
Day 132: The Paranormal Series – Ghosts and Demons Part 2
Day 133: The Paranormal Series – Ghosts and Demons Part 3
Day 134: The Paranormal Series Part 4 - A Psychic’s Gate Keeper (part 1)
Day 135: The Paranormal Series Part 5 - A Psychic’s Gate Keeper (part 2)
Day 136: The Paranormal Series Part 6 – The being that died as Fear (part 1)
This blog is a continuation from ‘The being that died as Fear (part 1)’ and is based on the following Interview:

Journeys into the Afterlife - The Being that died as Fear

fear“I am not a demon anymore, I am a being that is now in my process, walking equal to and one with how humans and existence as a whole, is walking their process within existence, where I had freed myself with self-forgiveness. ‘Freed meaning where, with self-forgiveness with the realization of what forgiveness really in fact means, set myself free from my belief as illusion as energy, set myself free from the point of knowledge and information that defined me…”
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as a demon to be enslaved by and through the mind consciousness system as emotions and feelings which generate energy.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as demon to believe that if I did not get energy that I would cease to exist, instead of questioning whether I exists more than just an energy experience, which was after all the starting point upon death or after death for why I became trapped within the experience of energy such as rage or fear or sadness and does not determine who I am as a being.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as demon to be enslaved into the past through knowledge and information

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as human to exist in even more knowledge and information, trapping and limiting myself in cycles of abuse and consciousness systems, while at the same time subjecting each other, children, animals and nature to my mistakes and my evolution within consciousness as who I become from child into adult as my ‘personalities’ that each seek out its own self interested experience in the form of wants, needs, desires, fears and the addiction to energy, emotions and feelings.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as ‘human’ to be trapped even further than the demons in my state of illusion within my mind consciousness system.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist within one point of pre-programmed design such as overcoming a specific fear and never therefore questioning why our human existence is about fear or pain or suffering.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to create these ‘life lessons’ instead of living life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be contained in my mind as one experience of myself, repeating it in patterns throughout my life, at times questioning why a god or a higher consciousness would create such limiting experiences for me on this planet, but ultimately never stopping the cycles as myself, but instead giving into the energy experiences and addictions thereof.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as the ‘creators’ to create these points around which beings entered this physical reality as our bodies where we would program beings into repeating cycles into infinity, facing the same points.
