Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 22: International Crime Research – Child Pornography Part 6

This is a continuation from:

Research taken from:


5. Blackmail: Sexually explicit images are used to ensure the lifelong silence of the victimised child by threatening to show the pictures to parents, peers or others. Child victims will not always report pictorial records--even if they report sexual abuse--because they may be ashamed of what happened to them as well as of their participation in the pornography.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing blackmail within this world, due to human greed and self-interest – through which by the sheer nature of blackmail we accept ourselves as the abusers of others.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to want to blackmail people as a means of requiring money instead of taking self responsibility for myself within providing for my own means – whereby I will align myself to abuse for money instead of Self responsibility.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing blackmail, whereby I am disregarding the experienced for the other person, and only looking out for my own self-interest.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing blackmail to exist around the principle of secrets, whereby someone can blackmail me based on revealing my secrets to the world.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing secrets to exists within my world, where I act in ways that I would not reveal to others due to my actions not standing as what is best for all.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a world where blackmail has become such an extensive means of obtaining money due to us having conflicting moral within society, where we will judge certain actions as so immoral, that we have to hide these actions, even though as the high incidence of blackmail shows - we still live out these immoral actions, but as a society approve of the action of hiding or suppressing what we do.

6. A medium of exchange: Child pornography is used as a means of establishing trust and camaraderie with other pedophiles and molesters and as proof of their good intentions when establishing contact with other exploiters. It is a medium of communication with fellow exploiters in public and private sex markets.
7. Access: Some exploiters exchange pornography to gain access to other markets and to other children

8. Profit: Although most do not sell child pornography, there are some paedophiles and child molesters who sell home-made videos and photos on a one-to-one basis. Some child exploiters sell their self-produced materials to finance trips overseas to popular sex tourist destinations.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have minimized the quality of life to simply exist as something that I can sell and trade for my own self-interest and greed.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing capitalism to turn everything into profitable material – and by accepting and allowing this I have admitted that I have no worth, my family has no worth and anything I do has no worth, as it all gets equated to a point of profit within capitalism.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to only complain about life being equal to profit – if it affects myself or my family, where I will cry and moan, but if I see it happening all around me to billions of beings each day, I turn by back and pretend I did not notice or pretend that it is not me that is responsible as I am the one that profits from living in this system that uses life for money.


Some social scientists interpret the research to indicate that the use of child pornography is a precursor to other sex crimes and that child pornography is fuel to feed the obsession of paedophilia; Child Pornography and Sexual Exploitation: European Forum for Child Welfare Position Statement, 3 (Nov. 1993) [hereafter EFCW Position Statement] (citing studies that support this thesis). others conclude that it is a safety valve that prevents such crimes.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use the justification of allowing child pornographers to use child pornography as a safety valve – where I say that at least by only looking at pictures the abusers are not actually abusing real children – not understanding, realizing and comprehending the type of world I am creating where I mask these abusive intention with clever words and justifications, to protect my right to abuse.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use the excuse of ‘at least they are only masturbating to pictures of children’ as an excuse to justify the reason why I can masturbate to picture of people, creating a world where we mask our inner behaviors with reasons and excuses – without properly investigating mathematically how abuse unfolds from the abuse we allow within.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing child pornography to continue existing on the Internet, even though research indicates that child pornography exists in most cases as a prelude to the actual act.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to separate the actions on the internet from reality – not realizing that the actions on the internet reveal what people are really doing inside and out – and is not merely just a make believe world.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give permission to the internet as a secret reality that is apparently only 3d- where I allow others their secret fantasies as long as they allow me my secret fantasies – where the internet has grow to such an extent that anything and everything is allowed under the guise of ‘its only a virtual reality and not real.’

I commit myself to show how the human has allowed itself to separate its actions into realities that are always justified as acceptable by society due to it existing in a bubble called religion, internet, culture, family, relationship, sport, entertainment, individuality, free-will – and to show that these bubbles are how we protect the deception that we clearly see and understand – however never want to take responsibility for equal and one to its existence.

Further Reading:

Success and Reward

The Visible and Invisible

Day 53: Slavery Exploiting Sex, Life and Labor in the Consumerism Concentration Camp

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 21: International Crime Research – Child Pornography Part 5

This is a continuation from:

Research taken from:


“3. To lower a child's inhibitions: Child abusers use pictures of other children having sex to assist in the seduction of a child and encourage reluctant children to freely participate. Images are often used as a way to show a child what the offender wants the child victim to do. Pornography may be used under the guise of "sex education" to create sexual arousal in the child.”

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to lower the inhibitions of the person who I am sexually attracted to through manipulative words, behavior and the use of alcohol.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that I have to trick someone into having sex with me, which by implication shows that I am not effective in communication and that I have created a world where people are so judgmental of each other, that we need to trick and persuade according to status and money to get some one to have sex with us.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to turn myself into a picture representing pornographic images, which I believe will please the person whom I want to have sex with.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to compare myself to the pictures existent within the media and pornography, through which I evaluate my self-worth as I allow the value system of society based on beauty vs. ugly to become the value of me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to change my behavior around the opposite sex, to change the picture of me, so that the person will evaluate what they see through mathematic equations relating to value systems within their minds based on fantasies.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize that each time when I am shopping for clothes etc – that I compare myself within the clothing to that of a beautiful, attractive woman – I am in fact separating myself from myself into a picture loaded with sexual value.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to place value into the image and behavioral patterns of celebrities, placing value in what they wear, not because I really care about the material or the shape of clothing – as we have seen fashions deliberately becoming sillier and sillier – but instead their success as pictures are equated to worth which is equated to money – therefore:

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to also want to feel self worth by experiencing the worth of money I have equated within the clothing worn by celebrities.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the education system to exists as schools where children are forced into categories based on popularity and status, through which they compound sexual energy towards each other, and by doing so – prepare the way for themselves to become sex systems, dependent on pictures and societal status to achieve arousal and to engage in sexual activity towards the perception they have of each other.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the education system, therefore to not educate children on the value of the physical and how to live and breathe practically in your physical body – but instead turns a blind eye to the dynamics that play out in the schooling systems based on comparison, ego, sex, judgment, achievement – where the school become the educators and perpetrators of the human ego – which goes out into the world prepared by knowledge and information on how to best abuse life on this planet.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as parent to use the way children participate in sex to further perpetuate sexual abuse in this world – where I will stand by and watch as my secret sexual desires actually play out right in front of me as my children become addicted to pornography and sexual abuse towards each other –while doing nothing about it because I believe this form of ‘evolution’ or ‘growth of the child to be natural – when in fact there is nothing natural about becoming dysfunctional and watching as the future generations become even more dysfunctional as they copy and modify the already abusive tendencies existent within dysfunctional humans.

4. Preservation of the child's youth: Child pornography ensures that there will always be an image of the child at the age of sexual preference.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing sexual preferences to have become the reason and purpose for why people can cheat, lie and deceive.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to cheat, lie and deceive people to have sex with me based on my sexual references which I have designed in my mind through years of watching pornography – which by its design does not align with how the physical really functions during sex and is purely based on the secret mind which derives energy from stimulating the mind through pain, punishment, power, submission - everything which is abusive towards self – and therefore creates energetic reactions within the being as we react sexually towards that which is ‘wrong’.


I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to equate the value of the physical simply to a tool that can function in how I energetically charge symbols and images in my mind to get as much sexual energy from my interaction with another as possible. Therefore other people become purely symbols to give me my sexual rush, while I lie, cheat and deceive with special words and gestured to lure the partner that I really want – based on these ‘sexual preferences’.

I commit myself to reveal to all – how charged simple, societally accepted words are like ‘sexual preferences’, ‘likes’, ‘dislikes – and how we have energetically charged what we see each day – to fulfill the secret mind sexual fantasies – where sex is no more than seeking the greatest rush and not about physical interaction based on physical self expression.

I commit myself to no longer allow energetically charged words, pictures and situations within my world, to create an environment where everything is based on practical common sense to support Life here Equally, instead of the systematized, hidden world of energy addiction, through which we have willingly allowed all forms of abuse to be justified due to our addiction to energy.

Day 20: International Crime Research – Child Pornography Part 4

This is a continuation from:

Research taken from:


“Experts cite several reasons why individuals collect child pornography. U.S. Senate Report, supra note 7, at 10-12.
1. Arousal and gratification: Individuals use pornography to stimulate their sexual drive and to aid in sexual stimulation. Some may only fantasize and others may use it as a prelude to actual sexual activity with minors.”

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use images of people, things or animals to stimulate myself sexually

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use images of people, things or animals to stimulate myself sexually, without realizing and understanding that in doing so I am creating an energetic entity within myself with which I have to keep participating to experience sexual gratification, instead of establishing effective sexual relationships with myself or a partner, which is established in self trust, intimacy and mutual respect for the expression of oneself in the physical.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to disregard the physical body, it expression and the abuse that occurs in the world to each other and the innocence of children, we if secretly believe we can participate with these energetic entities created within the mind, which knows no limit as we have proven within how the human abuses life to entertain the mind.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to continue justifying why I get to participating in the generation of pictures within my mind until I am addicted to masturbating to these energies that overwhelm me, while refusing to see, realize and understand that the same energies that flow through, up and within me as the energies I claim to be addicted to and have no control over and must masturbate to – or else it will drive me to distraction and the inability to function property, are the energies existent within each and every other human who watched child pornography, rape pornography, bestiality and other forms of sex abuse – that I claim to separate myself from and judge the other for.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not consider for a moment the responsibility we all have as equals within this mess we have created, to go and explore how the mind really functions, to develop an effective self-honest understanding that the world is not facing the extent of sexual abuse, simply because satan is making people do it – but instead it is each one of us as the human participating together within what we accept and allow within ourselves – that contribute to the permission that is given equally to the world as it is.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to make such statements as ‘child pornography must stop’ while refusing to see, realize and understand that I too have a responsibility then to look at my own secret mind behaviors and to clean myself equal and one to the child abuser, until NO-ONE abuses the physical to entertain the mind as energy.

I commit myself to stand as the physical support of myself, within sexuality, to no longer accept and allow myself to follow energy as addiction, but instead to establish effective touch and intimacy within myself towards myself and/or a partner – to no longer accept and allow judgments and fears to separate me from participating with the Physical Body.

“2. Validation and justification of pedophile behaviour: The paedophile uses pornography to convince him/her self that their behaviour or obsession is not abnormal, but is shared by thousand of other sensitive, intelligent and caring people.”

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to consider my behavior within my addiction to pictures and to energy as normal, because all humans function the same way within sexuality, due to no human being self honesty about how the mind functions within the physical and how thus far that has always been the directive principle within sex, with no regard for how we abuse in the name of these beliefs.

I forgive myself as humanity for grouping together within the lie that has become sexual expression, and together to justify each other’s addictions and misuse of the physical for the purpose of individual sexual gratification.

I commit myself to learn how to work with the physical body, as this is the key to effective self-responsible sex, which will stop sexual abuse, because by indication – effective self-honest self-expression, free from addictions – is how we stop all physical abuse.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 19: International Crime Research – Child Pornography Part 3

Research information taken from:

“In most countries, street children, poor children, juveniles from broken homes, and disabled minors are especially vulnerable to sexual exploitation and to being seduced or coerced into the production of pornographic material. These children, however, are not the only victims. Sex exploiters frequently target neighborhood children or those with whom they have contact through their vocation or avocations. Additionally, pornographic activity is a common part of life for teen prostitutes. Finally, in many countries, including developed nations, child victims may come from homes where their own parents use them to create child pornography or where their parents offer them to others for the same purpose.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exploit any person for my own sexual gratification.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to view disabled people as less than and to secretly despise their appearance and to believe that they are weaker and therefore not worthy of respect and equal treatment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exploit people who come from impoverished lives, whereby I will use them within Capitalism, to do the dirty work that I do not want to do, because I believe that I am better than them because I have money.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a society in which we have become to carried away with out own self interest, that we have never lived and applied ourselves within functional relationships – therefore allowing the existence of broken homes, which results in the future generations manifesting as the rotten adults that we see as the fruits of our past generations.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use specific words in an attempt to coerce someone into getting sexually exited, so that they may feel the need to have sex with me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to allow coercion in our society both as a means of manipulating people to do what we want for personal gratification, but also within consumerism – thus turning exploitation into an acceptable means of ‘motivation’ and ‘desired outcome’ within capitalism and within our personal lives – and calling it ‘power of persuasion’ – thus creating a false impression that coercion shows some form of special ability, instead of looking at the core from which it comes which is based in deception.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to force children into prostitution, simply because I have already justified the existence of adult prostitution, because I couldn’t be bothered to develop effective physical relationships based on trust and self-honesty.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to force children into prostitution, due to my permission to the existence of capitalism, and together with my allowance of prostitution – have over the past few generations become apathetic to child pornography – as I watch all value within life be compromised for greed and self-interest.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to teach my children about greed, thus teaching them that to get what they want – they have to make a lot of money – thus teaching the child that life is equated to money and that life itself means living according to the system and its values based on ego, greed, comparison and all that exists in the mind – that today directs the human as our emotions, feelings and ideas we have of who and what we want to be and how we compete with other humans for attention and self value.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to teach children that it is acceptable to value self as an image to be worshiped – thus minimizing life to a picture which always changes according to how the media impulses people to participate in consumerism.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing my child to learn that Life exist according to the standards of who they are through the eyes of the ego – thus teaching them that they have to do what requires to be done to validate their existence in the eyes of others and through societal value systems – which corrupt the human into believing this is what life is about. In this our children learn that to prostitute their bodies is an acceptable value system because it makes a lot of money and gives people pleasure - therefore it is respected within society.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to teach children my sexual values and the values about the human physical body as I have come to accept it – based on abuse of the physical form in the name of sexual gratification – whereby my actions, likes and dislikes are all based on backchat and judgments about the human form, based on secret mind desires. In this we teach the child to judge the physical form as something that is and should be obsessed with sex, not realizing how we are allowing ourselves to abuse the physical form into a piece of flesh that only exist to honor sexual gratification.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to honor sex to such an extent that I will watch as my children now develop all sorts of patterns and behaviors around sex, which I see, realize and understand is not honoring life as the physical – but only honors the mind as secret fantasies. This is why children develop the idea that it is cool and acceptable to become prostitutes and sex workers, as this allows them to see themselves as desirable therefore valuable.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be so possessed by the desire for money and to be rich that I will sell my child into sexual slavery.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be so obsessed with having money that I will find it acceptable within my mind, to use my child’s body in pornography – while obviously missing the entire point behind abuse of the child and abuse of Life on this planet – only seeing my ability to be rich as the only valid reason for my actions.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to sell my child into sexual slavery, because I exist in a belief that teenagers enjoy sex and are overrun by hormone – therefore using this to my advantage to exploit my children – which becomes my justification for the evil that I allow.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as the viewer of child pornography to use the excuse of ‘but I paid them money for being the actors, therefore they are doing it willingly’ to continue allowing myself to be blind to what I am really doing.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as the viewer of child pornography to use the excuse ‘but they look like they are enjoying it’ – not realizing the coercion that is involved and how these children are brainwashed by adults that use the same mentality of me around sexual possession to justify child pornography.

I commit myself to honor life and to present the solutions for the human to develop from the current mind-mess that we are in – into beings that can be trusted with Life.

I commit myself to expose the life that has become human sexuality and to show how all sexual desires currently is driven by secret backchat images, that are specifically used by the media to impulse hidden drives, to bring out the worst of the human, as we accept ourselves merely to be slaves to sexual addiction, while calling it ‘natural’.

Margarat, H. (2004, August 2). Child pornography: an international perspective. Computer Crime Research Center. Retrieved 21 June 2012 from

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 18: International Crime Research – Child Pornography Part 2

This is a continuation from:

Research information taken from:
Child pornography is an international phenomenon. Most of the data that exists regarding the extent and nature of the problem has focussed on North America and Northern Europe--regions which have played a key role in the production, distribution and consumption of child pornography. "The U.S. market for child pornography is widely thought to be the most lucrative in the world." Child Pornography and Paedophilia: Report Made by the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, U.S. Senate, 99th Cong. 2d Sess. 34 (1986) [hereinafter U.S. Senate Report]. In developing countries, the reality of child pornography is dwarfed by the magnitude of other problems such as poverty, infant mortality, illiteracy, hunger, and disease and often there is little reliable data on the subject. Nonetheless, the pornographic exploitation of minors is a phenomenon that exists throughout the world.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to continue to support Capitalism, even though there is sufficient evidence that Capitalism functions on and profits directly from Abuse that exists in this world, and that most forms of Abuse would be eradicated or prevented if we remove the necessity for people to survive in the money system, and if we remove the principle of greed and profit.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing countries to be separated according to ‘developed’ and ‘developing’ which is a breeding ground for abuse within capitalism, as we separate countries according to these standards, where the developing countries battle for access to basic requirements.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing this division to exist based on profit and greed of the rich whereby we deliberately play games with lives, by holding onto this lie that countries have to develop and earn the right to have access to more resources, instead of realizing that firstly we live and are given life equally – therefore the real evil is to hold countries prisoner according to the standards of ‘development’ within Capitalism.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to abuse people based on this principle within Capitalism of Developing – in which I will standby and justify why people do not have access to food, water, shelter, medical supplies, education – simply to advance the rich countries and thus to advance myself within my economic class bracket.

1. Identifying the Victims

Girls and boys of all ages, including infants, are used to produce pornography around the world. Estimates of the number of children worldwide involved in child pornography range from thousands to hundreds of thousands. As to the gender of the victims, Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI") personnel estimate that over 50% of all child pornography seized in the United States depicts boys rather than girls. Canadian Customs puts that figure at 75% for Canada. The data regarding childhood sexual abuse in most countries, including the U.S. and Canada, does not reflect the same predominance of boy victims. Virtually all studies have predominance of boy victims. Virtually all studies have found higher sexual abuse rates for girls. Ann Wolbert Burgess &Christine A. Grant, Children Traumatised in Sex Rings, 4 (1988). In contrast, in Japan, it is female minors that are predominantly exploited in pornographic material.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to place value on the image of woman or men as having certain sexual response points within me, based on the value I attached to ‘bodies’ from what I was taught since childhood and through media and pornography.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become so obsessed by the female or male form and the sexual erotic value that has been attached to the forms, that I have compounded desire to such an extent within my mind, that I now find rationalizations within my mind as to what stimulates me, even if it means finding the body of a child or animal attractive.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to see, realize and understand that within sexuality, the importance has been placed on the absolute sexual gratification, which we compound and intensify through fantasies and desires. Therefore I realize that within the mind, as I compound and intensify my sexual fantasies and obsession, I am in fact designing an entity within me as I insist on fueling sexual fantasies based on pictures. Therefore I realize that the mind of the pedophile exists as the compounding of sexual fantasies based on pictures and desires, and that my mind as it exist within sexual possession as the entity I have manifested through my accepted and allowed participation in backchat and giving value to pictures – is no different that the fantasies justified within the mind of the pedophile as he/she justifies how they participate in secret fantasies to achieve the ultimate sexual experience.

Therefore - I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to justify the compounding of sexual energy within my mind until it possesses me within the physical, while not realizing that the mere fact that I admit to having uncontrollable sexual urges that overflow in me while watching porn and masturbating to pictures depicting the most vile sexual energizing pictures –indicates to me that my possession within and as sex energy is no different that that of any other sexual abuser.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize that if I continue to place value within shapes, forms and pictures as what is currently done to sexuality and the female or male form – then I am equally responsible for creating a mind reality with regards to sex and sexuality – which then becomes the basis from which all humans justify their mind and how and why they are allowed to abuse the physical within their fantasies and within the physical action of doing.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to condone sexual abuse that I find gratifying within my fantasies while judging the person who watched child porn, not realizing that the dimensions within which the mind gradually designs these obsession works exactly the same for all humans – and that for us to stop the sickness which has become sex as it is designed within and for the human mind – we all have to take self responsibility for our thoughts and the value system we give to sex and the male/female form – within our mind – to purify sexuality so that it becomes a physical expression point.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to desire a specific male form with which to have sex, and in this judgment through which I misalign myself as the mind from the actuality of the physical form – I am within myself giving permission to the abuse that exists due to judgments of form which fuels desires to the extent of fantasies based on the secret mind.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be directed through and as the secret mind – where I hold onto all sorts of disturbing images of rape, young flesh, innocent children, animals, objects, gang rape, violation, bestiality, submission, force, power, desire – where I allow myself to masturbate to secret mind images, while judging others who do the same.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to place such a value on male/female form through participating in and justifying the existence of models, beauty, youth, fashion, etc – not realizing that I am directly participating in the design of sexual abuse through that - which I support within myself – be it openly or in secret.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize that to hide my sexual desires is exactly the same as living them, because by participating in the desires within my mind through the generating of energy which leads to the release as good feelings, or orgasm, has the same result in our reality – where people are now allowing themselves to no longer suppress the desires, but to live them out. Therefore I realize that the key to stopping sexual abuse such as child pornography, starts with me clearing out the clutter within my mind, whereby I use self honesty firstly to reveal to myself what it is that I am really busy doing within my mind to get that energy fix or orgasm. Then I apply self forgiveness to stop this masked energy pattern I call ‘my secret fantasies’ and no longer accept and allow this abuse of the physical form within myself, as I at the same time no longer accept and allow child pornography to be an acceptable form of income as part of the capitalistic system.

I commit myself to stop the fantasies and obsessions within my mind, as I realize the consequence it has within this world as hidden fantasies do not remain hidden, but by the nature of the mind as backchat eventually directs people one and equal into action – as we have come to believe that the mind is real.

I commit myself to develop practical physical touch and communication and mutual appreciation between myself and another, where no fantasies direct who and what I am, but instead sexual expression exists as me expressing my physical form free from judgment, in effective self movement – without abusing another for my enjoyment.

Margarat, H. (2004, August 2). Child pornography: an international perspective. Computer Crime Research Center. Retrieved 21 June 2012 from

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 17: International Crime Research – Child Pornography Part 1

The following excerpts which I have used, as a research basis from which to walk the point of Self-Forgiveness, is taken from:

Please note that I am not disputing or validating the research findings or opinions of the author(s), researchers or website developers. I am taking the research presented on Crime related topics and using it as a platform from which to support myself through self-forgiveness, to stop the patterns existent within myself, through which myself and humanity have given permission to and designed ‘Crime’ as it exists today. I will also indicate within my self-forgiveness statements the connection between how we as humanity have stopped honoring life and have allowed the existing system and the existence of crime as an outflow of the abuse of life and the fear of survival (money).

This paper was prepared as a working document for the World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children by Margaret A Healy for ECPAT.


“Child pornography is a problem of international proportion. The global community has recognized that children are at risk from those who engage in the production, exhibition, distribution, and consumption of child pornography and that children can suffer serious negative effects as a result of pornographic exploitation. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child ("UNCRC"), which has been ratified by an overwhelming majority of the nations of the world, identifies child pornography as a violation against children and requires that nations who are parties to the convention take measures to prevent the exploitative use of children in pornographic materials. Despite the notable efforts of many nations, child pornography remains a serious issue.”


“Challenges to any study of international child pornography include: 1) the lack of any uniform definition of what child pornography entails; 2) lack of data regarding the production and distribution of child pornography in many parts of the world, particularly Africa and Latin America; and 3) shifting global patterns of production and consumption of child pornography.

Furthermore, the development of home video equipment and computer technology has revolutionized the international production and distribution of child pornography. Rapidly expanding international access to increasingly inexpensive technology has transformed child pornography into a sophisticated cottage industry. Computer alteration of images and the potential for creating computer generated pornography pose formidable challenges for courts and law enforcement officials throughout the world.”

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the production, exhibition, distribution, and consumption of child pornography.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to stand by and watch as people produce, exhibit, distribute and consume child pornography, while still insisting that our governments do what is best for all and have the ability to govern a country according to ‘what is best for all.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing child pornography to exist, especially regarding the vastness of the problem, while at the same time claiming that religions have any say in this world and that God takes care of humanity.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to support governments, who have the power to stop child pornography if that is what they wanted to do, and instead of doing so they proclaim that there are obstacles to them stopping child pornography, which only means that they ALLOW child pornography to exist, because of it’s profit value.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see, understand and realize that pornography exists and continues to be allowed in this world because it forms part of the current economic system and this is the only reason why politicians and law enforcements claim to want to ‘do something about it’ – bit internationally and collectively do nothing about it.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing child pornography to exist in a world where governments are supposedly, collectively at all times as the principle from which they function, suppose to stop child pornography as they absolutely have the power and ability to do so, but choose to use child pornography for profit, while lying to the faces of the public that ‘the problem is beyond their control’.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as the public to stand by and watch as the governments lie to protect capitalism, which is what they are protecting when they claim to not be able to stop child pornography.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as a member of the public to choose each and every day to allow child pornography to continue, each time I validate the existence of the current capitalistic system as well as the current societal value systems, religions and governments. I realize that even though it appears as if these ‘entities’ exist for the betterment of man – why is it then that they have no say actually in doing what requires to be done to bring about a world that is best for all?

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to abuse individuality, human rights and freedom of speech - where I have placed all of those principles as my rights above the rights of the beings that are abused in the world – where I insist that I want to keep my freedom of expression, thus allowing child pornography to go unchanged on the internet under the banner of ‘individual freedom’.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself and others to abuse the term ‘freedom of the individual’, while not realizing that for us to stop child pornography we have to firstly take self responsibility for ourselves and then take responsibility for those who are not self responsible and harming life – by doing whatever is necessary to stop the abuse – even if it means for a while clamping down on groups that abuse life on the internet and closing them down – utilising the principle of ‘my rights and freedom do not impede on the rights and freedom of another.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing society to continue abusing Life, under the lie that ‘we cannot stop people from doing what they are doing because that would infringe on people’s rights to freedom of expression.’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to rather appease the rights of humans to express themselves, than realize that this freedom is used to abuse the freedom of others, and that this atrocity is protected in the name of money – by all who protect the right to abuse – which is currently what it means to have a right to express freely.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize that the ‘nations who are parties to the convention that should take measures to prevent the exploitative use of children in pornographic materials” only serves as a basic minimum requirement to keep the public satisfied so that politicians and those in power may continue to have an influence on the public and to remain in power.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize that if I allow officials, politicians and those with ‘power’ to continue only doing the basic minimum requirements to prevent and stop pornography – while my vote makes a difference (and then all individuals collectively vote for change) – then I am responsible for the continuation of child pornography – as I am the one that agreed to governments and politics and and I am the one who’s support they require to keep deceiving people.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe in governments and politician, while before my eyes I see, realize and understand using basic common sense, that they DO NOT use their power and resources to establish a world that is best for all – but instead they protect and maintain capitalism – by allowing such atrocities such as child pornography. At the same time politicians and leaders will support religion because they realize and understand that this is how one keeps the masses dulled through the possession of the god-spirit as the invincible force that keeps people feeling that all is ok – in a world of absolute abuse, while also maintaining that god’s plan includes this abuse so that humans can ‘learn’. This level of brainwashing is used by politicians to keep humans dumb and for humans to think and believe that firstly there must be someone who will eventually come down and save us and that as part of gods bigger plan, surely the politicians who were chosen by man to rule man – are doing what is best for all. Therefore:

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be brainwashed by politicians through pictures on tv and religious symbols and words, to keep me docile and hoping that there is a bigger reason behind why children are molested for profit.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to keep professing that some form of religion explains to me why child pornography is acceptable or why it is beyond my understanding or why I should separate myself from it through religious and spiritual practices like prayer, services and going to church.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to see, understand and realize that unless I change the current economic system, instead of myself supporting its survival despite the evidence of the abuse that is being allowed in the name of profit and greed – that the governments, politicians and nation leaders – WILL NOT stop child pornography because it serves as income and profit for so many – who within the Capitalistic system are now dependent on the money for survival.

Self-Commitment Statements:

I commit myself to show that profit driven greed is the motivation behind why corruption exists within politics and why this has become the reason behind why all governments pretend to not have the ability to stop child pornography

I commit myself to show that the human has become dulled and numb to the existence of child pornography, due to the fact that we believe we are incapable of changing the system and due to the fact that people fear loosing their freedom of expression, which is the breeding ground for self dishonesty, if freedom of expression is curbed or questioned for those who abuse life.

I commit myself to show that the money system exists purely based on the greed of the individual and that is why child pornography continues to be allowed- because people know that is they want to stop child pornography – they will have to change the contributing factors to it which is greed – which means changing how we all value and participate in the money system.

I commit myself to show how the human has become brainwashed in all ways – and that child pornography will continue to be allowed while the human professes godly love and human values – although the evidence clearly shows that there is an immense problems with how we value lifee and how we carry on accepting abuse in our world.

I commit myself to show that a new economic system is required, one that honors life and will by principle stop child abuse as it will stop greed motivated actions and will hold all beings responsible for the decisions that are made – as will commit to living in self responsibility and self honesty as what is best for all.


Margarat, H. (2004, August 2). Child pornography: an international perspective. Computer Crime Research Center. Retrieved 21 June 2012 from
Furthermore, the development of home video equipment and computer technology has revolutionized the international production and distribution of child pornography. Rapidly expanding international access to increasingly inexpensive technology has transformed child pornography into a sophisticated cottage industry. Computer alteration of images and the potential for creating computer generated pornography pose formidable challenges for courts and law enforcement officials throughout the world.”

What is Sex - Physical Intimacy between partners - Part 24

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 16: International Crime Research- Bipolar Disorder and Violent Crimes: Self-Commitment Statements

The Self-Commitment Statements based are based on all the Blogs below:

Bipolar Disorder and Violent Crime – Part 1: Overview

Day 9: Bi-Polar Disorder and Violent Crimes Part 2: Population-Based Longitudinal Studies and Systematic Review

Day 10: Bipolar Disorder and Violent Crimes Part 3: Bipolar Disorder and ‘Expansiveness’.

Day 11: Bipolar Disorder and Violent Crimes Part 4: Bipolar Disorder and Irritability

Day 12: Bipolar Disorder and Violent Crimes Part 5: Bipolar Disorder and Hyperactivity

Day 13: Bi-Polar Disorder and Violent Crimes Part 6: Bipolar Disorder and Depression

Day 14: Bi-Polar Disorder and Violent Crimes Part 7: Bipolar Disorder and Substance Abuse

Day 15: Bi-Polar Disorder and Violent Crimes Part 8: Bipolar Disorder and Family.

I commit myself to expand myself not due to pictures, expectations and fear of survival within the system, but based on common sense and self will, within the context of self-enjoyment, whilst supporting Life here as what is best for all, as myself.

I commit myself to evaluate how I value expansion within myself and to not accept and allow fear based expansion to move within me as my starting point of who I am and what I live.

I commit myself to establishing a new economic system, which will allow all beings to truly expand themselves here within physical self expression and not as it exists currently where all are merely developing themselves within ‘skill sets’ required of us to survive in the current money system.

I commit myself to grounding myself using the breath, to no longer accept and allow myself to move myself within irritation towards myself.

I commit myself to stopping judgments towards myself and others, as I realize that all judgments are separation of myself towards myself and others. I also realize that to use the mind to judge others indicates a cycle of self-abuse, because in judging others for who they are or how they do things one is eventually judging Self as one judges simply to judge – and judgment has no practical purpose.

I commit myself to look at each person and individual within their process and I direct myself according to the situation, according to what is best for all – not according to judgments.

I commit myself to stop all energy patterns, behavior and addictions within myself, to stop the cycle of hyperactivity versus laziness as a pattern which I realize serves no purpose and in the end still requires my self willed self direction.

I commit myself to no longer participate in any world system design that encourage me to act out in hyperactivity by stimulating me through pictures, words, desires as I realize that being stimulated by an outside source not only indicates that I am subject to another, but also subjects me to abuse and the allowance of people abusing each other for profit and personal self interest.

I commit myself to establish a new economic system that will end all abuse which currently only exists because people are addicted to energy, simply because we have come to accept ourselves as machines that move according to the will of others. Therefore by changing the money system so that beings are no longer trapped in survival, I will also be removing our inherent tendencies to allow ourselves to be manipulated through the system and those with money – to stand up within ourselves and finally grasp what it means to Live and me Life.

I commit myself to no longer accept myself to try and manipulate people’s energy levels when in their company by raising my voice, using specific tonalities and trying to get people exited or to laugh – all of this being used to get people to find me amusing or interesting – based on a desire for self appreciation through the appreciation of others. This game of self versus others through the mind, where we use each other for personal gain is how and why people develop the symptoms of Bipolar Disorder as we attempt to either suppress or express that which we believe others want from us either within family, societal, religious, cultural or economic situations.

I commit myself to no longer allow myself o treat children within the current world understanding where we terrain children in every moment to become specific personalities that serve the purpose of the family and the economic system.

I commit myself to support all beings equally within the context of ‘family’ as ‘those whom I share this planet with’ – to no longer condone within myself the abuse of beings due to the desire for profit and personal self-interest.

I commit myself to redefine the family, within the context of equality and to establish effective communication and to no longer allow mind games to be the directive principle within how one communicates with the members of the family.

I commit myself to stop subjecting my hidden desires, wants and fears on others beings, especially in the context of ‘family’ as the beings you share your space with and are responsible for – as I realize that to do so I am abusing them as life under the guise of ‘family’ -to serve me as my slaves.

I commit myself to no longer accept and allow science as the authority on the human mind, and instead I commit myself to the effective education and research of the human, to clear the clutter of what we have become as the human survival system – to return to the physical existence where all are equal and have equal rights.

I commit myself to present solutions through which I will be able to assist beings in to stop the use and abuse of substances as a way of suppression of apparent ‘living’ our ones hidden personalities – to bring about self honesty by supporting all within the process of self realization.

I commit myself to stop mood swings as mood disorders within myself, as this exists merely as a means of manipulation within the current societal value systems.

I commit myself to reveal family and societal deception and how it directly influences the experience of beings within this world as the outflow and consequence of what we allow depicted as Bipolar Disorder.

I commit myself to change my inner reality, where I accept and allow depression, irritability, elated moods, hyperactivity – to align myself here in consistency as the Physical – to no longer be subject to the mind and its dimensions within and how it exists currently as the Design of the Mind.

I commit myself to ending violence in our society by no longer accepting and allowing myself to participate in any form of sport, culture, and ways in which society participates in condoning war, abuse, separation and the honoring of self interest over Life.

I commit myself to show that the mind is not invincible and that if we do not direct ourselves to stop the madness that has become the human, we will face the consequences and submit our future generation to the karma as direct consequences of what we all accept ad allow now.

Further Reading:
DAY 3: What does it Really Mean to be 'Alive'?
DAY 8: How do we Create/Manifest ‘Who we Are’?
DAY 35: The Soul of Fear

Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 15: International Crime Research - Bi-Polar Disorder and Violent Crimes Part 8

This is a continuation from:

Self-Forgiveness part 6

Bipolar Disorder and Family.

Please refer to Day 9: International Crime research - Bi-Polar Disorder and Violent Crimes Part 2  for background information on Family Dynamics and Environmental factors as primary cause for Violent Behavior in people diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing family to become the breeding ground for dysfunctional humans.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing family to exist as the platform from which information is passed along from dysfunctional, dishonest humans into our children.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the family environment to contribute to the dysfunctional behaviors of children, without it being questioned and without parents receiving effective education and evaluation before and during the period of raising children – and that myself as a member of society has come to accept the dysfunctional human as natural and acceptable.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the dysfunctional human to exists as a time line of influences based in DNA, environmental factors, ineffective education, ineffective examples as the current human and the contribution of the general mind fucks that mold our children into the adults we see today.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing parenting to exist based on Fear of survival, competition, greed etc. – in which we prepare our children to fight for survival in the system and with each other.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to raise children according to the current human values such as beauty, fame, jealousy, ignorance, blame, addictions, abuse etc.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to blame other parents for fucking up their children, without considering and realizing that unless I am teaching my child in all ways how to act within self responsibility and common sense as what is best for all – and I too force my child to develop its mind according to any form of illusions – then I am also responsible for the world as it is as I am shaping the generations to come and holding the past in place.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the family environment to exist as the place where I teach my children how to exist based on polarities of good and bad, where I take the child from being born into the physical and encourage the child to develop a mind system based on beliefs, backchat, emotions, feelings – until by the age of 4 or 6 the child is already existing purely as a pre-programmed system.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to condition my children through reward and punishment to believe what I want them to believe and do what I want them to do, simply because this was done to me by my parents and simply because I exist in such fear of the world, that I enforce my fears on my children.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to forgot that children can be a fresh start into and as life and instead of me preparing the world to support my child, I mold my child to become a personality that will survive in our current world system, regardless of the fact that I can see how abusive the world has become.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to teach children to attach values to this physical reality, even though I have seen from my own experience the abuse that exists in this world because of the values we have given ideas, beliefs and pictures, in which we honor the mind as energy, with no regard for the abuse that happens as each defends their self-interest.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to subject my child to my behaviors and pattern of backchat and dishonesty, without realizing that the child is busy copying my behavior.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing violence, abuse and dishonesty to exist in the family environment, and by doing so I am molding my child from a being born into the physical – to a copy of my behaviors, while I profess that I love my children.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing environmental factors to mold my child into depression, irritability, elated moods and expansiveness, as attempts by the child to either avoid pain, discomfort, punishment, disappointment or as an addiction to the energy system I trained them to become from young. This energy system I developed within my child by attaching energetic reactions to things, places, pictures and people and then training my child to react in similar ways. The child then gives the things, places, pictures and people a value according to how they experience themselves, and then learn to abuse all life in the name of judgment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing my home and family environment to become a breeding ground where I teach my children about conflict because the child observes the parents in conflict over money and their inner battles.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the home environment to be the foundation from which the child learns the behaviors that are eventually diagnosed as Bipolar, while not seeing that the home environment, schools and the environments within the system I accept for my child is directly responsible for who and what my child becomes. Within this I also realize that my DNA was the starting point from which the child came into this life and that if I do not clear myself within who I am – and simply regard myself, my past memories that influence me and my living expression as suitable without really considering what this means - my child will grow up into a dysfunctional being trapped in layers of information from myself and that which I subject them to while in my environment and within society.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use the word Love to teach the child how to manipulate others, through feelings and emotions, for their own self-interest.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to associate the word Love with family, in which I teach my child that if they love me they will do as I say and that for me to love them I have to manipulate them into becoming and being the perfect soldier within the system, to protect the family name and to not embarrass the family by doing anything that could be judged by others.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to associate the word family with trust, in which I teach my child that they cannot trust themselves, because they have to trust the parent who is a living copy of their dysfunctional parents and to trust a god who supposedly placed them on this planet to allow and endure suffering without any solutions. Thus, I teach my child to trust abuse and suffering and to trust the family unconditionally, in which the child starts to accept the world system as it is and even starts participate in it willingly as a means of winning in life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use words and behaviors to manipulate the child into changing themselves to please the parents, whilst not realizing that everything I as the parent believe, think and feel is programmed into me through my parents, the media, myself as my fears and desires.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to teach my children that love is conditional and to only Love those things that bring them personal enjoyment, regardless of the evidence before us that this behavior which all currently practice is having a direct impact on the world, as countless beings are abused daily in the name of profit and personal enjoyment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to teach my children to seek pleasure in life while avoiding discomfort, which inevitably means that we create a system which is designed around seeking joy to avoid discomfort, regardless of the fact that this directly results in us creating a world where we argue and fight amongst ourselves as we seek enjoyment at the expense of others.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have children regardless of the fact that I am unable to support the child within my environment or financially.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to avoid taking responsibility for this planet, whilst adding to the population, not realizing that unless I change what is here now, my children will either end up suffering or end up being supported within the Capitalistic System which causes suffering for others.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize that the family is there to support each other to become the most effective, functional beings on this planet, instead of what we have accepted and allowed ourselves to become now.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to support my family in realizing themselves as Life, but instead I have accepted myself and my family as subject to what has already been accepted about humans as human nature – thus opening the door to allow ourselves to repeat the past while evolving more and more into mind possessed humans.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to subject myself and my children to inner experience I feel I have no direction within, instead of walking within common sense application, equal and one to my child to no longer accept and allow inner experience to influence who I am here and who my child becomes.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to design a world where children and the experience of children, is subject to money.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to design a world where children become accustoms to having to stake their claim for attention and fame and through this defining themselves according to the mind.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to design a world and a family system where my children have become accustomed to using depression as a means of manipulating themselves and the world, according to attaining their desires, based on what they see through the media, in comparison to others and where they have placed their self worth according to what others say and think.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use the family environment as a teaching ground where I develop the child’s mind into that of a fully functional system, where the child no longer is able to fully express itself without is being locked into a societal value system according to which all function.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to develop the child’s mind to respond and react to certain stimuli – thus programming my child from the physical into a system, based on various factors such as fear, desire, jealousy, emotions, feelings, self ineptest, survival etc.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to manipulate children in such a way that eventually the child only functions according to elated moods to avoid the polarity opposite experience of sadness based of self judgment, taught to them through the adult as the adult attempts to mold the child through rules, values, culture and religion into ‘the perfect human’ as it is currently understood and lived.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to design situations within which I place my children, which eventually due to its impact on the child, forces the child into behaviors to align themselves or avoid the point – which then get labeled Bipolar disorder or ADD or ADHD (and various other childhood behavioral problems).

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to observe why my child has a behavioral or mood disorder and the cause of it within SELF-HONESTY, and instead to describe and justify the reason as being ‘some scientific reason’ or ‘gods will’ or ‘an imbalance in the brain’ – instead of deconstructing the disorder/behavior – even as far back as the parental DNA time lines – to find the building blocks as events that have imprinted itself onto the child’s mind – causing the mind to program into itself the living behavioral manifestation of a ‘behavioral problem’. By doing this I am placing the responsibility here with myself as parent and within how I have not effectively cleared my DNA – so that the past stops repeating itself within my child and me.

For further Reading:

Day 18: Day 18: Dementia – The Rotten Child Syndrome

Day 19: Rotten Love

Day 21: Success and Reward

Day 43: Parenting Patterning Fear and Control

Day 46: TRUST ME!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day 14: International Crime Research - Bi-Polar Disorder and Violent Crimes Part 7

This is a continuation from:

Self-Forgiveness part 5

Bipolar Disorder and Substance Abuse

Please refer to: Day9: International Crime research - Bi-Polar Disorder and Violent Crimes Part 2 for background information on Substance Abuse as primary cause for Violent Behavior in people diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use alcohol and drugs as a means of suppressing my mind.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use drugs and alcohol as a means of encouragement – through which I allow myself to express those parts of myself that are usually suppressed and hidden.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to abuse substances due to my fear of taking self responsibility for this world that I have created, and for the consequences of the action that I have taken due to my inability to act responsibility within common sense self expression.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to abuse substance in an effort to improve my status within society, by appearing to be something other than my usual self, whom I have come to either despise, fear of judge and which I have to hide in the presence of my peers, thus presenting a separate me to please society, family and friends.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to abuse substances, through which I separate myself into two separate beings, the one that comes out while using the substance as the personality I judge as the fun or adventurous one, instead of realizing the contradiction and the schizophrenic nature of my thinking, where most in society willingly participate in this splitting of themselves – while refusing to admit that is indicative of schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing this splitting of my mind into multiple personalities and as society accepting and supporting this splitting of the mind into various personalities through the use of substances.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be embarrassed or regretful of my personalities when I am sober.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to desire to have a new life and therefore using substances to give myself an experience within my mind, so that for a few hours I can forget about my life and ‘feel’ like I have a different life or set of rules according to which I function.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge experiences according to good/ bad and valuable/less valuable, through which I create an acceptance of trying to avoid certain experiences in life, causing me through backchat to desire different life experiences, which encourages and creates a society of substance dependent junkies.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize that what we are actually doing in society is to allow ourselves and each other to become addicted to the use of substances, while refusing to realize in self honesty that we are in actuality hiding from our true selves as the mind, while proclaiming to be more than what we are.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing religion and culture to condone substance use through images of wine and the blood of Christ – to consensually as society together agree to the abuse of substance as a n agreeable method of avoiding this reality and creating image of god realities in our minds where we think we are the greatest thing to ever walk this earth.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to encourage children to use substances to further their delusions of what it means to be human, by attaching images like sex. Fame, richness and coolness to the use of substances through the media, while pretending and claiming that I have no say in how children are influenced.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the media to brainwash me into using substance, due to the use of images and symbols linked to substance use such as coolness, sex, influence, power, money, good times, happiness – instead of realizing that this indicates my existence as a chemically induced robot – stuck in my mind of fake realities.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing substance abuse to be an acceptable form of socializing, in which I will frown upon anybody who suggests socializing without substance use and victimize the person through peer pressure until they succumb to the same mind illusions I have around socializing and substance use.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use substances, to avoid my life and to avoid this reality, instead of changing this reality to what is best for all so that I do not have to continue abusing the physical and myself through substance use.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing substance use to exist in a reality where we give permission to immense abuse and suffering, while the majority are using substances to avoid the reality we have all give permission to.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to ‘act out’ while using a substance and then after I have hurt another I claim that it was the substance that did it and not me – not realizing and taking responsibility for the fact that it was me and that all the substance did was allow me to express that part of me that is usually hidden.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be trapped within my mind, within patterns and behavior such as depression, elated moods and irritability, for which I then use substance to suppress or heighten the experiences – which are already in separation from myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use substance as a justification for wanting to have more fun in life, not realizing that in doing this I am subject to a substance to provide me with self-direction – while at the same time allowing me to lie about how I really experience this world – which in effect allows me to abuse the reality I reject even more, while avoiding the consequences through substance use.

Day 13: International Crime Research - Bi-Polar Disorder and Violent Crimes Part 6

This is a continuation from:

Self-Forgiveness part 5

Bipolar Disorder and Depression

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use depression as a state of being when I am angry at a situation or myself, as a means of manipulation.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing depression as a means of punishing myself when I perceive that I have done something wrong.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing this pattern to develop from childhood, where I would go stand in a corner and look saddened by what I have done – which is how parents and teachers train children into depression as a means of self-punishment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing self punishment to exist in a world where all punishment and reward always exists around obtaining what we need within self interest and where we manage to obtain this through the reward system of money.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing depression as a means of withdrawing from myself, when and as I feel that I am overwhelmed by my life or a particular situation in my life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use depression as a means of withdrawing myself form other people and situations, due to fear.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to withdraw from situations due to fear, wherein I have not yet taken self-responsibility for myself in my world.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing depression as a genetic trait – in which I have been told from young that my father had depression and therefore when I started experiencing depression, allowed myself to go into the experience, until it became a complete pattern, to which I added places, names and situations that would be the cause and trigger of depression – instead of realizing that I triggered the depression myself in each situation through the thoughts I allowed and through allowing myself to become the energetic pattern of depression.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing depression to exist within my partners, due to me developing an inherent belief that I was no more than my past and no more than who I had become as depressed person.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing depression to exist as a polar opposite to happiness, which become a cycle that I lived as throughout my entire life – where ‘me’ as the being no longer existence, because after years of diligent practice – all I became and existed as -was this pattern of depression followed by me attempting to achieve ‘happiness’ after which I would spiral back to depression.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe in depression as a condition, which was prescribed through parents, teachers and doctors and by implication indicated a world and a beingness which we could not change and had to accept.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing Bipolar Disorder to be a classification system according to which we categorize those who exists within the mind in states of being that are not functional and which reflect to us the dysfunctional nature of human beings we have come to accept as normal.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing Depression as an experience where one gives up due to having no solutions to ones life problems, instead of finding solutions to the problems we face.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to give life to myself as a life worth living here on this planet, by standing up and for equality and oneness in all ways for all beings – to stop the inner battles of depression and Bipolar disorder – as a direct indicator of the nature we have become as victims to our own allowances and the evolution of the Mind.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing depression to exist in my world, where I would much rather accept the labeling of depression, then to look into why people experience depression.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing depression as a title we give to experiences that we create – by giving power to our minds – instead of learning how to direct the mind, so that depression does not exist.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing depression to exist, which eventually manifests within the DNA of the being, which is then passed down from generation to generation as an acceptable form of mind possession.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become possessed by my mind through emotions and feelings, until I depress myself into a form less than human = de-human = demon.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to depress the beings with which I share this planet, by allowing an economic system which abuses all life as it has no regard for what is best for all – but instead only serves what is best for those with money.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to depress the beings with which I share this planet, until nothing is left and then I blame others and hope for a god to save me, instead of realizing that the only way I will change what is here is by actually changing myself from depressed to life and by changing the world to support me as life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing depression, as a means for people to shut up and accept the current life we exist in.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing depression in which we suppress ourselves through the norms of society, culture and religion to fit into a picture of ourselves as the fear of humanity.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing depression as a teenager, where I accepted that the only way to avoid pain as the experience of the mind based on the illusion of pain, was to avoid the experience instead of transcending it, and to give it power by submitting myself further into a form of submission.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to attach certain words to the experience of depression.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to ‘become depressed’ if and when I hear these specific words, to which I have attached certain values, which protect my ego, through the avoidance system of depression.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to ‘become depressed’ if I see certain pictures before me, to which I have attached certain values, which are either in alignment or contradiction with my secret desires – after which I will use thinking, feelings and emotions to ‘become depressed’ and to fuel my depression with justifications from within the Mind.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to ‘become depressed’ when I experience loss or bad luck or disappointment – which are all experiences carved by capitalists to ensure that I remain addicted to the pleasure of seeking enjoyment through obtaining goods.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to design depression throughout the generations, where I forced beings into life situations that were not fully supportive simply to appease the go of the individual.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to design depression due to generational conflict within beings, as I forced more and more beings to submit to the will of culture, society, religion, politics, sexuality, individuality, free will, capitalism, until we have reached this point where most experience some form of depression automatically as the memories of the cells ignite under stressful circumstances.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to program depression into my DNA for the future generations each time I submit myself to self manipulation to please others and to remain trapped in a system of politics and capitalism, which I claim I don’t want to change because I have already accepted depression and victimization as human nature.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to program depression into my DNA for the future generations, each time I play mind games with myself through backchat where I devaluate myself in the image and likeness of self deception.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to program my DNA with Bipolar Disorder, thus ensuring that the future generations are also trapped in the same patterns, simply because I have accepted it so.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use energy within my body, to manipulate myself into moods.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to manipulate myself into moods, as I have accepted myself as less than self responsibility and self honesty within doing what is best for all.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing chemical imbalances to exist within the brain, as a system of pre-design which inflicts onto the human a life subject to a design which neither the scientist or religious people are able to direct.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use abdicate self change to a god, while at the same time not questioning this god why he designed a mind that has depression.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to blame a god for giving me depression, instead of realizing that all aspects of the human mind and human design is here for me to understand, unless I use money and control as an excuse to not investigate the physical and how the human is designed.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the veil of deception which exist as science to exist as the apparent reason why we cannot fully support people with depression.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing science to exist as the front from which capitalists keep people sick so that money is made from the medical industry.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing science to withhold research necessary for us to understand the design of the physical and for me to allow money to be the reason behind why information is withheld about the human physical body.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to worship science, while admittedly they are unable to fully understand the pre-programmed design of the human, to understand all cases of depression and to self honestly highlight how a being participates in depression.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to worship science as an authority on depression, while admitted scientist and psychologists do not fully understand how a person participates and experiences depression because they self honestly do not want to admit how the money system for example affects people and how human feelings, emotions and thoughts affect us.

More stories and material related to depression:

41 -aggression and depression

Being Fat or Skinny - That's The Question

Day 40:Mania and Depression

Day 48 -Walking Myself Out of Depression

Day 49 - Walking Myself out of Depression pt 2

Day 1: Stopping Depression - Part I

Life Review - Why I Accepted a Life ofEnergy Disorder

Self as Origin Taking Responsibility
