Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 19: International Crime Research – Child Pornography Part 3

Research information taken from:

“In most countries, street children, poor children, juveniles from broken homes, and disabled minors are especially vulnerable to sexual exploitation and to being seduced or coerced into the production of pornographic material. These children, however, are not the only victims. Sex exploiters frequently target neighborhood children or those with whom they have contact through their vocation or avocations. Additionally, pornographic activity is a common part of life for teen prostitutes. Finally, in many countries, including developed nations, child victims may come from homes where their own parents use them to create child pornography or where their parents offer them to others for the same purpose.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exploit any person for my own sexual gratification.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to view disabled people as less than and to secretly despise their appearance and to believe that they are weaker and therefore not worthy of respect and equal treatment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exploit people who come from impoverished lives, whereby I will use them within Capitalism, to do the dirty work that I do not want to do, because I believe that I am better than them because I have money.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a society in which we have become to carried away with out own self interest, that we have never lived and applied ourselves within functional relationships – therefore allowing the existence of broken homes, which results in the future generations manifesting as the rotten adults that we see as the fruits of our past generations.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use specific words in an attempt to coerce someone into getting sexually exited, so that they may feel the need to have sex with me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to allow coercion in our society both as a means of manipulating people to do what we want for personal gratification, but also within consumerism – thus turning exploitation into an acceptable means of ‘motivation’ and ‘desired outcome’ within capitalism and within our personal lives – and calling it ‘power of persuasion’ – thus creating a false impression that coercion shows some form of special ability, instead of looking at the core from which it comes which is based in deception.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to force children into prostitution, simply because I have already justified the existence of adult prostitution, because I couldn’t be bothered to develop effective physical relationships based on trust and self-honesty.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to force children into prostitution, due to my permission to the existence of capitalism, and together with my allowance of prostitution – have over the past few generations become apathetic to child pornography – as I watch all value within life be compromised for greed and self-interest.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to teach my children about greed, thus teaching them that to get what they want – they have to make a lot of money – thus teaching the child that life is equated to money and that life itself means living according to the system and its values based on ego, greed, comparison and all that exists in the mind – that today directs the human as our emotions, feelings and ideas we have of who and what we want to be and how we compete with other humans for attention and self value.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to teach children that it is acceptable to value self as an image to be worshiped – thus minimizing life to a picture which always changes according to how the media impulses people to participate in consumerism.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing my child to learn that Life exist according to the standards of who they are through the eyes of the ego – thus teaching them that they have to do what requires to be done to validate their existence in the eyes of others and through societal value systems – which corrupt the human into believing this is what life is about. In this our children learn that to prostitute their bodies is an acceptable value system because it makes a lot of money and gives people pleasure - therefore it is respected within society.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to teach children my sexual values and the values about the human physical body as I have come to accept it – based on abuse of the physical form in the name of sexual gratification – whereby my actions, likes and dislikes are all based on backchat and judgments about the human form, based on secret mind desires. In this we teach the child to judge the physical form as something that is and should be obsessed with sex, not realizing how we are allowing ourselves to abuse the physical form into a piece of flesh that only exist to honor sexual gratification.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to honor sex to such an extent that I will watch as my children now develop all sorts of patterns and behaviors around sex, which I see, realize and understand is not honoring life as the physical – but only honors the mind as secret fantasies. This is why children develop the idea that it is cool and acceptable to become prostitutes and sex workers, as this allows them to see themselves as desirable therefore valuable.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be so possessed by the desire for money and to be rich that I will sell my child into sexual slavery.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be so obsessed with having money that I will find it acceptable within my mind, to use my child’s body in pornography – while obviously missing the entire point behind abuse of the child and abuse of Life on this planet – only seeing my ability to be rich as the only valid reason for my actions.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to sell my child into sexual slavery, because I exist in a belief that teenagers enjoy sex and are overrun by hormone – therefore using this to my advantage to exploit my children – which becomes my justification for the evil that I allow.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as the viewer of child pornography to use the excuse of ‘but I paid them money for being the actors, therefore they are doing it willingly’ to continue allowing myself to be blind to what I am really doing.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as the viewer of child pornography to use the excuse ‘but they look like they are enjoying it’ – not realizing the coercion that is involved and how these children are brainwashed by adults that use the same mentality of me around sexual possession to justify child pornography.

I commit myself to honor life and to present the solutions for the human to develop from the current mind-mess that we are in – into beings that can be trusted with Life.

I commit myself to expose the life that has become human sexuality and to show how all sexual desires currently is driven by secret backchat images, that are specifically used by the media to impulse hidden drives, to bring out the worst of the human, as we accept ourselves merely to be slaves to sexual addiction, while calling it ‘natural’.

Margarat, H. (2004, August 2). Child pornography: an international perspective. Computer Crime Research Center. Retrieved 21 June 2012 from

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