Friday, December 20, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
Friday, October 18, 2013
Day 126: Crimes against Life: Pornography Part 2
This blog is a follow up on:
In this blog I would like to now start taking a look at the time line of events that lead up to the existence of porn user, distributor and the porn star. I will be investigating the various dimensions that lead up to why such an industry exist that has millions of people addicted daily, while at the same time existing due to an undercurrent of rationalisation and justifications by most of humanity – where pornography is seen as acceptable and an sexual outlet that is ok, even though the effects of it on both user and porn star is anything but ‘ok’. So by walking the time line of the life events behind why such an industry exists, together with the societal justifications behind why it ok for us to continue allowing pornography as a sexual outlet – we will be able to come face to face with who we have become as society, as the human beings that rationalise through thinking an industry like pornography into ‘existence’.
As I mentioned in my previous blog, we have drawn a line between child pornography as being ‘wrong’ but rationalise adult pornography as being acceptable. Then most do not bother to do the research about the real effects of pornography on both the user and the porn star and nobody bothers to research the assumptions and myths behind things like ‘porn stars must enjoy it’ and ‘but why can I not use it if I pay for it’. These rationalisations would not be used if we were talking about handing guns to children and would most certainly not be used if 50 years down the line we sold our wives and children into servitude to become porn stars.The fact that this already exists, but is more masked and hidden – does not fall into any category worth investigating – why – well lets be frank – what I have noted about myself and what I have experienced as I came face to face with letting go of and really looking at the effects of my addictions on the world and myself – is that as long as I did not see the harm it was causing – I really did not care. So as I say, for now woman are selling themselves into pornography either to survive in this monetary system or because they have been brainwashed by society and their peers/parents – to believe that abusing sexuality is actually a plus – where if you are really pushing your physical boundaries then it means you are a free spirit who is not limited by the religious and cultural limitations of the rest of society. So pushing oneself to really harm your physical body sexually is seen as a positive thing when it comes to pornography and in fact from my experience writing and speaking about this subject – the reactions from mostly males when mentioning these strange mind rationalisations – is to be attacked and told that I am frigid and lesbian and wont allow myself pleasure.
So take a young woman growing up, existing as a physical body –and then she reaches an age where she starts noticing glamorous pictures of half naked woman in magazines, movies and billboards. Those who are closest to her such as her mother and sisters' support this image directed identity, by encouraging her to create a personal identity linked within that which she sees around her. Specific words are used by the mother/sisters/peers to encourage the young girl to start accepting herself as not just
To be continued
For further reading please see the following Blogs/pages:
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Day 125: Crimes against Life: Pornography Part 1
I was doing some research for the next series that I will be doing on Pornography and I came across this post:
a make up artist who posted pictures of porn stars on a blog with and without make-up – too I am assuming, show and reveal the ‘bare truth’ of these woman as what they really looks like. After that many porn stars sent her pictures of
So the author gave the reason for her blog post as initially just being that of ‘showing the world what these woman really look like’. This in itself caught my interest, as I wondered if this meant that woman could start considering the role that they play in misrepresenting the female form into a sexualised pictures, which is then sold for profit, as the image of a woman is then only seen as a picture – the physical body is equated to that which fits a picture and that which makes others money. Therefore the porn industry has become a first class example of how we will allow abuse to develop into a profitable system, and where the rest of society confirms and justified why such a form of abuse is allowed to exists, because it has become an acceptable form of expression for woman to misrepresent themselves, to fit a fake picture, to stimulate sex addiction in others, while feeding a system of greed. I mean, if I compare child pornography with normal pornography – all that I see is the stamping of morality onto the one picture which the other does not get. We have decided that child porn is wrong and goes against the values of life, but it is ok to brainwash generations of woman, into thinking and believing that to be a porn start is a cool way to express your sexuality. The fact that pornography has nothing to do with how the physical body has sex and the fact that woman become porn starts to make money to better than lives and the fact that the rest of the woman who ‘decide’ to become porn starts are doing to please the male ego into giving them attention and fitting into a warped sense of power linked to your sexual virility – none of these aspects – of which I have only mentioned a few – are ever spoken about.
You could say that we have never looked inside the mind of woman who is either forced into porn due to economic
So in answer to my question whether the author grasped even for a moment that who these woman are under all the make up – is not that picture, while supporting an industry that only seeks perfect pictures and perfect energy experiences which are linked to energy addictions e.g pornography while completely disregarding ourselves in our physical bodies. But her response was the truth behind the brainwashing of even this individual who for a moment allowed herself to ‘get real’. A moment later she reveals that she could not really face the actuality of reality as it existed as the real physical body. She explains towards the end of her blog that she sees these actresses and actors arrive for work with low self esteem and as soon as they put on their make-up they become ‘a different person’.
So the reason why I mentioned her discussion on make-up and low self esteem, is because it serves as an introduction into the following series – where as I mentioned I want to peel the layers of the ‘porn industry’, to really look beneath the veil of what goes on inside the mind of the porn star and porn user, together with the economic factors contributing to the existence of a porn industry…
For further reading please se the following Blogs/pages:
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Day 124: The Paranoia Series Part 5: Thought and Cognitive Disinformation
This is a follow up on:
Day 120: The Paranoia Series - How Cognitive Disinformation creates Paranoia part 1
Day 121: The Paranoia Series - How Cognitive Disinformation creates Paranoia part 2
Day 122: The Paranoia Series - How Cognitive Disinformation creates Paranoia part 3
Day 123: The Paranoia Series Part 4: Consciousness and Cognitive Disinformation
It is so easy for us to always point fingers out there, at the corporations, the media, the governments, them and ‘they’. We have essentially cognitively disillusioned ourselves already by creating a projected idea that how the world exists and the depth of the deception behind how these wheels turn - only occur ‘out there’ by others towards us. Interesting how it is always towards us – but who is doing it if we are always the victims? Reminds me of when one hears/reads a obituary – the person who died was always ‘squeaky clean’, a good soul and loved by their friends, family and community. Most chuckle when we read these, as we realize that the true nature of each human, at the point of death and throughout our lives is never this – and the person themselves during their life would admit that they have secrets, doubts and many points in their world where they fear and lie and hold onto patterns we know do not serve us, but are to addicted to, to fearful of, to let go of. So most humans actually understand at any given time that our inner experience is not so ‘clean’ as our obituaries instantly make us at the time they are written. Each human knows the thoughts that exist in our minds, some see these thoughts towards self and others as a strength that to win over others, you have to think and believe yourself to be better. Others – cringe as the thoughts run through the mind, we cringe as we experience the emotions and feelings that compound one to madness – where you try and convince yourself that your particular personality consisting of daily emotions and feelings are what makes you human – but why is it not so easy then to live in constant jealousy, anger, the need for love, attention and validation.
More to follow…
dip lite,
need for love,
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Day 123: The Paranoia Series Part 4: Consciousness and Cognitive Disinformation
This blog is a follow up on:
Day 120: The Paranoia Series - How Cognitive Disinformation creates Paranoia part 1
Day 121: The Paranoia Series - How Cognitive Disinformation creates Paranoia part 2
Day 122: The Paranoia Series - How Cognitive Disinformation creates Paranoia part 3
let us take a look at how Disinformation works – how the Cognitive/Conscious aspect of the Human allows for the process of Cognitive Disinformation. Let us look today at the one thing all humans are taught from young – the need to survive eventually within the world and to protect ones own life and what one hold dear against harm. So the following article I will be using discusses why Governments for example get away with Cognitive Disinformation. What interests me, is the Human Consciousness – the ‘Cognitive’ aspect behind why any group or agency gets away with what it does. So the following Article is an example showing us how our own blind trust of authority, those we are told to always follow and believe in will be the ones who will protect us and what we hold dear. In this case for example one can see how the human believe in blind following of authority figures – to protect what is ‘mine’ is the door which opens the opportunity for a group or agency to manipulate people through Cognitive Disinformation:
This blog discussion follows from this excerpt:
The problem
“Have you ever wondered how the government’s misinformation gains traction?
What I have noticed is that whenever a stunning episode occurs, such as 9/11 or the Boston Marathon bombing, most everyone whether on the right or left goes along with the government’s explanation, because they can hook their agenda to the government’s account.
The leftwing likes the official stories of Muslims creating terrorist mayhem in America, because it proves their blowback theory and satisfies them that the dispossessed and oppressed can fight back against imperialism.
The patriotic rightwing likes the official story, because it proves America is attacked for its goodness or because terrorists were allowed in by immigration authorities and nurtured by welfare, or because the government, which can’t do anything right, ignored plentiful warnings.
Whatever the government says, no matter how problematical, the official story gets its traction from its compatibility with existing predispositions and agendas.
In such a country, truth has no relevance. Only agendas are important.
A person can see this everywhere. I could write volumes illustrating how agenda-driven writers across the spectrum will support the most improbable government stories despite the absence of any evidence simply because the government’s line can be used to support their agendas.
For example, a conservative writer in the June issue of Chronicles uses the government’s story about the alleged Boston Marathon bombers, Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, to argue against immigration, amnesty for illegals, and political asylum for Muslims. He writes: “Even the most high-tech security systems imaginable will inevitably fail as they are overwhelmed by a flood of often hostile and dangerous immigrants.”
The writer accepts all of the improbable government statements as proof that the brothers were guilty. The wounded brother who was unable to respond to the boat owner who discovered him and had to be put on life support somehow managed to write a confession on the inside of the boat.
As soon as the authorities have the brother locked up in a hospital on life support, “unnamed officials” and “authorities who remain anonymous” are planting the story in the media that the suspect is signing written confessions of his guilt while on life support. No one has seen any of these written confessions. But we know that they exist, because the government and media say so.
The conservative writer knows that Dzhokhar is guilty because he is Muslim and a Chechen. Therefore, it does not occur to the writer to wonder about the agenda of the unnamed sources who are busy at work creating belief in the brothers’ guilt. This insures that no juror would dare vote for acquittal and have to explain it to family and friends. Innocent until proven guilty in a court has been thrown out the window. This should disturb the conservative writer, but doesn’t.
The conservative writer sees Chechen ethnicity as an indication of guilt even though the brothers grew up in the US as normal Americans, because Chechens are “engaged in anti-Russian jihad.” But Chechens have no reason for hostility against the US. As evidence indicates, Washington supports the Chechens in their conflict with Russia. By supporting Chechen terrorism, Washington violates all of the laws that it ruthlessly applies to compassionate Americans who give donations to Palestinian charities that Washington alleges are run by Hamas, a Washington-declared terrorist organization.
It doesn’t occur to the conservative writer that something is amiss when martial law is established over one of America’s main cities and its metropolitan area, 10,000 heavily armed troops are put on the streets with tanks, and citizens are ordered out of their homes with their hands over their heads, all of this just to search for one wounded 19-year old suspect. Instead the writer blames the “surveillance state” on “the inevitable consequences of suicidal liberalism” which has embraced “the oldest sin in the world: rebellion against authority.” The writer is so pleased to use the government’s story line as a way of indulging the conservative’s romance with authority and striking a blow at liberalism that he does not notice that he has lined up against the Founding Fathers who signed the Declaration of Independence and rebelled against authority.
I could just as easily have used a left-wing writer to illustrate the point that improbable explanations are acceptable if they fit with predispositions and can be employed in behalf of an agenda.
Think about it. Do you not think that it is extraordinary that the only investigations we have of such events as 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombing are private investigations, such as this investigation of the backpacks.
There was no investigation of 9/11. Indeed, the White House resisted any inquiry at all for one year despite the insistent demands from the 9/11 families. NIST did not investigate anything. NIST simply constructed a computer model that was consistent with the government’s story. The 9/11 Commission simply sat and listened to the government’s explanation and wrote it down. These are not investigations.
The only investigations have come from a physicist who proved that WTC 7 came down at free fall and was thus the result of controlled demolition, from a team of scientists who examined dust from the WTC towers and found nano-thermite, from high-rise architects and structural engineers with decades of experience, and from first responders and firefighters who were in the towers and experienced explosions throughout the towers, even in the sub-basements.
We have reached the point where evidence is no longer required. The government’s statements suffice. Only conspiracy kooks produce real evidence.
In America, government statements have a unique authority. This authority comes from the white hat that the US wore in World War II and in the subsequent Cold War. It was easy to demonize Nazi Germany, Soviet Communism and Maoist China. Even today when Russian publications interview me about the perilous state of civil liberty in the US and Washington’s endless illegal military attacks abroad, I sometimes receive reports that some Russians believe that it was an impostor who was interviewed, not the real Paul Craig Roberts. There are Russians who believe that it was President Reagan who brought freedom to Russia, and as I served in the Reagan administration these Russians associate me with their vision of America as a light unto the world. Some Russians actually believe that Washington’s wars are truly wars of liberation.
For the full article:
The other aspect that is mentioned in the article is of course the point of consciously or unconsciously agreeing with what is stated/done by a government with which one has an alliance. Therefore as long as that group/organisation/governments protects me, my family and my life style – I will believe whatever it is they say about another – and therefore Cognitive Disinformation as a brainwashing technique follows the lines of playing on people’s fears of self responsibility, fear of standing up and being held accountable and fear of loosing ones lifestyle or what one experiences a ‘love’ for.
Therefore – what one notices here within the domain of ‘how and why Cognitive Disinformation works’ is because the people/group doing the Disinforming are using that which people trust in and believe against us. This one is able to see for yourself if you do some research into whether any of our governments have ever done anything within the only principle of ‘what is best for all.’ It has always been about protecting power and Money – through fighting over and defending land, resources and the rights to gain that which will give power and profit/money. That is why as I mentioned in a previous blog – the current problems have never been solved even though common-sensically - they should have been sorted out many many years ago – if even allowed to have come into existence in the first place. So that which we as the public want secretly our governments to protect for us – what is mine’ – is exactly that which they will use to in actuality get us to keep them in power while they also protect only what is theirs – for here the deception starts with knowing that we are all always only wanting to protect our special needs and wants over the rights and protection of Life. So the cycle of Cognitive Deception starts with the individual – what we secretly fear losing and the life style and money we want protected. So even if a few stand up and say we will no longer accept Disinformation and corruption in our governments – how will we change them if they are simply using our fears to protect their fears?
In further blogs we will look at more examples of the Cognitive Human aspect within how Cognitive Disinformation actually functions – that it is obviously – as even our Psychologists and Behaviorists will note – not simply an external mechanism functioning off thin air –Cognitive Disinformation, as the name suggests Misinforms the Human at our base Cognitive/Consciousness levels – that which we have come to accept as who we are – but don't like it when it is used against us.So in future blogs I will expand on the solution aspect of Cognitive Disinformation – and will for now highlight what we have noted in this blog – the emotional aspects together with the though processes within the human which make it possible for Deception to occur. The question in ones mind is now –but why can I not protect my lifestyle without being Misdirected/misinformed and manipulated – well lets use basic common sense here:
If one exists equally to all others - where what you have others can have to – then there is no need to withhold anything from others including oneself. If one creates a system which functions on the principles of have and have not – then you are creating fear of not having/fear of loss – which takes the human into the emotional and conscious experience of fear, anxiety and desperation – which has the outflow effect down the line of accepting a system where you have to accept your wins and accept your losses as part of life. This has the generational consequence of people accepting life as possible gains and possible wins and this prepares/programs the human as we enter the system to deceive and steal from others through various Capitalistic Systems – to be able to better gain profit – and this is currently the principles according to which Capitalism functions.
This has the outflow of the system itself which exists of working people earning salaries and bosses all participating in ways to gain the most profit. So what is the Cognitive Disinformer doing but creating a positive view of a particular group/person or organisation while placing another person/group organisation at a disadvantage – which as we noted in the first blog has the outcome of direct economic loss/gain or to ensure an political and governmental wins which will always result in certain groups gaining power over others – which if you use basic common sense and look at how politics work always has to do with protecting money for the select Elite groups.
More on the Conscious aspects of Cognitive Disinformation as we proceed…
Interested in knowing more about how Cognitive Disinformation works – lets look at the ‘traits of a Disinformer’
Friday, July 12, 2013
Day 122: The Paranoia Series - How Cognitive Disinformation creates Paranoia part 3
This blog is a follow up from:
Day 120: The Paranoia Series - How Cognitive Disinformation creates Paranoia part 1
Day 121: The Paranoia Series - How Cognitive Disinformation creates Paranoia part 2
So to recap on how Cognitive Disinformation functions; it is used by governments, politicians and groups to either justify a specific action towards another country, group or party by stating and publishing for example that the country/group is intending harmful actions and therefore allows the group using Cognitive Disinformation to for example declare war, arrest people, change laws etc. It is also used by groups to create Disinformation about themselves, to create such confusion within the public that they in the end don't believe anything or do not see the group in a negative light, as they either perceive all information to be ‘tainted’ thus allowing the group/organisation to continue with unlawful actions or have creates such a positive view of the group that what is really going on is not questioned. This we see every day in the media where information is used about politicians, corporations/groups to create confusion about what is really gong on – and in the background the group in question simply continues as they were. Another form of Cognitive Disinformation is simply to discredit a group or organisation one does not want to have an impact on the public- and this is for example where Internet trolls as referred to in Part 1 – are paid to create disinformation about groups who could influence/change public opinion – this could either be linked to individuals that belong to smaller groups that simply have a personal belief involved in the group – whom consider their religious views or beliefs to be at threat -all the way to serious corporate funded projects of targeting any internet persona or group that could or has influenced the corporation/organisations ability to continue exploiting the public for power and greed.
As you noted the examples of Historical events around Cognitive Disinformation were mostly centred around political power struggles. On the internet I have myself come across ‘Trolls’ who target groups linked to world awareness who for example challenge world systems like Religion and Capitalism – where the trolls are either paid or direct their actions from the starting point of the Ego to protect personal belief systems and the Dishonest Practices found behind the banner of ‘Free Speech and ‘Individuality.’ For example you might find Internet groups that target and question Capitalism – the function of an internet troll and the websites with which they associate themselves with might either be paid by certain corporations or political agendas to discredit such groups – especially if their influence on the public becomes more substantial. As mentioned previously some internet trolls target only for the protection of their life style and within the personality of the ‘Troll’ one would see that it is an individual prone to aggression, violent thoughts towards others, jealousy and the habit of ‘seeking retribution and vengeance’ on any internet person or group who threatens that individuals ‘life style and internet habits’.
Next: more on Consciousness and Cognitive Disinformation…
More on Internet Trolls:
Internet troll who threatened to kill 200 schoolchildren is jailed
Internet trolls: What to do about the scourge of the Web?
Pay for Comments – Confessions of a Paid Disinformation Internet ShillOnline trolls post abuse out of boredom, research finds.
Day 329: When Anonymous Acted like Hitler on QuoraWednesday, July 10, 2013
Day 121: The Paranoia Series - How Cognitive Disinformation creates Paranoia part 2
This is a follow up from:
Day 120: The Paranoia Series - How Cognitive Disinformation creates Paranoia part 1
In this blog we will be looking briefly at the History of Cognitive Disinformation, to show how throughout our History what we as the public perceived and viewed as governments protecting the people, was actually techniques used to gain power for the benefit of the Minority. It has never been about protecting the public – in common sense – you may look for yourself – if this were indeed the case we would not have mass poverty and global situations of extreme suffering in various forms – which the governments claim to have the power to change – yet do not change. Thus – one should take a look back and ask the question – my experience of safety and what I perceive to be a ‘good life’ – is it based on truth, meaning the lifestyle I have become accustomed to – is it what I have always believed it to be – the perfect ‘American-type dream’ or am I living the life I am, but this life has cost others their ability to live the same and this life draws on the enslavement of others? Do my governments tell the truth when they do something or am I being led down a path of Cognitive Disinformation – when I believe what I read in the news and see in the media?
Let us take a look back at some Historical examples of Cognitive Disinformation. This allowed me to question all information I have been given on behalf of my education system, my governments, my peers - any person who used lies to get me to stick to the program of how our current World Systems function. For example, was I raised to have a healthy happy life, where I know that my basic needs will be met, and I will not have to fear for my own survival? Yes – I was told that if I go and work in the system I will have this life – and yet this did not happen – and this Lie is perpetuated and sold to ALL. Clearly what we are told is our future – the happy pictures we see in magazines of loving, satisfied people– is for most not attainable – and the current economic system – is more and more using corruption and fraud, as ‘simply the way it is for people to survive and from the starting point of Greed. So – the picture we are sold of a happy healthy life style does not match the outcome experienced by most adults – from the person living on the streets starving to the person drowning in debt. Some have come to see for themselves that there is a big difference between what we believe will be our lives and what we really are living.
I had an interesting experience myself in the last 2 weeks - I contracted a stomach virus and after vomiting for over 24 hours and seeing no end in sight I decided to go to a doctor. Sitting there is the waiting room, feeling rather bleak, I was yet again reminded of the Cognitive Disinformation that we all are stuck within at all times, as we choose to ignore on a personal level the finer details of our current system. For example – I was fortunate enough to hand the secretary a wad of money and she allowed me to then see the doctor, whom prescribed me medicine – where again I had to produce a wad of money to get. The doctor had pre-warned me that this virus was particularly nasty and that many people had been hospitalised and that if in 48 hours I was not feeling better I should come back. In 48 hours I felt slightly better so I chose not to go back – however the complication after a few more days, with the nausea and vomiting caused me to burn my oesophagus – so I ended up going to hospital with what felt like chest pains about 3 days after my initial visit to the doctor.
Lying there in the emergency ward, I actually started to cry, as I heard people coming into the ward, some crying, some looking very sickly, all being led to beds to be checked by the doctor. I cried after a while because I again was reminded that we were the ‘lucky few’ the ones who were feeling so sick or injured that we could at least go to a hospital for relief/support. What about the millions of people and animals who do not have this luxury? This should after all be our birth right and yet this is something that is taken away for millions of humans and animals alike. I mean, place yourself in the shoes/paws of someone – or look back at a time when you were admitted to hospital – now imagine you do not have that luxury - you are gravely ill or dying, in immense pain – and you have no where to go. You lie on a bed suffering until you either die or after a long while your body recovers from the illness. Now it reminded me again of the Cognitive Disinformation that we have all accepted as the ‘public/the individual’ on the levels that we completely refuse to see. I mean I can show examples of Cognitive Disinformation as it occurs politically, in history, in war time, by governments and secret groups –where we again as the public have all agreed that ‘those people’ deceived us. But on a day to day level – we completely refuse to see the lies that we all participate in and continue to live.
I mean even in the article excerpt to follow (history of Cognitive Disinformation) - if you look closely you will notice that the author writes about ‘the politicians, the governments’ the ‘usual suspects’ and the ‘usual forms of cognitive disinformation’ – at no point or should I say rarely do i see people referring to the other form of cognitive disinformation that we are subject to from birth as we allow our superiors, our parents and teachers to mould us into who we are now and what we accept within life. I mean – somewhere along the way – we accepted that it is ok for some to have money to survive, such as in my example of the hospital – and that others must just suffer and die. We decided somewhere between the innocence of childhood to who we are now – that it is ok to withhold food and other basic requirements from a life form equal to ourselves because they do not have a piece of paper (from a money system that is designed to cheat and deceive people out of money at every step). So even if you have money – for most it is still unaffordable to have a decent life style above basic survival.
Therefore as difficult as it is for most to see – Cognitive Disinformation is not only found in the History stories based on Political Disinformation – but in the individual, the public - our own beliefs, ideas and desires – our individual ‘brainwashing’ which contradict Reality.
So taking a look here at some of the History of Cognitive Disinformation:
Excerpt taken from:
Gale Encyclopaedia of Espionage & Intelligence:
“Disinformation is mostly commonly described as false information created by governments in wartime for military purposes and by totalitarian governments for political purposes in peacetime. Rumors, lies, and other forms of disinformation were made public by the Soviet Union to discredit the United States, the latter being the context in which the word is generally applied. The KGB coined the Russian word dezinformatsiya; it came into the English language as disinformation. The technique of disinformation goes back at least to 1918 with the end of World War I. Disinformation as a KGB weapon began in 1923 when I. S. Inshlikht, deputy chairman of the GPU, then the name of the KGB, proposed the establishment of a special disinformation office to conduct active intelligence operations.If you are interested in reading the full article:
Soviet active measures. Soviet active measures refer to the influence operations organized by the Soviet government. These include white, gray, and black propaganda, as well as disinformation. White propaganda was created by the Information Department of the Communist Party and included those publicly identified Soviet channels as Radio Moscow, Novosti, and pamphlets and magazines as well as official Soviet government statements. Gray propaganda was organized by the International Department of the Communist Party and used such channels as the foreign Communist Parties and the network of international Soviet fronts. Black propaganda was prepared by the KGB and included agents of influence, covert media placements, and until 1959, assassinations. Forgeries and disinformation were used by the Soviets in all modes. The first effective disinformation campaign was during the Korean Conflict. This was a major Soviet disinformation campaign that generated media attention. The Americans were accused of going into Korean villages during the Korean conflict (1950–1953) and shooting villagers, or killing them with biological weapons and chemical warfare. In fact, the Soviets used anthrax in Korea to kill men, women, and children, and then blamed it on the Americans.
An attempt is now underway with the Cold War History Project at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Smithsonian Institution, in Washington, DC, to counter this account, especially through the work of Katherine Weathersby who discovered that Soviet documents obtained through a Japanese researcher belied these rumors and accusations. The issue re-surfaced in the book United States and Biological Weapons: Secrets of the Early Cold War and Korea (Indiana University Press, 1999) by Stephen Endicott and Edward Hagerman. Endicott was the son of one of the men who helped to disseminate the disinformation campaign, James Endicott.
On September 9, 1982, President Ronald Reagan designated the United States Information Agency to lead an inter-departmental effort to counter Soviet propaganda and disinformation. For an advisory body, the administration created the Active Measures Working Group in 1981 to bring together the information the various agencies held to counter Soviet disinformation and forgery. It served as a clearinghouse to expose such information and it had permission to use classified documents and any other resources that were required to meet this goal. The Working Group was chaired by the State Department with representatives from State, Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, United States Information Agency, and the Defense and Justice Departments. The Working Group ended in 1991, two years after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
AIDS disinformation campaign. A major effort for the Working Group was the AIDS disinformation campaign, a controversial topic that had basis as a Soviet disinformation campaign. A sensational disinformation story appeared with allegations that the United States deliberately created AIDS in the laboratory to use it as a weapon. The KGB started the story in 1985 with placements in both Soviet and foreign newspapers; by September, 1986, it became a major campaign when an English language paper that actually originated in East Berlin carried the story. "AIDS: Its Nature and Origin," was distributed at the Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Harare, where it contained pseudo scientific verbiage, but the only evidence linking the origin of AIDS to U.S. military laboratories was the following unfounded statement: "The first appearance of AIDS exactly coincides with the opening of a P-4 laboratory at Fort Detrick [Maryland]—taking into account the incubation period. This is also indicated by the fact that the spreading of AIDS to the world emanated from New York, a city in the neighbourhood of Fort Detrick. The assumption that AIDS is a product of the preparation of biological warfare can therefore quite plainly be expressed."
The Soviet disinformation campaign accused the U.S. government of creating the AIDS virus as a weapon against black people and the story quickly appeared worldwide, despite U.S. protests that Fort Detrick, in Maryland, was hundreds of miles from New York. In April 1987, U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop advised the Soviets that if this campaign continued, "direct U.S.-Soviet collaboration on AIDS research would be impossible." The KGB then began winding down the worldwide campaign, but other countries continued to endorse the disinformation. In Africa, stories circulated for years that the United States created the AIDS virus. The U.S. Information Service (USIS, USIA overseas) staff responded with accurate information that countered these charges and defused the situation. In Pretoria, South Africa, and in Lilongwe, Malawi, USIS information was able to refocus the media on AIDS prevention rather than on false blame.
World Trade Center attacks. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, a disinformation campaign originated that 4000 Jewish persons did not show up for work at the World Trade Center on that day. Authorities have not determined the origin of the disinformation, but have concluded that its source was probably from an Arabic region, as the circulated disinformation did not mention the fact that the hijackers were Arabic. This was the first recorded account of an urban legend that has swept the Arab world, and no facts in it have ever been substantiated. The disinformation appears to be based on concern expressed by the Israeli government for the fate of 4,000 Israeli residents in New York, a small number of whom worked at the World Trade Center. Within a matter of days it was no longer 4,000 Israelis who were supposed not to have turned up to work, but 4,000 Jewish persons; then reports appeared that no Jewish persons died on September 11. In fact, many Jewish Americans died in the attack, as well as four Israeli citizens—two in the World Trade Center and two on hijacked planes, according to the Israeli Foreign Ministry.”
To follow: more on current day examples of Cognitive Disinformation and the history of the Human and Cognitive Disinformation.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Day 120: The Paranoia Series - How Cognitive Disinformation creates Paranoia part 1
In the Paranoia Research Series - I will be walking a series on 'Cognitive Disinformation and how this creates Paranoia'
Firstly I would like us to look at a broader definition of Paranoia as not just an experience of anxiety and fear, but the underlying aspects and thought process behind how a person develops a particular Paranoia.
For example I will draw from the following blog - a definition of 'Paranoia'
Day 395: Paranoia: the Home of Human Reason – Part One
So the question here is who becomes a 'Cognitive Disinformer - let us look at the definition of Cognitive Disinformation together with an example - after which I will select one aspect of Cognitive Disinformation to explore/expand on within this Blog.
"We are now at the Beginning stages of Placing into Context one of the Mechanisms that Influence Everyone’s life on Earth without Anyone being Aware of it - these Mechanisms are Not Yet Understood or Even Researched.
So First we have to Place into Context and into Relevance the Structural Design of What we are Looking at when we are looking at Paranoia.
Paranoia is Just a ‘pretty word,’ Meaningless in a way because Conveniently anything that seems to be ‘Abnormal’ may be classified as Paranoia, so it Needs to have a Word that is More Specific. Paranoia comes from the ‘Para-Noise’, the Paranoise comes from the Paranormal, the Paranormal comes from the Parapsychology and the Parapsychology is the Study of ‘Strange Events’ . But Not really – it is just Studying things that you Cannot Really Physically Touch like Ghosts and Thoughts, because Thoughts are like Ghosts: they are here now and then they’re Gone - in a Few Hours You Will Not be able to Remember the Exact Thought you had, you’ll be able to say “I Thought About” but You will Not Be Able to Recall the Exact Thought and Have it in Exactly the Same Way – also when you are Thinking about Something and Specially during the stage of the Developing Paranoia, the Thought will Repeat itself but In that Process, the Thought will Develop. So the Thought will be Changing and Progressively become More Obsessive and It Will Move You as the One having the ‘Paranoise’ the Paranoid Thought more and more to the Center of the Thought Convincing you that ‘the Thought is Right’ and you will so Change even Your Memory Eventually Claiming that ‘You are Right.’ It is a Fascinating thing that this Happens over and over and over again – and yet, our Psychology is not yet Researching this - it has not even Categorized it correctly because in a way Parapsychology is the Study of the ‘Thought Mind’ – that means Things like Paranoia, because it falls in the same Category as Conspiracy and Ghosts and in the same category as ‘Life After Death’ because it all falls within the things that You Cannot See. "
Paranoia particularly Induced through Thought and thus through Memory and thus through Vision – Television, Stories, Conspiracies, Education – that is all Paranoia, that is all Parapsychology because You Can’t Really Touch it. When that Paranoia becomes Physical, it becomes Psychological because it then would Become a Possession for Real where the Person for instance Believes ‘They Speak to Angels’ or ‘They Speak to their Loved Ones’ or ‘They Speak to JF Kennedy’ whatever ! The Fact of the Matter is that At this Stage, the Whole Preparation Stage that normally would have Happened through Meditation, through the Parapsychological Time-Frame of the Mind would be Forgotten."
So, what we draw from the above blog excerpt is our understanding of the elements, influences and inserts into the mental design of the individual which eventually leads the being to manifest themselves into Paranoia as the repetition of thoughts about a specific topic - where you are now completely possessed by and through repetition of pictures, thoughts, emotion and feeling stimulus - which you then believe is real - due to the strength and consistency at which these stimulus are repeated into your perceptual reality. Therefore we obviously see ourselves becoming living forms of 'paranoia' about most aspects of our lives - where we allowed ourselves to participate in and follow thoughts and emotion feeling reactions over months or years until we are convinced by these repeating thoughts and then believe 'it must be real'. This is how advertisements, the media and entertainment directs the public towards outcomes desires by specific parties such as consumerism, politics etc.
So on this topic - I will be addressing the Cognitive Disinformation as the movement, manipulation and repetition of information- which is presented in specific ways which the conveyer know and probably ahs studied - ac cording to how the human thinks and feels. So if you understand how a human beliefs, fears, thinks, rationalises and becomes addicted to specific energetic experiences, such as is used in consumerism by corporations - then you as the Cognitive Disinformer- will understand how to develop and manipulate public thought according to your desires outcome."
The Problem:
Excerpt taken from:
"Disinformation is the deliberate dissemination of false information. It may include the distribution of forged documents, manuscripts, and photographs, or propagation of malicious rumours and fabricated intelligence. In the context of espionage or military intelligence, it is the spreading of deliberately false information to mislead an enemy as to one's position or course of action. It also includes the distortion of true information in such a way as to render it useless.
Disinformation techniques may also be found in commerce and government, used by one group to try to undermine the position of a competitor. It in fact is the act of deception and blatant false statements to convince someone of an untruth
Disinformation differs from propaganda in that its true source is concealed, and it usually involves some clandestine action. Unlike propaganda and Big Lie techniques designed to engage emotional support, disinformation is designed to manipulate the audience at the rational level by either discrediting conflicting information or supporting false conclusions.
Another technique of concealing facts, or censorship is also used if the group can affect such control. When channels of information cannot be completely closed, they can be rendered useless by filling them with disinformation, effectively lowering their signal-to-noise ratio.
The Cold War made disinformation a recognized military and political tactic, though disinformation is generally more subtle and designed to remain unnoticed by the target audience.
Disinformation should not be confused with misinformation, which is not deliberate; i.e., the person or news source forwarding the information doesn't know it's not true and/or actually believes it; thus, disinformation can be relayed as misinformation if the one relaying the message is not aware that the originator of the message deliberately manufactured false information and offered it up for distribution. Whether the target of such an attack is to mislead the end user of the information or if the disinformation is meant to destroy the credibility of those gullible enough to relay it (usually news agencies) and not really caring what damage it does to the ultimate recipient must be judged on a per case basis."
Examples of disinformation
The classic example of disinformation was during the Second World War, leading up to the D-Day landings, when British intelligence convinced the German Armed Forces that a much larger invasion force was about to cross the English Channel from Kent, England. In reality, the Normandy landings were the main attempt at establishing a beachhead, made easier by the German Command's reluctance to commit its armies.
A classic piece of CIA disinformation was a pornographic movie made in the 1960s with an actor pretending to be President Sukarno of Indonesia. It was meant to undermine Mr. Sukarno with Muslims.
In 1986, national security adviser John Poindexter wrote for President Reagan a "disinformation program" aimed at destabilizing Libya's Col. Muammar Qaddafi by false reports in the foreign press about an impending conflict between the two countries. But the false information reached an American newspaper, The Wall Street Journal - a phenomenon known in the trade as "blowback."
Many 9/11 researchers (notably Mark Robinowitz) have accused some other popular 9/11 conspiracy sites of fostering conspiracy theories as disinformation meant to discredit and distract the 9/11 Truth Movement."
So the first aspect I would like to address here, is who would want to become a Cognitive Disinformer. From the research I have done on the Internet, I have notes that you have those who are in competition with other people/organizations/groups and in attempts to 'annihilate' the competition the group in question will spread rumours and use Cognitive Disinformation to discredit the 'rivals on the internet.' Now the word Cognitive revers to not not merely using rumours and falsifying of information or defamation to discredit another - you actually research or study how the human thinks - meaning the Cognitive aspects behind human thinking and behaviour and you follow such Cognitive Disinformation techniques which would give you your desires results. These techniques as indicated in the article above are usually used by organisations that profit through discredit other groups/individuals from a political and economic viewpoint.
The second type of Cognitive Disinformer is then the one who gets paid by the above mentioned groups to discredit.
The following article for example, takes a deeper look into "Disinformation: How It Works" - if you would like to check it out:
Then specifically the point I am focussing on today is:
Pay for Comments – Confessions of a Paid Disinformation Internet Shill
The Solution:
So lets look at the key points that this ex-paid-internet-disinformer mentions as the underlying causes and consequences for him being employed to be a disinformer - because through this we are able to, if one is interested in creating a better world - start to develop insight into how to STOP having to create such jobs such as 'Cognitive Disinformers':
"I had been out of work for almost a year after losing my last job in tech support. Increasingly desperate and despondent..."Not only does this man now have to face his own self value, who he has to become and the lies he had to spread - which become a changing of ones own personal values - but we are also looking here at forced internet bullying by one party onto those who are forced into such economic positions. I mean we are looking here at the Economic and Societal issues from a two-fold perspective. First the organisations, whom I will start addressing from the next blog, are due to greed and control for power - allowing themselves to stoop to this level - of manipulating of those who are desperate to have to become a 'Cognitive Disinformer' - which results in the individual loathing themselves and losing more out of life than just a pay check. The second point we are looking at here - is obviously, in common sense the realization that our Economic System, our principles behind which capitalism functions, is responsible for creating situations where the public have to accept such 'jobs', where the point of greed is being emphasized so extensively, that groups/organizations will do 'whatever it takes' to get their desires outcome.
"Well, beggars can’t be choosers..."
"the people making the referrals, like my ex-colleague Yvette, were trained to pick out candidates based on several factors including ability to keep one’s mouth shut, basic writing skills, and desperation for work..."
"in the end I felt worse about the possibility of losing the first job I’d been able to get since losing my “real” job..."
"After a while of doing this, I started to feel bad. Not because of the views I was pushing (as I said, I was first apolitical, then pro-Israel), but because of the dishonesty involved. If my arguments were so correct, I wondered, why did we have to do this in the first place? Shouldn’t truth propagate itself naturally, rather than through, well…propaganda? And who was behind this whole operation, anyway? Who was signing my pay checks? The stress of lying to my parents and friends about being a “consultant” was also getting to me..."
As we will start exploring in the next blog - when we start looking at different forms of Cognitive Disinformation - realize that the organizations/groups behind this are always doing it for power, control and greed. Therefore power, control and greed - from the perspective of 'the solution' would be something we as the public will have to address - to ask for ourselves why have we allowed within ourselves to let the desire for power, control and greed to get this obsessive - that we forget completely about Life, honouring ourselves and living a dignified life. We have become empty shells who only live for the energetic value that the money obtained through greed - can apparently give us.
So the solution to stopping these outflows as what is being created in the system by groups/organizations to be in control and make money - has to be addressed by not just the people in control/ownership of the organizations - but by the public -as firstly we are the ones that are all agreeing that greed and the current way of living is acceptable and the only way forward. Secondly we are the ones that are the consumers (for which those who are interested in obtaining the highest profit, by getting us to buy into the products) - the ones that are influenced through the manipulation of information - whether it be through presenting products in favourable ways by manipulating our Cognitive Process or through directing our attention away from the competition to purchase from the company who is using Cognitive Disinformation to discredit their 'rivals’. Either way - the responsibility has always been with the Human race - all of us who's decisions and actions are always creating the external world-system within which capitalism functions.
The Reward:
Here as mentioned above, the outcome of creating a world where we are not living to achieve happiness through how much money we have - will obviously consequentially change everything we do. If we change the Economic system to Support us as living, breathing expressive beings, by changing how we create and manage our economic system - then the outcome and reward is obviously going to be 'heaven on earth for all'. Why would we all want to keep an economic system that creates Fear and Paranoia in us and in the generations to come - why are we the forerunners of the corruptive practices of Cognitive Disinformation? What does that say about us as the Human who lives for and actually supports outcomes generated by others that create further lives and choices for us based only on Paranoia?
More to come…
Personal experiences of Cognitive disinformation:
For reading on an alternative to the current Capitalistic System:
Equal Money Capitalism
The Equal Money System
as well as:
The Equal Life Foundation - Bill of Rights:
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Day 119: Capitalism Part 7 - Remove children from criminal families at birth to save them from crime, says top judge
Article: Remove children from criminal families at birth to save them from crime, says top judge
"Babies born to prostitutes, drug addicts and other criminals should be adopted at birth to prevent them following their parents into jail, a leading judge has said.
Alan Goldsack QC, the Recorder of Sheffield, said it was the state’s duty to intervene to stop the ‘next generation of criminals’.
He said it was ‘frightening’ how many of the criminals he was sentencing today were the grandchildren of those he had dealt with 40 years ago.
‘Crime runs in families the same way that being a doctor, teacher or lawyer does,’ he said in an interview to mark his retirement.
‘Some people become criminals because they enjoy crime and think it’s a good way of life and if they don’t get caught they think they can have a good lifestyle.
‘But a frightening thing is the number of people I see who are the grandchildren of the people I have prosecuted and defended 40 years ago.’
The state had to ‘remove young babies from the families that are going to produce the next generation of criminals’, he said.
He added that a dysfunctional family would often have £250,000 spent on them, ‘but if we get in early and removed children we could save thousands’.
He said a ‘huge proportion’ of prisoners were a ‘product of the care system’.
Camila Batmanghelidjh, founder of the charity Kids Company, said taking children from criminal families was not the right solution
Camila Batmanghelidjh, founder of Kids Company, said: ‘This protest is directed at the wrong corner of the problem.
'If you look at the baby in their cot, they are not a criminal. Taking babies from parents because they happen to be in criminal families is not the right solution.
'We need to address the way that we work with disturbed families and children.’
Alison Worsley of Barnardo’s said the Government needed to do more to support children of prisoners."
So what is the problem with the solution suggested by this judge? Let us firstly place ourselves in the shows of someone who becomes a criminal - For varying reasons - people are either forced into criminal activities or choose to do so to have better lives. For example what he is referring to as prostitutes and other people who have chosen a live of crime - if one were to really take a look inside the life of a person who chose crime over starvation, you will find that a large percentage of children born into this world - who end up with career choices that are 'against the law' did not grow up thinking they want to necessarily 'break laws and place themselves into dangerous, health risking situations, shortening their life spans, for the rest of their lives. Most of these individuals for those who do their research realized that a) in the current money system they require to obtain a piece of paper or else they do not get access to food, fresh water a roof over their heads and a life style that they see most other people in their communities get to have - such as clothing, cars, jewelry, a social life etc. Therefore socio-economic situations are in a large percentage of the cases the reason behind why a human would ignore societal and religion issues of morality and turn towards careers that are indeed profitable.
Many people say that they will never turn to things like drug selling/smuggling/trafficking/robberies or prostitution - but imagine you were never raised with indoctrination about right/wrong, good/bad, hell/heaven and you become a young adult and now the rules of the system are quite clear -do or die. Is it really the place for any person to firstly blame these people who realize they have to work for a piece of paper to survive - who then follow where they are able to get jobs - and do so - who are we as society to judge the reasoning for a person for having to survive?
So lets consider the points that the judge missed as he swooped past self-responsibility to 'take babies away from people' Firstly - as we have already covered earlier -isn the fact that we have equated life to survival and to survive you need a piece of paper - and the rules in society are quite clear about this.
Secondly, if these masses of individuals are finding all of these jobs because they are better paying than 'ordinary', acceptable career/job choices and the market for these 'services' are so vast that there are basically jobs for alot of people within one city/society - should we not then rather turn our focus to the understanding and realization that the problem indeed exists around the fact that these people who have to now survive by obtaining a piece of paper - with issues of morality removed either through choice or through it not existing within the individual in the first place - where they then have all of these job opportunities available to commit these crimes - is because we as the public (who like to blame and point fingers) are the customers and consumers? There would not be such a problem of people turning to crime such as drug dealing, prostitution, child trafficking, war etc - if it were not for the vast amounts of people who actually use these services - so again here we are faced with the lack of responsibility within the public - where we are actually asking for these services and then blame the younger generation for who survival in the system to get pieces of paper to have access to resources - is getting harder and harder!
So here we have already seen 2 points from which society and the individual who judges and the politicians and the lawmakers have completely run away from, and ignored. Instead we look 'ahead'' - away from the original cause of why these individuals chose a life of crime instead of working in sweat shops in condemned buildings or at MacDonald's, for minimum wages, for the rest of their lives...

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Therefore one can say what you want - but if one still believe that our lives here are meant to be lived to try and obtain happiness through obtaining more money than others and to have a life style that is 'special' which means others dont get to have it - then obviously in common sense one sees that the programming of oneself is extensive - in how one has categorized your own value systems to suit your secret desires for a happiness point found within this polarity game of rich versus poor.

Further Research:
Economist's Journey to Life
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Day 118: Capitalism Part 6: Self-Forgiveness and Self-Corrective Statements on Blame and Self-Responsibility within Capitalism
This blog is a follow up on:
Day 115: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Capitalism Part 3: Death in the work place - am I ready to take Responsibility?
Day 116: Capitalism Part 4: Identifying the reason why we do not acknowledge the problems within Capitalism
Day 117: Capitalism Part 5: Self-Forgiveness on Blame and Self-Responsibility within Capitalism
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear placing myself in the shoes of another person or animal that has to die as a commodity within capitalism, a being who's plot in life I have ascribes as being nothing, worthless, less than me - therefore creating and systematizing a belief and a structural system called the Economy and Society - where I have allowed such suffering and abuse in the name of Money.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to know and understand that I am unwilling to place myself in the shows of another, not only because I understand the sacrifice and pain that the being is placed into, but also I realize that the consequences are actually very real for that being - the pain is very real, the loss would be the same for me - however in my mind I have already decided that it is alright for others to endure that suffering - as long as it is not me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to therefore allow Capitalism to function and evolve on the suffering of billions each day so that the rest of us may buy into the happiness polarity - instead of realizing that it is possible for all to have equal happiness and equal opportunity - just like I would like to have for myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to ascribe joy and fulfillment to the lives of those who are lucky enough like myself - and to allow the thinking that 'bad things happen to other people' - not realizing that in my thinking process I have condemned and continue to condemn billions of beings to a live of torture and pain - not realizing that this is the true value I have ascribes to myself - this is who I am - and that if there were to be a god or a jesus or a higher consciousness looking at me as who I am - then obvious in common sense then they would realize that the product of what I have given direct permission to even though through indirect words and my vote and by not speaking up - it is still my legacy - that which exists within me which I have allowed to become the fate for others.
when and as I find myself believing that my outer reality somehow manifested itself separately from me actually over time giving permission to and agreeing with the principles of how capitalism functions - I stop, and I allow myself to through breathing come back here to the reality of self honesty of who I really have become
within this I realize that I am not infact this life form that abuses others to have a gain and more favorable outcome in life
therefore I commit myself to when I in anyway justify why it is ok for abuse to happen in this world - to serve my existence - I stop I breathe and let go of this self created self righteous illusion - which I have allowed myself to be brainwashed within.
when and as I find myself going in to fear of change, fear of responsibility towards my outer reality as a reflection of my inner world and fear of changing my inner reality - I stop, I breathe and realize that the energetic reaction of fear is only that - a pre-programmed response to anything new, any challenge to my pre-conceived ideas - my 'personalities' ' that I am in fact limited by this definition of myself as nothing, worthless, an abuser, and someone who sits by and waits for death while clinging to hope that pain ans suffering will not happen to me or my family - instead of realizing that the key to changing the outcome to what is best for all - is in fact and has always been us - myself, all who have a voice, have access to the internet and are able to communicate verbally or on paper the living word as what is best for all.

Day 115: The Psychology of Crimes against Life: Capitalism Part 3: Death in the work place - am I ready to take Responsibility?
Day 116: Capitalism Part 4: Identifying the reason why we do not acknowledge the problems within Capitalism
Day 117: Capitalism Part 5: Self-Forgiveness on Blame and Self-Responsibility within Capitalism
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear placing myself in the shoes of another person or animal that has to die as a commodity within capitalism, a being who's plot in life I have ascribes as being nothing, worthless, less than me - therefore creating and systematizing a belief and a structural system called the Economy and Society - where I have allowed such suffering and abuse in the name of Money.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to know and understand that I am unwilling to place myself in the shows of another, not only because I understand the sacrifice and pain that the being is placed into, but also I realize that the consequences are actually very real for that being - the pain is very real, the loss would be the same for me - however in my mind I have already decided that it is alright for others to endure that suffering - as long as it is not me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to therefore allow Capitalism to function and evolve on the suffering of billions each day so that the rest of us may buy into the happiness polarity - instead of realizing that it is possible for all to have equal happiness and equal opportunity - just like I would like to have for myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to ascribe joy and fulfillment to the lives of those who are lucky enough like myself - and to allow the thinking that 'bad things happen to other people' - not realizing that in my thinking process I have condemned and continue to condemn billions of beings to a live of torture and pain - not realizing that this is the true value I have ascribes to myself - this is who I am - and that if there were to be a god or a jesus or a higher consciousness looking at me as who I am - then obvious in common sense then they would realize that the product of what I have given direct permission to even though through indirect words and my vote and by not speaking up - it is still my legacy - that which exists within me which I have allowed to become the fate for others.
when and as I find myself believing that my outer reality somehow manifested itself separately from me actually over time giving permission to and agreeing with the principles of how capitalism functions - I stop, and I allow myself to through breathing come back here to the reality of self honesty of who I really have become
within this I realize that I am not infact this life form that abuses others to have a gain and more favorable outcome in life
therefore I commit myself to when I in anyway justify why it is ok for abuse to happen in this world - to serve my existence - I stop I breathe and let go of this self created self righteous illusion - which I have allowed myself to be brainwashed within.
when and as I find myself going in to fear of change, fear of responsibility towards my outer reality as a reflection of my inner world and fear of changing my inner reality - I stop, I breathe and realize that the energetic reaction of fear is only that - a pre-programmed response to anything new, any challenge to my pre-conceived ideas - my 'personalities' ' that I am in fact limited by this definition of myself as nothing, worthless, an abuser, and someone who sits by and waits for death while clinging to hope that pain ans suffering will not happen to me or my family - instead of realizing that the key to changing the outcome to what is best for all - is in fact and has always been us - myself, all who have a voice, have access to the internet and are able to communicate verbally or on paper the living word as what is best for all.
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