Day 132: The Paranormal Series – Ghosts and Demons Part 2
Day 133: The Paranormal Series – Ghosts and Demons Part 3
I will be starting this Blog Series, by walking through the ‘Journey’s into the Afterlife’ Interview Series – which follows examples and explanations of what heaven use to exist as, the design thereof and the truth of why heaven existed in its multi-faceted nature. We will hear about guides, masters, gate keepers, one atom gods, higher selves etc – all giving their perspective on how and why they existed within the greater design of ‘the Afterlife’ and the Human ‘Soul Construct’. From there I will move onto the Series about Demons and walk through the interviews done by the Demons, to better understand the greater picture of what Demons did, what was not understood about demons and how demons relate to the human experience. From there I will take a look at the quantum mechanics of how paranormal events occur now and how the Human Mind as the Quantum Mind is designed and creates Paranormal-Mind experiences.
“We had to make sure the knowledge and information in the minds of human beings of what heaven is remains in tact – and that if we did bring a being to actually communicate, that the being communicate in line with the heaven existence and how it existed and that they would not distribute any information about the heaven existence, other than what the being had been instructed to say, or speak, or do. So if one have a look at the messages through psychics, loved ones and things like that, the messages would always only be in the context of the personal relationship that the being that had passed over had with the being that was still on this physical earth; there was never any knowledge and information extended about exactly where they were within the heaven existence or what they were doing in the heaven existence exactly… I mean it was really very easy to manipulate the knowledge and information that was being channelled or communicated through from the heaven existence to humans in this physical reality.”
- Interview with: a Psychic’s Gate Keeper
For the full context on which I base my self forgiveness please listen to the following interview:
Journeys into the Afterlife - A Psychic's Gate-Keeper
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have to protect ‘heaven’
I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to question why heaven would require protecting, as this indicates to me a problem between the reality of what is ‘out there’ as the truth and who beings really are and what is behind the ‘gates of heaven’ that require protection.
I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to question the existence of heaven if as noted above, heaven is unable to assist all to be a part of heaven, thus removing itself from the needs of the afterlife, thus indicating that the real purpose of heaven is not about the ‘everlasting rest’ of ourselves when we cross over and thus;
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the story behind what heaven is, and this is not just from what comes through this information source as the Portal, there are many references in many religious and spiritual books that refer to this separation between for example heaven and the demons/ghosts.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be the gate keeper that ‘keeps beings in line with what heaven is about’ and to not allow them to sway from the prescribed information about what really goes on in heaven.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be this gate keeper that enforces a lie about heaven, upon earth, and in doing so not really addressing the hidden problems about what heaven really is while also allowing the continued separation between the ‘heavenly beings’ and those who are unable to find eternal rest, as heaven indicates its purpose to be.
I forgive myself therefore for accepting and allowing the same problem to exist on earth in essence, where the homeless, the criminals, the insane are all rejected, pushed aside and separated from society, without truly creating safe spaces for those who are for example elderly, or disabled or insane, but instead leave them to rot and be abused in government run facilities by staff that are underpaid and not monitored and for criminals and homeless people to not be understood as a product of our money system and societal value systems around rich vs. poor etc.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be the facilitator of a persons pre-programmed life designs and to never in my role question why this pre programming would be necessary – and to never question what is it about existence and human life that require pre-designs?
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become depressed at the idea of dying
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to hold onto a belief that if I die I will not experience a life that I always desired to live
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear death, because death would imply the end of me as the mind and myself as a personality, which I have defined as who I am as the living expression of myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear death, as I have become accustomed to existing inside a personality structure that lives for and as thinking and surviving.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to avoid the fear of death, by participating more in entertainment and energy and thinking – so that through my activity and keeping busy as the mind – I am able to forget that my mind will one day no longer exist, and through this cycle I am obviously feeding my own belief in who I am as this mind system that requires to ‘live’ and thus I keep this cycle of fearing its end going, by perpetually choosing the avoidance and entertainment of myself to forget, instead of realizing myself here in my body and utilising the life in this body to live to the fullest and to use the opportunity to change the fear systems for all people based on lack and survival to that of fully living, so that we may get to a point of satisfaction with our one life, which will allow all to stop fearing life and stop fearing death as the endless cycles of struggling within our minds and physical.