Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 4: South African Crime Research - Xenophobia and Hate Crimes

HATE CRIMES: According to the Criminology and Security Sciences Study Guide (2012:166), from the University of South Africa hate crimes are referred to as “when individuals become victims of crime on the basis of their race, ethnicity, religion, political convictions and gender or sexual orientation.

The underlying criminal offenses that are labeled in hate crimes include, but are not limited to crimes against the person such as harassment, terroristic threats, assault and crimes against property like criminal trespass, criminal mischief and arson.  The internet has been identified as a new medium through which hate groups and individuals transfer their views (Hill 2008).

XENOPHOBIA: according to the Oxford English dictionary (2012) xenophobia is the intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries.

A list of Recommendations by various authors in the field of Victimology and Criminology for the prevention of future Xenophobic attacks (in South Africa):

  1.     Provision for basic needs such as water (Hadland 2008).
  2.     Community forums already in existence need to be expanded on and educated about how to facilitate communication (Hadland 2008)
  3.    Housing policy needs to be revisited. (Hadland 2008)
  4.      Service delivery issues need to be revisited (Hadland 2008).
  5.       Migration policies need to be revisited as South Africans need to be educated on migration issues (Hadland 2008).
  6.       A process needs to be implemented whereby people are integrated, so that they can become part of the community (Hadland 2008).
  7.       The government should take responsibility – the failure of the governments to process people from other countries was a short term catalyst for the recent violence (Camerer 2008).
  8.       Police, governments and ‘civil society’  had done and affective job in ending violence and assisting victims, however now short, medium and long term strategies were required to deal with the problem. (Camerer 2008).
  9.     Parliament had to provide leadership, asses the entire legislative framework governing foreign nationals and address corruption in the department of home affairs. (Camerer 2008).
  10.    Parliament should also look at police capacity to deal with such outbreaks of violence and closely monitor both the reintegration process and the prosecution in special courts of those arrested during violence (Camerer 2008).
  11.   Care should be taken around allowing six million people from other countries to compete with South Africa for resources (Peter Mulder 2008).
  12.    Steps should be taken to remove expressions that can be used on derogatory ways (2008).

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as humanity to victimize and abuse people based on them being of a different race, culture or religion.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the design of religion and race , through which I firstly separate myself into a separate mind personality and beingness, which is separate from who I really am as the physical – thus opening the door to abusing myself and others in this world.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to abuse others in the name of race and culture, simply because abuse exists within me as the true nature of myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the existence of race and culture, instead of living practically here with all humans, as equals, created equally from and as the physical, but instead being driven through ego and self-interest to compete with others humans.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as humanity to split people into races, countries and cultures, instead of realizing the time that we waste on such activities, where we could all be living equally and expressing ourselves.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to abuse myself and others through this competition as ‘different countries and races’  instead of standing up for life in all ways, to find practical, common sensical ways of living what is best for all – to remove anger, abuse and competition until it no longer exist as part of ‘human nature’.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing justifications such as ‘but god made us different’ to exist within me through which I continue to allow myself as the next generation to fuel the abuse that exist in the name of cultures and religions.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing any excuses such as ‘god; to exist within me, through which at any point I allow me as the abusive nature I have become to abuse others.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself when growing up, to accept the belief my parents taught me that people of other religions and cultures and races are different and bad, simply because they follow different ways of living and have different skin pigmentations.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing any form of abuse that existed in my past and in my present and in the future, simply because I watched as people abuse each other, without speaking up and changing myself to not allow any such abusive tendencies to exist within me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to place the responsibility and control of the planets resources in the hands of governments, simply because I abdicated full self-responsibility as myself as a human for the effective, equal and one distribution of resources to all life on this planet.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing governments to exist because I have placed self direction and self responsibility in their hands.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing governments as the externalization of who I have become within, to abuse life and those who live on this planet, by controlling resources and giving resources only to those who have money.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing governments to exist.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing governments to deceive me, because I have allowed myself to deceive myself and others, therefore what exists as corrupt governments exists because I made the decision to allow greed and corruption.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to grow up believing that I have to deceive others to control my life and to survive above others.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the lie that exists within the current world systems called ‘communication’ which is basically survival based words spoken by people with money to people without money to further control them within their role within the current system.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing communication to exist around keeping people satisfied with the current world system and the lives they live within it, instead of getting to the core of what is required for us to live what is best for all.

I forgive myself for having accepted and allowed any form of false communication where in my mind I knew I was deceiving people to have a desired outcome.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing ‘processes of integration’ whereby I am basically saying that humans who have the birth right to live on this planet and have their basic needs met as our birth right have to go through processes to fit into communities, because communities cannot simply accept people as one and equal as life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing processes to make it easier for myself to accept others.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing failure within governments as an ongoing thing in our world, instead of standing for effective management of what is here .

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the concept of short, middle and long term plans – which is deception – because we should be directing everything here already as what is best for all – and not have to pretend to care for life by forcing governments and ourselves to implement short, middle and long term solutions.

I forgive myself for not stopping the real reasons within myself why I as a human allow violence to exist within me, which is why violence exists within humanity and the world.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist in moments of violence and thoughts of violence, not realizing that I am the cause of the problem which I now expect the government to fix, while all the government is concerned about is protecting wealth and power.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing wealth and power to exist as my driving force in life, causing me to not find sustainable best for all solutions for all but to pretend to bring the end to violence while I know that I am not directing the real cause of the problem.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the lie which is psychology to exist, which tells humanity that we will never find the real reason why humanity allows self-deception, but that we can simply try and solve it by seeing psychologists, while in the world violence and abuse continues.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not clearly directly see how the mind of each human works and the direct cause of the problems humanity face – by simply observing myself and others in my world.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the deliberate decision to not see what is really going on, because I know that money is behind how the world functions and I am so afraid of being poor that I will not question the current world systems.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the existence of policing as a pretense to dealing with the symptoms of a problem which I know I have caused through what I have accepted and allowed as human nature, which I have lived as the nature of myself as that which exists in my mind as backchat, thoughts, feelings, emotions, words and deeds.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing statements such as ‘care should be taken around allowing six million people from other countries to compete with South Africa for resources’ – through which I am tacitly and directly saying that I want to control all resources of ‘my country’ so that I can have money and live a comfortably life, not sharing with the other inhabitants of this planet.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing greed to be my directive principle in which I will allow billions of beings to starve and live in horrendous conditions while I have my country protect me from other people.

For more self-forgiveness on borders, countries, nations 

I commit myself to honor all life on this planet, as my equals, regardless of color, nationality, category in society.

I commit myself to stopping all forms of separation within how I live and communicate with others to stop such abusive concepts such as nationality, race, gender – which is used in the current system simply to control money as people.

I commit myself that when I am in a position to provide for and manage resources for all, to do so from and as the principle of what is best for all.

I commit myself to direct myself in equality – to stop any practices of inequality within myself, from which the current world systems of abuse was designed.

I commit myself within my capacity here on this earth to find solutions for the world problems to end the  abuse that exists.

I commit myself to stand for life and to stand as the principle to bring about a world that is best for all

I commit myself to stop deception, war and abuse within myself.
I commit myself to stop the deception of borders and nationality which exist to separate and control in the name of greed.

I commit myself to bring about a world that is free from survival and self-interest, to a world where all are taken care of equally as the birth right of ourselves as life.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Day 3: International Crime Research - Why does immigration exist?

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to separate myself from the other people and beings I share this planet with through borders, nations, countries.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to separate all the people living in this world through class, categories, cultures and standing in society.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to develop and design borders, countries and nations, through which I allow the separation of self.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to design border, countries and nations, through which I justify the separation of humanity.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing borders and separation, through which I have allowed countless beings to be abused simply because they live in a different country than myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing greed to exist, based on me wanting to withhold resources from other beings, through creating and separating us through borders, nations and countries.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to deceive others and to be deceived through the entire concept and idea of ‘different countries.’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing us as humanity to separate ourselves into different countries, not realizing we do so from the starting point of greed and fear of loss and fear of each other.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear other human beings and through this participated in creating different countries and borders as a means of keeping others away from me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to deceive other humans through greed and self-interest, causing others to fear and mistrust me, causing them to want to divide us through borders and countries.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize that earth is not divided into borders and countries and openly provides land and resources regardless of your skin color or where on the planet you originate from.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize the harm that has been done in the form of separation and abuse of life on this planet, simply through separating beings into classes and groups and nations – which is a direct outflow of me wanting to control resources and to control my own self-interest to survive over others.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to make up the excuse ‘we have to have different countries so we can manage the people and the resources’ – as this has clearly been a justification used for me to not have to change myself to no longer abuse others and the resources, but to continue lying and deceiving others so that I may survive and have a comfortable life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the existence of the elite through separating people into areas and countries of class and power, instead of equally providing and sharing for all beings living on this planet.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the existence of ‘culture’ and nationality’ as an excuse to abuse people and resources from other countries because they are not ‘from my country’ whom I ‘serve and protect’.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe in and justify the existence of separate resources and management of people – instead of realizing this has only been used as a means of power and greed for the rich to get richer instead of equally supporting all life on this planet.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the excuse of ‘but how else will you manage everyone’ through the real reason of separation is hidden which is to protect the ego of the human in self-interest.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as a deceitful human, unable to be trusted in a group called humanity, unable to share all the resources between all humans and unable to care for all life.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing countries from the starting point of effective management and instead rather fear human nature and avoid directing this mess we have made by continually accepting our current governments and ways of living.

I commit myself to bring about an equality based world system where we change what is currently here as abusive practices to practices and principles that support all life.

I commit myself to standing for all life, working towards sustainable solutions for all based on what is best for all.

I commit myself to change the current world system designs such as politics and separation through borders into principles based on what is best for all life therefore…

I commit myself to changing the current design of countries and separate structural placements of humans based on the desire for power and greed to functionality and the effective use of resources for all people living in a country.

I commit myself to ensuring that countries no longer exist as places where we hide from each other, but simply manageable areas where equal people live.

I commit myself to changing the current world system, from separate countries fighting with other countries over resources to countries that all work together to make sure the inhabitants are all equally, globally taken care of.

I commit myself to ensure and implement a new world system that will remove the current value systems we have given ‘countries’ and ‘cultures’ to get to a point of establishing effective resource management globally, equally on all countries to take care of all the inhabitants.

I commit myself to stop any form of separation within myself between myself and another, which is the cause of separation in the world as ‘countries’ and cultures’ – to align myself at all times to equality and oneness with all beings on this planet.

I commit myself to stop any and all forms of separation as superior and inferior standards according to which we have labeled people and countries as an excuse to dominate and steal from each other.

I commit myself to ensure that all beings are treated equally starting within my own environment up to the global level through which I ensure that all who inhabit this planet are equally taken care of and that countries are equally developed and have equal standing  within the principle of what is best for all.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 2: Overwhelmed

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the idea and the belief that I am overwhelmed by allot of information in a book.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fall into the physical and mental trap of feeling overwhelmed as soon as I have to read a lot of information.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe in the idea I created that my psychology studies are overwhelming at times, thus creating a mind and physical reaction of becoming overwhelmed, which results in headaches.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to trust myself here as breath as consistency, to get through the material and the information.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to move through the material in consistency, taking in what is required for me to learn to achieve the end goal.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing any backchat thoughts and experiences in relation to feeling “overwhelmed” which fuel the experience even more.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fuel the backchat thoughts as a point of self-sabotage and self-abuse, in which I am not realizing that I am not assisting and supporting myself through the material – bit instead further compromising myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fluctuate between trusting myself to work with the information effectively, to not trusting myself and allowing self-doubt – thus creating cycles of self-doubt, because I am not proving to myself consistently that I am able to work with the information.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to stick to the basics of why I am studying and the basics of breath and self-trust, to support me to move through the information, as I have proven to myself time and time again.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing images and memories around ‘failing’ to influence my ability here now to work with this information and to get the work done.

I forgive myself for manipulating myself through fear of failure.

I commit myself to remain consistent in working with information.

I commit myself to remain consistent as my breathing as I work through the information, never allowing myself to give the information more worth or value than what it actually is.

I commit myself to not allow myself to influence myself with backchat thoughts into patterns of self-doubt and self-sabotage.

I commit myself in realizing that I am able to work with the information, no matter how much there is and that I have all the tools as myself to support myself through getting the work done.

I commit myself in support myself effectively each step of the way by drinking enough water, taking enough brakes and not allowing backchat sabotage thoughts through which I may influence my ability to work with the information.

I commit myself to remain focused and diligent in the work that requires to be done, not allowing myself to give into a pattern of procrastination of ‘giving up’ which is based on fear of self-movement/fear of failure.

 I commit myself to not allow any illusion around the point of studying such as “I cannot do it”, or “what if I don’t get the work done in time” as a backchat point on which I fall into self-doubt.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Day 1: What is my Journey?

As I walk my Journey to Life, I identify daily patterns, within which I exist as a pre-programed being, according to how my parents lived and how Society expects us as Humans to exist – where there is no or little regards for who we have really become. I have come to realize from myself that most of my experiences have been based on fear, survival, envy, competition, desire, addiction to energy etc. All of these patterns suppress the life within me and the Life within all living on this planet as we live to appease our current designs, instead of fully living without fear, without judgment, without being dependent on energy of the mind; for each to get to a point where we live here in our physical bodies, fully supportive of ourselves and each other as Life, not as Systematized beings, who live to survive.
By identifying my own patterns and applying self-forgiveness I clean the slate of what I have been, to align myself into a being that lives what is best for all life. The writings will consist of the identification of the pattern, the self-forgiveness and the commitment to and as self of change, to be spoken and lived as a self-directive principle of self.
This process will continue for a minimum of 7 years and no part of self-forgiveness will stand alone as it forms part of the whole as what we have accepted and must be read in the context of all the billions of patterns that requires self forgiveness and deletion and correction with effective life willed commitments.

For support see all the videos and join the forum.

Do this for you as only you are responsible for you.

Understand that I do self-forgiveness here for all patterns regardless whether it form part of my immediate life. To expand to be equal to what is here in every way, one can only be so by actually becoming all the parts and placing yourself at the very least in a position that if you ever should encounter such point, you will be able to direct it in ways that are best for all life in response to the directive commitment you place. Self-forgiveness thus is the Giving to yourself within the context of a space time reality, the power, authority and responsibility and ability to walk and participate in every relationship that may ever exist as Life in every way with the effect and outcome as that which is best for all life.

If you are not ready yet to join is in this project, read the blogs from the many that are walking this for themselves till you are ready and then join us in the journey to life. – Only you can give you life that is best for all life.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to let go of all ideas which I adopted from my childhood, which have not serve me within what is best for all.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as all the parts that currently make up this world as the abomination that it is to it exists within me, as anger, spite, rage, jealousy, greed, desire, hate, secretiveness, abuse etc

If forgive myself for accepting and allowing the world to exist as it does, because I accepted myself as abused and not worthy of life.

I forgive myself for growing up accepting myself as less than what I can be and for accepting the world in this way as well.

I forgive myself for not taking self-responsibility for who I had become while judging the world for being a place I do not want to live in.

I forgive myself for judging others for their words and actions and for how they create the world, instead of realizing I am equally responsible for creating the world as it is and am therefore fully responsible for my words and deeds in every moment.

I forgive myself that I have not considered that if I place any person or thing above me as the directive principle of me, then I am creating myself as a slave to my world, instead of walking as the creator of my world in full self-responsibility within what is best for all

I forgive myself for disregarding what is best for all, simply to survive in this world and to feel save within the current world systems.

I commit myself to investigate myself and the effects of self-forgiveness as a commitment to myself
I commit myself to addressing my fears, judgments, behaviors and allowances, to find out who I am within what is best for all, and to find out and change that within my world which serves life as what is best for all.
I commit myself to consider that with taking self-responsibility through self-forgiveness i will in fact expand and become able to direct and be responsible for that which I currently belief is beyond my ability to direct.
I commit myself to become the image and likeness of life and to walk that which is best for all, in all ways.
I commit myself to honor all life in all its forms and through this I honor myself as well.
I commit myself to investigate my past, my patterns, my beliefs and how I function, to find the best way to live, here as the physical and to delete that within me which does not serve me as life
