This blog is a follow up on:
In this blog I would like to now start taking a look at the time line of events that lead up to the existence of porn user, distributor and the porn star. I will be investigating the various dimensions that lead up to why such an industry exist that has millions of people addicted daily, while at the same time existing due to an undercurrent of rationalisation and justifications by most of humanity – where pornography is seen as acceptable and an sexual outlet that is ok, even though the effects of it on both user and porn star is anything but ‘ok’. So by walking the time line of the life events behind why such an industry exists, together with the societal justifications behind why it ok for us to continue allowing pornography as a sexual outlet – we will be able to come face to face with who we have become as society, as the human beings that rationalise through thinking an industry like pornography into ‘existence’.
As I mentioned in my previous blog, we have drawn a line between child pornography as being ‘wrong’ but rationalise adult pornography as being acceptable. Then most do not bother to do the research about the real effects of pornography on both the user and the porn star and nobody bothers to research the assumptions and myths behind things like ‘porn stars must enjoy it’ and ‘but why can I not use it if I pay for it’. These rationalisations would not be used if we were talking about handing guns to children and would most certainly not be used if 50 years down the line we sold our wives and children into servitude to become porn stars.The fact that this already exists, but is more masked and hidden – does not fall into any category worth investigating – why – well lets be frank – what I have noted about myself and what I have experienced as I came face to face with letting go of and really looking at the effects of my addictions on the world and myself – is that as long as I did not see the harm it was causing – I really did not care. So as I say, for now woman are selling themselves into pornography either to survive in this monetary system or because they have been brainwashed by society and their peers/parents – to believe that abusing sexuality is actually a plus – where if you are really pushing your physical boundaries then it means you are a free spirit who is not limited by the religious and cultural limitations of the rest of society. So pushing oneself to really harm your physical body sexually is seen as a positive thing when it comes to pornography and in fact from my experience writing and speaking about this subject – the reactions from mostly males when mentioning these strange mind rationalisations – is to be attacked and told that I am frigid and lesbian and wont allow myself pleasure.
So take a young woman growing up, existing as a physical body –and then she reaches an age where she starts noticing glamorous pictures of half naked woman in magazines, movies and billboards. Those who are closest to her such as her mother and sisters' support this image directed identity, by encouraging her to create a personal identity linked within that which she sees around her. Specific words are used by the mother/sisters/peers to encourage the young girl to start accepting herself as not just
To be continued
For further reading please see the following Blogs/pages: