Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 8: International Crime Research - Bi-Polar Disorders and Violent Crimes Part 1

Bipolar Disorder and Violent Crime - New Evidence From Population-Based Longitudinal Studies and Systematic Review Part 1
The context and outcome of this study was to identify whether there was in fact a relationship between Bi-Polar disorders and violent crimes. The information I have taken from the website: ‘’, which present an article about a longitudinal study based on proving the validity of violent crimes linked to Bi-Polar Disorder.

Please note that I am not disputing or validating the research findings or opinions of the author(s), researchers or website developers. I am taking the research presented on Crime related topics and using it as a platform from which to support myself through self-forgiveness, to stop the patterns existent within myself, through which myself and humanity have given permission to and designed ‘Crime’ as it exists today. I will also indicate within my self-forgiveness statements the connection between how we as humanity have stopped honoring life and have allowed the existing system and the existence of crime as an outflow of the abuse of life and the fear of survival (money). 

I am busy with my third year Psychology with a minor in Criminology. I served 5 years as a reservist in the South African Police Force and therefore have always had an interest in the dynamic of Crime and Crime prevention. My interest in Life to is find solutions to the problems that we face in this world, by looking at the ways in which we as humanity have separated ourselves from life and how we value Abuse of Self and others over Life. You might ask yourself the question how it is that ‘we’ do this, as all of us simply ‘go about’ our lives on a  day to day basis. In each Blog I will show the relationships between who we have become within ourselves and how we through our accepted self-designs (including our pre-programming) contribute to the design of our reality. What we have come to accept as ourselves and our world is that of Survival as the Mind - which is our Fear, Ego, Likes/Dislikes, Personality Traits, Feeling and Emotion Reaction Traits such as rage, anxiety, the desire for acceptance, desire to be loved, jealousy, comparison, hatred, annoyance, possessiveness, intolerance, greed and the list of human experiences go on.

From a practical Perspective I am always highlighting that within Self which does not support Self, within the context of what is best for all. Therefore as you will notice, Crime by its ‘Design’ is showing us those parts of ourselves that are not supportive of Life. Crime is showing us where we are Abusing ourselves and Life, through accepting ourselves as that which crime represents and shows us - the rage, the hatred, the jealousy, the desire for control etc. Crime as I have realized does not just happen ‘out there’ to other people - crime is a mirror for all of us as it originates from all human experience and exist as an outflow of our experiences we have all allowed to become the director of ourselves.

As an example you will notice that I will be taking on each aspect of how crime develops and brining it back to Self - because each person who commits crime, is doing so from a starting point which originates in the same starting point that you or I would use when we are faced with situations where we are forced to survive as Monetary Survival or Survival of me as My Mind as ‘My Personality’. As you will notice what is happening in this world is a complete disregard for one another, because everybody is to busy fighting for Survival - both as The Mind and for Money. The two points are interlinked because Capitalism uses ‘The Mind’ of the individual as you will see it in its fullest glory all over the news and social media, as ‘My Self-Interest’, to impulse people to participate in Consumerism and the advancements of Capitalism. As the Human we want to defend ‘my Mind’ and therefore participate willingly in capitalism and accepts all the Abuse in the world that goes with it, because Money buys us what we believe in our minds is necessary for us to ‘feel happy’ and to expand on our joy and happiness and fulfillment as it is experienced through the mind, based on the preferences of ‘My personality’. Money also allows us to avoid conflict and Fear by allowing us to buy a life style and to associate with people who allow us to separate ourselves from the horrors that other people have to experience. 

I suggest watch the Documentary ‘The Trap’, which explains the development of Self-Interest at the rise and benefit of Capitalism, and how the human has always been pre-programmable under the guise of ‘Choice’ and ‘Individuality’, to the point where no matter what Abuse is allowed in the name of Capitalism, we will justify the Abuse because The Happiness of Self is everything and Survival is all we ‘know’.

Therefore - to summarize you will see that I will be applying Self Forgiveness for accepting the specific crime for existing in the first place because I have participated, firstly in creating a world where people are driven to having to commit crimes due to Economic reasons. Secondly I will be looking at how I Designed the personality of that particular Crime by looking at myself within the Context of that Design. So for example looking at the Character within the Context of the Blog about ‘Bi-Polar disorder’ and whether it contributes to violent crimes’ (in my next blog). I will be placing myself one and equal to ‘Bi-Polar disorder’ and exploring who I am within this Design. I will therefore be looking at for example, the allowance of Bi-Polar as a pre-programmed design of the mind (more on this later). I will be looking at what Bi-Polar represents as a Mind-Construct or Design and applying self forgiveness accordingly. I will also be looking at how as society I have rejected or blamed or projected onto those with Bi-Polar disorder my anguish, anger or fear about ‘Violent Crimes’, instead of directing Bi-Polar Disorder as the Disorder of Human Nature within myself first - to stop the cycles we are in as humanity as ‘Bi-Polar Disorder’ and what it represents about the human mind. So for each Crime Personality Design, I will be looking at how this Design exists within me and Humanity - and how I have allowed it, feared it and come to accept it as a normal part of ‘being human’. This way - as you will notice I am firstly standing Equal and One to this Design as myself so that I may stop the Design as myself. This by implication means that I am taking Self-Responsibility for each Design, so that in every breath in my life from this moment forward I am no longer participating in that ‘Crime personality’ and ALL the FACETS of it - as it would exist within me. This I will demonstrate within the Self Forgiveness Statements. 

Where solutions to the Crime or Criminological Research has been presented within the text I quote, I will also be walking through the Self-Forgiveness, where I see that the Researchers are not taking into consideration the responsibility of Humanity or Solutions that abdicate responsibility into a modality that separates us as humanity from the problem. Therefore I look at how to find the real solutions to the problems. An  example would be - which you can practice looking at for yourself is to not at face value simply ‘beLIEve what the scientist say is the solution. They are also trapped in our existing Money System - therefore if people commit crimes due to economic reasons - the Scientists will never present the solution as being ‘change the economic problems by changing the money system that forces people into crime’, instead they will propose solutions for the person to ‘adjust and align themselves to becoming more functional - within this existing money system. By encouraging one person to ‘go find a job’ or to ‘find ‘honest’ ways of ‘making money’ you are simply shifting the point as there are always billions of people without an income and billions of ways in which people are exploited within the current capitalist system, simply for the purpose of profit. The Capitalistic System for example by its’ ‘design’ - is designed around greed and exploitation for profit, with shortcuts, redundancy and lies being at the core of the Capitalistic Principle. Therefore the solutions presented to the research will always try and place a bandage over the problem, but the problem will continue to exist always on a  global level affecting billions of beings daily - and the problem is getting worse. Again if you observe most crime committed as an act of ‘The Mind’ of that person - Scientists will never admit that the human is not taking self responsibility for our nature, thoughts, behaviors, feelings and emotions because then, if they brought to light how we should find solutions to the ‘Mind’ experience of the human they would be out of a job .  Therefore the psychologists and Scientists will suggest therapies  and drugs that place the human in an ever dependent cycle on the system and the System of Consciousness, with no regard for placing the being in a position of effective change to stop all current cycles of human nature. Such solutions have never been presented by Scientists, Theorists, Philosophers because the human has been made dependent on and accepting of The Mind as we know it - where we have come to believe that who we are now is all we are and change is impossible or to be feared  -as if losing or changing this destructive part of ourselves will mean the end of us. Stopping what we have become, will not mean the end - it will mean the birthing of Life for all here in our Physical Bodies into lives worth living, where we will no longer be birthing children into this world to repeat the sins of the fathers. 

Finding the self corrective solution within all of this, is why I am walking this blog, to assist and support myself as the World as specifically ‘Crime-Designs’ - to no longer accept and allow myself as ‘Crime-Designs’ and to direct myself through these Mind experiences, to stand clear, within self responsibility, and self direction - to create a future for humanity that truly functions within what is best for all.

Part 2 continues with a look at Bipolar Disorder and Violent Crime - New Evidence From Population-Based Longitudinal Studies and Systematic Review

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 7: South African Crime Research - The Voice of the Victim

The Victim Impact statement

The Victim Impact statement is used within South African law, as a written document by a victim, whom is the person who suffered personal harm (physical, psychological, social and financial) as a direct result of an offense (The South African Law Commission 2002:68). 

A victim impact statement differs from the general victim testimony in court, as it allows the victim to ‘personalize the crime’ and to ‘express their anguish, pain and devastation caused to them, so that the consequences of the crime may be understood by all involved in the law proceedings.

A criminologist compiles the victim impact statement to contribute towards a ‘more balanced view’ between the various components such as the seriousness of the offense, the physical harm, psychological harm, evidence provided, testimonies. Therefore the purpose of the victim impact statement is for those involved in the law proceedings to get a glimpse into the actual experience of the victim, as a means of grasping the seriousness of the crime on the life of a victim. (Criminology and Security Science 2012: 77 – 85) 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the existence of crime within my world.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing no real solutions to be found for the existence of crime and to instead have to manipulate the jurors and judges through emotions and feelings to find it within them to relate to the victim and punish the perpetrator, without any clear understanding of how and why crime exists.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the existence of victim impact statements, instead of getting to the direct cause of why people commit crimes and to address the issue directly, equally for all.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the use of inner conflict within beings to fuel the current situation within the world based on anger and fear towards each other.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to stand firstly for the end of all crime, by ending all crimes against life, as that which I have already manifested as the world systems, which by definition abuses and separates and forces people into abusive lives, which then has the outflow and consequence of further abuse.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing ignorance to exist within me as an idea and opinion that bad people commit crime and should be punished.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize that the real evil that exists in this world are those who stand by and enjoy the fruits of the abuse that is done towards the humans, animals and planet earth whom are in positions and whom have no say and have no choice but to survive.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the capitalistic system, on which we have built this deceitful acceptance of abusing beings on this planet for the profit and greed of a minority while the rest of us as the elite who benefit from capitalist, sit back and pretend ignorance.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing money to be the driving force behind everything I do on this planet, as the driving force of me as survival.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing money to be my life and that which motivates me, instead of me being motivated to live life and to see life equally being lived by all, with no fear and hatred and greed being the driving force of myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing greed to exist in this world and to use that as an excuse for why we can force billions of beings into survival daily where most do not have sufficient needs met, forcing many into survival based abusive practices to feed themselves and their families.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the period of waiting to see what happens, where the end result is people having to write out emotional letters placing themselves as further victims within the system, instead of priority being given to the welfare of each.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to ignore the effect that our current world system has on the beings that inhabit this planet, and instead of acting to solve the problems, to postpone the inevitable, waiting generation after generation for suffering to compound until it is too late.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as the victim, the one that waits for somebody else to change my world, to change me and to stand up for the life within me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be the victim, because growing up I believed I was nothing and that some god or man would come and take care of me, through which I abdicated my self-responsibility and my self-will – to stand before the system dependent and without a voice, accepting life without question.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as the perpetrator – the one that wants to take from others, without considering and applying myself here within practical self-responsibility.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the existence of the perpetrator within me, the hiding and sulking and blaming others for the decisions I have made in my life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become the judge and jury who judge others for their actions, without considering my part in this reality and that which I have directly and tacitly agreed to by accepting out current reality as it is.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as the perpetrator – the one that wants to take from others, without considering and applying myself here within practical self-responsibility.

I commit myself within equality to stop the abuse that I allow in my world in the name of greed and self-interest.

I commit myself through writing to reveal that within my world, within myself which does not serve life on this planet.

I commit myself to reveal to myself the practices and ideologies that are based on lies and deception.

I commit myself to stop emotionally feeding off the suffering of others in the name of self-entertainment.

I commit myself to re-write myself as the living word into a being that can be trusted and who will stand for all life, and to serve life as what is best for all.

I commit myself to stop the crimes against life that I have come to accept as myself – where I live in a world where starvation and abuse is acceptable because we make money from it.

I commit myself to find ways to stop any and all forms of abuse and to not ‘beat around the bush’ about why crime exist, but to directly see and communicate the lies we have come to accept as our society, for all to see and hear.

I commit myself to stop the genocide of life, before it is too late and there is nothing left of us but our ugly nasty entity minds that devour and consume everything round us.

I commit myself to stop participating in the rotten child syndrome, through which we feed of the spoils of the earth, watching countless beings suffer and crying for mercy once it is too late.

I commit myself to see, hear and understand what it is that I am required to do to bring about a dignified life for all.

I commit myself to not accept the existence of crime as normal and to not accept any justification for abuse and crime, as no reason could possibly exist for us to abuse each other, this planet and nature.

I commit myself to stop participating in the energy reactions of listing to someone’s crime story in which I allow my curiosity to have reactions direct me to maintain my world of abuse and torture where I will deliberately turn a blind eye to what is happening in my world because it stimulates my mind.

I commit myself to bring about a world system that is best for all, so that all may have their basics needs met and have equal opportunity to love and express here in dignity and in full expression of life as the physical.

I commit myself to bring about a new economic system that will benefit all who live on this planet and to transform my old ways of living and being as the crime against life into something new – which will be the living manifestation of what is best for all.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Day 6: Drunk and Horny

Last night after I wrote my previous blog: ‘Day 5 Radical changes made to Rape Laws’ – I had an interesting dream.  I dreamed about a guy I use to know when I was a police reservist. He was married and his wife was pregnant, but he was into messing around with other woman. At quite a few police parties he tried to wangle his way into my pants. After one such evening, where we had a braai (barbeque) at the police station, he got very drunk and attempted the whole evening to get me to go off to some dark corner and have sex with him. I was somewhat intrigued by all the attention he was giving me as he was a very ‘attractive guy’ with a ‘well-built body’. So I played hard to get because I was still a virgin and very shy when it came to guys and also had made the decision that I would not do anything with him because he was married. 

This particular evening the 2 of us were catching a lift with a lady who was off being intimate with someone in a dark corner. It was cold, the party was over and now we were ready to go home. The two of us decided to sit and wait in the car for our lift. After a few minutes he again starts rambling on about how he wants to have sex with me and leans over (we are both sitting in the backseat) to try and kiss me. I stop him and I pull away, realizing that this situation was not to be encouraged and firmly explained to him, again that I was not interested in doing anything with him. 

He drunkly mumbles something else, leans forward and locks the two front doors. Watching him, I cannot quite grasp what it is that he is doing, until he locks his back door and leans across me to lock my door. My brain tells me that something is wrong, but at the same time I try and make light of what I am witnessing and explain it away as ‘he’s probably just playing with me’. He turns and pounces on me, pulling on my shirt with his mouth on mine. I squirm underneath him, realizing due to his intensity that he was being very serious. I struggled with him and found it difficult to say anything as his mouth was kissing mine so hard that he was pushing my head against the seat. He was attempting to undo the buttons on my shirt and alternated between my shirt and my jean buttons.  I am very glad actually that he was so drunk, because I was able eventually to push him off me and yell at him to ‘STOP!’ He sat back in his seat and I sat in mine frozen in disbelief. He stopped any further attempts and I think it was partly due to his inebriation, that he was unable to complete this idea he had to ‘have sex with me’.  After a few more minutes our driver arrives and we go home.

That evening and for a few days afterwards I was in shock. I felt disgusted and uncomfortable within my own sexuality. I was starting to blame and judge myself for having allowed it to ‘go that far’ simply because I allowed him in the past to flirt with me. Being a young woman, I was flattered by the attempts of this man; it made me feel wanted and special. After this event I judged myself for what I had allowed.

It was interesting that I had this dream after I wrote about rape and after applying self-forgiveness for myself from the perspective of accepting and allowing rape in this world.  Therefore I will now expand on the self-forgiveness done in my previous blog with regards to my fear of rape:

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge myself for the experience I had when I was a young woman where a man attempted to force himself on me sexually.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear saying the word rape and for judging myself by saying I am ‘using such a strong word’ in an attempt to downplay what the man did.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to want to be strong and say to myself stop making more out of it than what it was.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to want to now and back then protect the man’s ego, by saying to myself ‘it was just one moment, it was not such a big thing’.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to want to protect my ego by saying to myself ‘don’t speak about it, you’ll just embarrass yourself’.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear being raped.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear the consequences of flirting with a man.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge my past.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge myself for the actions of another.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge my sexuality, based on the actions of another.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to want to hide away from scenes and stories of rape, because I allow myself to react to the act.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to react sexually to images of rape and of woman being overwhelmed.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to abuse sexuality by allowing myself and others to play sexual games and encourage sexual dishonesty.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to take my actions and allowanced for granted and for not taking self-responsibility for what I allowed within myself and within what I was encouraging in another.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have judged myself for not knowing what I was doing and not being aware of the possible consequences.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge myself and my sexuality based on not understanding what I was doing and therefore separating myself from my physical body and my sexuality, through fear and judgment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to create a polarity within myself based on the desire for a sexual experience and when I have the sexual encounter I program it as disgusting.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to design sexuality within my mind based on desire and disgust and living this our in repeating patterns.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be programmed by my parents into believing that sex has to happen at certain times, with a certain man, within certain circumstances.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to design secret mind desires in relation to sex based on the fantasies of rape, dominance and to be desired.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to desire sex and then go into the polarity experience of disgust at self due to past experiences.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing past experiences to determine my experiences now.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing societal conditions of right and wrong to be the basis from which I have programmed my own sexual behaviors, causing me to judge myself within certain experiences after which I create polarity points between which I bounce from  desire to disgust.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not trust myself, after what happened, because I believed that I was to blame for what nearly happened because I was flirting – therefore:

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself after that event to experience desire for flirtation with men but at the same time fearing getting hurt and then not trusting myself because of the fear and inevitably placing myself in compromising positions, fueling the pattern of fear until it because a pattern of self-abuse.

I commit myself to honor myself in all decisions I make, based on self-honesty and practical common sense.

I commit myself to remove and delete all memories, based on ‘remembering what I did right or wrong – through which I keep feeding the patterns of the past.

I commit myself to developing full trust in myself, by clearing the past, clearing my mind and developing self-honesty so that I can trust every word and action.

I commit myself in removing fear from sexual exploration and to trust myself in developing an effective sexual expression, which supports me in my physical and my partner.

I commit myself to honor life, through removing any self-abuse patterns, based on guilting myself or my partner.

I commit myself to develop effective means of communication with my partner so that neither one is ever in a situation of experience discomfort or anxiety within sex.

I commit myself to stop fear and anxiety during sex, within myself by stopping any reactions, memories, thoughts, beliefs and moving myself in self-trust into an effective form of self expression.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day 5: South African Crime Research - Radical changes made to rape laws

The University of South Africa’s Criminology and Security Sciences Study guide (2012) – refers to a new legislation that will change how rape cases are prosecuted in South Africa. Through changes to the rape laws, the following factors will help prevent secondary victimization within rape cases:

1.       The rape victim’s sexual history may no longer be taken into account, which will prevent the victim from being seen in a prejudiced light.

2.       The fact that the victim had a promiscuous sexual history does not mean that the perpetrator is entitles to rape her.

3.       An apparent lack of physical injury may no longer be used as an excuse for the offender or as a sign that the victim was not in fact injured (not fighting might have saved her life). 

4.       The fact that there was a relationship between the rapist and the victim does not excuse the rape or imply that she consented to the act.

5.       The bill also counteracts duplication and delays, since victims will not have to repeat their testimony (secondary victimization).

6.       The bill seeks to expediate the finalization of serious criminal cases, especially those of a violent nature, to punish the perpetrator of serious offenses appropriately and to prevent the secondary victimization of complainants.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing rape to exist in this world.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing rape to exist in this world due to the value that has been given to sex and pictures.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give value to sex and masturbation to such an extent that I will sometimes be overwhelmed by the energy until it directs me into action, just like the energy of a rapist that is moved and possessed by energy.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the justification of ‘but sex and masturbation is nothing like raping someone’ to exist within my mind, through which I will secretly continue fantasizing over pictures and other beings, hoping to have sexual relations with them and with the people in porn movies until the entity I create possesses me and directs me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the existence of porn movies, due to my inability to effectively express myself here in my physical body with another physical body, without requiring stimulus and the hidden meanings within my secret mind.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to turn sex into something disgusting based on dominance and the energy of fear, repulsion, erotica, arousal, through which I have tacitly agreed to the existence of the energy of the rapist within my mind and within society.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear sexually as the expression of myself, to such an extent that I have to turn sex into a perversion, through which I have agreed to all the countless forms of sexual abuse that is happening in the world.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the idea that if a woman was dressed provocatively, she deserved to be raped.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing any pictures and ideas in my mind linked to rape, which causes and has caused me to get sexually aroused.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to wait for governments to ‘do something about rape’ instead of me taking direct self-responsibility for rape in this world as parts of it exists within me as my mind, as pictures linked to desires.

I commit myself to stopping any and all forms of sexual abuse within myself towards myself and towards another

I commit myself to stopping the apparent need for governments to stop abuse in my world, by observing myself within who I have become to see how I am living out the designs of abuse within myself.
I commit myself to stopping sexual fantasies and secret mind desires – and to learn to effectively direct myself here in my physical body

I commit myself to self-honest self-expression within sex and to stop any form of sexual abuse within my relationship/agreement.

I commit myself to develop effective communication within myself about what I am experiencing and to direct my experiences in the breath, through self-honesty and common sense, to stop the energy entity build ups, which lead to eventual abuse in my life and this world, as what others will also come to accept as ‘sex’.

I commit myself to stop any and all forms of sexual abuse through the media and the acceptance of sexuality as it currently exists today.

I commit myself in stopping patterns of sexuality in which I exist that are not what is best for all.
